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Unfortunately Capcom hates Code Veronica and doesn't care about it and seems to only have a small hardcore fanbase in Western countries. I could be wrong, but I don't believe that particular title was well received in Asia due to its in-game locations, which they perceived as being "irrational" (there could be some translation issues here but that's what I was able to translate reading about it on Japanese and Chinese gaming sites).

Either way, I am fairly excited for RE4 Remake, as I stated in another thread, I would probably love it if they fixed the "campy" presentation of the story, updated the gameplay to RE2R and RE3R standards and absolutely NOT rush it out the door. I think we'll be reasonably happy as long as expectations are realistic.
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As great as the original was, it’s time to put it to bed. There are a lot of later sections in the game that can be cut out and it would only serve to benefit the game. The filler sections with enemies can be reimagined and be more creative. I always felt the village section was too short compared to the rest of the game and it should be expanded on significantly.

I am sure they will cut out a little too much but that’s to be expected with how the recent reimaginings have turned out. Except for RE4, I want it changed even more than what they did to RE3. RE3 deserved more time in the oven and I hope this isn’t the case for this, despite RE4 being in development since 2018 supposedly.
The lenght of the game is an interesting issue to ponder. RE4 has one of the longest single player campaign of the main games (technically, RE6 has the biggest campaign, but divided on 4), since a normal (no speedrun or rushing on things) playthough takes 10-12 hours (RE5 comes close to it too). I wonder if they'll keep this lenght of if they'll make it shorter.

RE2 and RE2R both have more or less the same lenght in the scenarios, I think. RE3R is a little shorter than the original (I'm talking time, not cut content or whatnot), RE7 is also a fairly short title. Village I honestly don't remember, it's been a few months since I last played...5-7 hours maybe? All of them falls in line with the average time of most titles of the series, so I suppose RE4 and 5 being the longest is more of a particularity.

I don't mind the original lenght of RE4, but I don't think it would be a bad thing to trim the game a bit (To be honest, I think the game loses a bit of its focus in certain parts of the Military Island, which is my least favorite setpiece on RE4)
I don't mind the original lenght of RE4, but I don't think it would be a bad thing to trim the game a bit (To be honest, I think the game loses a bit of its focus in certain parts of the Military Island, which is my least favorite setpiece on RE4)

TBH RE4 og plays like a Blitzkrieg maneuver (Fight. Camp. Fight. Camp. Start. Stop. Start. Stop.). I do think scaling it back so everything is a bit more interconnected and less linear would be a pretty decent design decision. :)
I'm not surprised to see this at all given the huge build up of speculation about it that's been lingering for so long. While I'm glad it's finally confirmed, I hope Code Veronica gets a PC worthy remake as well, so I can once and for all see what all the fuss is about.
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From a PlayStation blog post by Capcom:

"This is being done by reimagining the storyline of the game while keeping the essence of its direction, modernising the graphics and updating the controls to a modern standard," Capcom continued.

Since RE4 is such a beloved and popular entry in the series I thought they would make sure to keep as much from the original as possible in the remake compared to RE3R, but now I'm not so sure. Personally I don't really care since RE4 is far from my favorite, but I'd still feel bad for all the RE4 fans out there if they change too much.
From a PlayStation blog post by Capcom:

"This is being done by reimagining the storyline of the game while keeping the essence of its direction, modernising the graphics and updating the controls to a modern standard," Capcom continued.

Since RE4 is such a beloved and popular entry in the series I thought they would make sure to keep as much from the original as possible in the remake compared to RE3R, but now I'm not so sure. Personally I don't really care since RE4 is far from my favorite, but I'd still feel bad for all the RE4 fans out there if they change too much.
Why do you not like RE4? It's too sexy to dislike.
I don’t dislike RE4 and I don’t think it’s a bad game at all, I just consider it to be less of a Resident Evil game than it’s predecessors. It definitely jumped the shark in many ways, while at the same time changing gaming forever. It’s a mixed bag for me but I would never say I dislike it.
That’s surprising to hear they're referring to it as a reimagining. Now I'm even more curious to see this remake play out.

I never disliked RE4- in fact I'd say it reignited my interest for the series when it first came out as the gameplay felt more modernized compared to the previous installments and was fun. Over time though, I see the flaws with certain decisions they made.

As much as I love Code Veronica, I even feel like that game's story needs some drastic changes and reimagining if they do decide to take on that remake.
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I don’t dislike RE4 and I don’t think it’s a bad game at all, I just consider it to be less of a Resident Evil game than it’s predecessors. It definitely jumped the shark in many ways, while at the same time changing gaming forever. It’s a mixed bag for me but I would never say I dislike it.
That's okay it's forgiveable(y)
Considering I played it constantly when it was released on Gamecube way back when and became an absolute monster on Mercenaries (Oh to be 18-19 again with lightening quick reflexes!), it would be dishonest for me to say that I disliked it, to say the least. Hindsight, however demonstrates its shortcomings and the long term consequences of what it did to the series. Looking backwards I now long for the pre-RE4 days of better puzzles, atmosphere, better stories, and more pragmatic gameplay.

