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Resident Evil 6 Jill not mentioned in RE 6.. your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Okay, after playing RE 6 I really wonder why Capcom doesn't let us know where Jill is and what she's been up to since RE 5?? I don't even mean her being playable in RE 6, I mean the fact that she isn't mentioned at any point of the game. After what she had been through in RE 5 you would at least expect her being mentioned by Chris or in the files..

Don't you think it's kind of strange that Piers was the one who went looking for Chris after he was missing for six months? Don't get me wrong, I really like Piers but he doesn't seem to be the right person to search for Chris if you ask me. He's one of Chris' men, his co-worker. Jill, on the other hand, is not only his co-worker, she and Chris are also very close friends. Maybe they're even more than friends, well we don't know for sure, but what we DO know for sure from RE 1, 5 and Revelations is that they mean very much to each other. You can clearly see that especially in RE 5. For Christ's sake, Jill sacrificed herself by throwing Wesker out of a window to save Chris's life! And he, in return, saved her some years later in Africa. They've known each other for at least 15 years (from RE 1 - RE 6).

And then Chris went missing for SIX months, traumatized, and Jill didn't seem to do anything about that? She should've been the one looking for him, rather than Piers..

Many people complain about Claire not being in RE 6. Well, unlike the other characters Claire is not an agent. The BSAA takes a part in RE 6. If you consider the storyline, Jill being in the game or being mentioned makes much more sense. She's not only a BSAA agent, she is one of the founding members, the Original Eleven.

So all in all its kind of ridiculous that Jill doesn't play a role neither in Edonia nor in China.. I'm hugely disappointed..what do you think?

Imagine the game with Chris paired with Jill and Leon with Claire.. that would've been awesome lol.


B.S.A.A. Agent
she will "probly" be in RE7 or in a cgi movie before the events of RE7 takes place.....other than this, time will tell :cool:


He's a mental giant, TECH N9NE!
She was in RE1, RE3, RE5, RE:R, she's had a fair share for now so i don't mind.

I know Leon was in RE2, RE4 and RE6, Chris was in RE1, RE:CV, RE5 and RE6 too, but she'll most likely be in RE7.


Well-Known Member
yup she was in all these games, but you don't get my point. I didn't talk about her showing up, just being mentioned. Not talking about her at all in the whole game just doesn't make sense regarding the plot. Chris is moping around the world, suffering, and you never hear of her name. Even Sheva is mentioned in Chris' files.


Goddess of the Dead
While I don't mind her absence in the game, it is indeed strange.
The first thought that occurred to me when I first thought about this was that she's not a field operative anymore. She might have assumed an administrative position after what happened to her in Africa. That would explain her absence during the missions in Edonia and China, but not the fact that it isn't mentioned anywhere in the files.
Then I figured she might have died at some point between the events of RE5 and 6. It would explain her absence altogether, but once again, this should have been mentioned in one of the files, considering that even Sheva, a rather unimportant character in comparison, is mentioned.
My third guess: She has retired completely, is no longer a member of the BSAA, which puts her in a situation similar to Claire's. Even if she somehow figures out that Chris has gone missing, she doesn't have any hints or the means to track him down. While this solution doesn't seem very likely to me, it would explain her absence in Chris's campaign and her absence at the bar where Piers finds him and her not being mentioned in any of the files.

But my real conclusion is that there's no logical explanation at all. I think the developers were just unsure about Jill's future, so they decided to keep her out of RE6 completely so they couldn't say anything about her that they might regret later.
As for Piers, I don't see a problem. He was the one who found Chris in the end, but that doesn't mean he was the only one to look for him. Maybe Jill was part of another team searching a different place. Or she was the one to organise the search, but did not physically take part in it... whatever.


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt that Jill died. If she did so, Capcom would more than ever mention her in the files/in the game. But the fact that Jill apparently was dead in RE 5 made massive waves among many RE-fans, many were shocked that Capcom seemed to kill off Jill as a main character in between games. Luckily, they didn't, that's what we know now. And this is exactly why Capcom wouldn't do something like that again, at least not to Jill.

