My god. Tommy Lee Jones, Matt, Joan Allen...
Can't wait. The Bourne series is just awesome. Any other fan of the series here?
Can't wait. The Bourne series is just awesome. Any other fan of the series here?
I can't wait! It looks really good. I really hope it gets a proper title and I'm curious as to where it takes place in the time line. HOLY **** Tommy Lee Jones at 0:13 :O
Damn. Matt Damon is awesome!
but Affleck was the bomb in phantoms
I hope someone gets that joke^
Actually, I didnt XD. Can you clarify? hah
These old actors are badass as hell. TLJ will be awesome to see in a Bourne movie. I'm just so excited for this, I need to rewatch my Bourne collection.
Its too bad Aaron Cross was not there. They would make a great pair in a movie.