But I think you may be right about your last part. Probably the developers don't know themselves what's going on with Jill after the events of RE 5. Still, going through all this trouble saving her and then leaving her completely out of RE 6 sucks.


Goddess of the Dead
No, I also don't think Jill died because first of all, bad weeds grow tall, and secondly, it would be awkward to kill off a major character off-screen, especially one that has just come back to life a game earlier. (Fans might wonder why she even survived RE5 then.) And seriously, this "running gag" about Chris constantly losing his men/women has to stop!


I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
Maybe she's in the upcoming Final Hope DLC where she went looking for Claire in order to find more info on Chris's disappearance before Piers found him, don't know.

But I really didn't care that Jill didn't show up and I don't want her to show up ever again unless they change her god awful Lara Croft like face back to the beautiful Julia Voth face.
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I also took great notice of the fact that Jill was completely absent from RE6. I thought this was rather strange, considering how big of a role she had in RE5/RER, but in the end, it didn't bother me too much. Like Hel said, at this point Capcom is probably uncertain of what future they want for Jill, and so they just won't mention her until they have any good ideas.

As for the story, I was completely fine with Piers taking the place of Chris' partner. He ended up being a great new character, and was very impactful in Chris' campaign. Besides, just because Piers found him first doesn't mean that Jill wasn't searching at all. Just as I'm certain Claire was searching during that time.

Anyway, my overall conclusion: Jill's absence doesn't hurt the game, but it is rather awkward that they managed to avoid any and all mention of such a major character.


Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
I sometimes wonder if they replaced Jill with Piers just so that they could kill off a character for Chris's reaction to it, so that we could see the emotion from him or whatever. Obviously they couldn't kill Jill after making her out to be dead in RE5 and finding her alive. To kill her again would seem a bit redundant. So I just wonder if Piers was there so that Capcom could create a more dramatic and impactive story.


Goddess of the Dead
This thought hurts, but it has crossed my mind too, also because there was no real reason to separate Jill from Chris apart from the wish to keep her alive. However, Capcom said in a developer interview that they had several possible outcomes for Chris's story in mind, some of them eventually leading to his own death. If that's true, Piers can't have been put in just to have Chris witness and go crazy about the death of another partner (which is completely unnecessary to begin with, considering how many people Chris has lost by now).


Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
Hmm, but you gotta wonder, cos they wouldn't outright say that they'd put a character in to kill them. :p


Well-Known Member
I sometimes wonder if they replaced Jill with Piers just so that they could kill off a character for Chris's reaction to it, so that we could see the emotion from him or whatever. Obviously they couldn't kill Jill after making her out to be dead in RE5 and finding her alive. To kill her again would seem a bit redundant. So I just wonder if Piers was there so that Capcom could create a more dramatic and impactive story.

Ah, that's an interesting thought. I didn't think that far but it could really be the reason.


Goddess of the Dead
But if that was the plan, it didn't really work out, did it? Some fans might call the ending sad or dramatic or whatever, but I guess most people just don't care about some dead one-off character. I do, but the short time we've known Piers was probably not enough for everyone to grow fond of him the way I have. If the developers had wanted a real impact, they should have either killed Jill, or reversed Chris's and Piers's roles in the end.

Sure, killing Jill again would have been lame because it already happened (kind of) in RE5, but on the other hand, it wouldn't be the only repetition of an element from the past. Compare the ending of Chris's scenario to the ending of RE5... Does anyone else see the striking similarities?

I'll stick with my earlier assumption. Jill doesn't appear and is never mentioned in RE6 because her creators don't know what to do with her yet.

Wake up Ne0

BSAA Mercenary
Maybe theyr saving her for a new story or set of events. I'd love to see her back at least for Mercenaries. I miss playing Chris with Jill in campaign. I liked Piers but not as much as Jill, and it seemed weird not having the male/female team as its quite unique and fun compared to other games its usually always a team of guys.


Goddess of the Dead
Well, if some fans' predictions are correct, you'll have to wait a while until you get that again. RE6 was all about the guys, so maybe RE7 will be all about the girls, with Jill and Claire teaming up or something. I don't mind, because we never had a female/female team yet (except for Claire and Sherry in RE2, but that was something else), and the old male/female pattern they use in pretty much every RE has actually been getting on my nerves lately, especially because it's unrealistic that so many (pretty) women work for soldier organisations. There's an alarming lack of hot guys in this series! (And once they have one, they kill him off, of course... :rolleyes: Great job, Capcom!)

Wake up Ne0

BSAA Mercenary
Well, if some fans' predictions are correct, you'll have to wait a while until you get that again. RE6 was all about the guys, so maybe RE7 will be all about the girls, with Jill and Claire teaming up or something. I don't mind, because we never had a female/female team yet (except for Claire and Sherry in RE2, but that was something else), and the old male/female pattern they use in pretty much every RE has actually been getting on my nerves lately, especially because it's unrealistic that so many (pretty) women work for soldier organisations. There's an alarming lack of hot guys in this series! (And once they have one, they kill him off, of course... :rolleyes: Great job, Capcom!)
lol yeah i can relate to some of what you say im not complaining about the sexy ladies *Ada in leather!* but i feel a bit like games always have a really slim woman and stereotype even though shes somehow holding a massive gun steady and carrying lots of gear its unrealistic like u say


wordy agronaut
I thought it was kinda weird, being that Chris is like obsessed with Jill, but meh... Capcom does this kinda thing a lot. I figured they only mentioned Claire to link Sherry and Chris together and to possibly add Claire DLC down the road.


Goddess of the Dead
im not complaining about the sexy ladies *Ada in leather!* but i feel a bit like games always have a really slim woman and stereotype even though shes somehow holding a massive gun steady and carrying lots of gear its unrealistic like u say

Sure, I wouldn't mind Chris's ass in tight black leather pants either... :cool:
I think they've done a great job in RE1, though. The playable characters do not only look different, but also have different abilities and weaknesses. I like how you can kill Rebecca with two zombies bites while Chris survives a lot more, and that not everyone can play the piano as well as Jill. It's fitting.
Then look at RE5 where Chris looks like a bear next to tiny Sheva, you would expect him to be at an advantage when it comes to fighting off enemies that grab him, handling the recoil of heavy weapons, pushing objects or other actions that involve physical strength, while Sheva might be better at other things... but no. They're exactly the same.

I thought it was kinda weird, being that Chris is like obsessed with Jill, but meh...

It would be great (although I doubt that Capcom would think about something as complex) if that was a little hint at some kind of character development. Jill certainly isn't the same person anymore since what Wesker did to her (no one would be), and Chris has changed too. Maybe they just don't get along anymore, and some future game will be about them trying to re-establish their friendship while fighting zombies.

But then again, in RE6's story there's no time for Chris to be obsessed with Jill. Edonia is a mission she's not part of, so why should he think too much about her? China beings with him not remembering his former life, so he wouldn't remember Jill either. When he does remember, he becomes obsessed with Carla, and then he wouldn't say to Piers: "Okay Pebble, we have to look for Carla, but you know, Jill is great."
Jill just doesn't have a place in this story as it is, and Chris has proven that he can live without her for a while, see Code Veronica.

Wake up Ne0

BSAA Mercenary
Then look at RE5 where Chris looks like a bear next to tiny Sheva, you would expect him to be at an advantage when it comes to fighting off enemies that grab him, handling the recoil of heavy weapons, pushing objects or other actions that involve physical strength, while Sheva might be better at other things... but no. They're exactly the same.


Well actually Sheva takes the most damage out of every character, while chris takes standard. other characters take less. If you look up Mercs characters for 5 u will see Sheva is the weakest
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