The good news here is that all these Remakes Capcom is churning out seem to be a good synthesis of Old Skool pacing and modern gameplay, which I think works very well and if they applied this to RE4 with their "reimagining" there would be literally very little to complain about.

So far sounding good, based on prior Remakes and what Capcom is now saying.
Ugh, dear God, exactly what we don’t need.

Capcom, the don’ts:

Don’t overwrite the original version’s canonicity. These remakes are an alternate timeline what-if and should not impact the established lore, nor should future games reference their events.

Don’t use this remake to forge a connection between RE4 and Village. It’s bad enough you made Las Plagas the reason for Nemesis’s existence in the 3make, don’t do it again.

Don’t make Ashley suddenly a combat-ready survivor-type. That would negate the entire reason for the RE4 story’s existence. Every female character doesn’t need to be made into a badass, just like every male isn’t. You want to make her voice less piercing, make her scream less, that’s fine, but keep it there.

Better yet, you could avoid all of these by just cancelling the project altogether and announcing that you’d made a mistake, and were now diverting all your Resident Evil resources to future mainline games that continue the story. Sadly, it seems you no longer have time for rational solutions.
I think it's important to highlight that they're still referring to the game as a remake and from what we've seen in the trailer, it looks extremely faithful. The reimagining line seems to be in direct reference to the story itself, which if we're being honest, was bare bones in the original. Here, we're actually seeing Leon interacting with the president and carrying some trauma from RE2. We even see more of Ashley which could indicate that she'll feel more like a character and less of a macguffin. It seems to be the same basic storyline, but presented in a modern way and with added depth.

Part of me does fear that the game will be a 1 to 1 remake though just so they don't p*ss off the rabid RE4 fanboys. But they did explicitly say they're trying to make the game feel like a modern survival horror experience, which is exactly what I want, but it's hard to tell whether or not Capcom even considers the original a survival horror game, so that might not even mean much in terms of how they're approaching the game. There were even rumors or reports a while ago saying that the game was delayed due to the backlash of the liberties they took with RE3 which made them change direction with RE4 and stay more faithful to the original, which it looks like we're seeing.

But then there was also more recent leaks that said the game would be revealed soon and that it would take place at night more, which were both true, but that it also has a lot of cut content and would also bring back elements from the 3.5 build which I swear I hope is true but also clashes with the previous rumor. His jacket definitely looks a lot closer to the hookman build, so to what capacity they could be pulling from the old betas remains to be seen. I think the most they did with RE2 was just the gas station bit that had Leon in different clothes... Honestly, I would love if they just completely reimagined the entire castle to be closer to what the experience was like in the 3.5 betas since it was the original setting of the game before the village became such a huge part of its identity.

Like many people here have said, I loved RE4 when it released, and I still enjoy playing it today. But time has soured my perspective on the game, especially as someone who remembers being excited about the game during the hookman days. Love or hate the game, fans were robbed with RE4 and I just want to see this game deliver what it failed to in 2005. Keep the iconic elements, keep the general atmosphere, and keep the general story, but in a way that feels like a true sequel and survival horror experience and not a linear shooting gallery with ridiculous set pieces and a story that wants to distance itself from the past.

I honestly wouldn't even mind if they took a Village-esque approach to it, which despite how I feel about the game, had a nice blend of action and survival horror, from its combat encounters to the layout of the game with the village serving as a central hub to explore and backtrack through. I mean, even RE4 had its "4 lords" back then too. I just really don't want this to be the same game but with cut content and RE2 bells and whistles. That just doesn't feel worthwhile enough as someone who has played the game tons already. It'll still be an improvement over the original, but an opportunity like this doesn't come along very often that a vanilla remake just seems like such wasted potential.

I want RE4 but with survival horror running through its DNA, which means cutting things, reworking things, and completely rethinking certain aspects of the experience. It's gonna p*ss off a lot of fans, but I say screw them. As far as I'm concerned, they didn't even want this remake to exist anyway and already I've seen people b*tching that Leon has PTSD over Raccoon City. No matter what direction they take, they can't win with this remake. If they're so content with the original RE4, at least make this one for the fans they disappointed the last time. Resident Evil 2 reinvigorated the franchise for a lot of us despite being rather underwhelming as a remake because of what it achieved as a modern take on the classic formula and I definitely don't want them to just keep remaking these games and embracing all the missteps they took along the way. I want a consistent vision across these remakes and the more these games resemble RE2, the better.
All of the remakes have been arguably GOOD games, but there is no topping the original REmake. The way they took the original game and only added material and story to make the best version of the game was really something that clicked with me.

On the flip side, there are a lot of goofy segments from the original RE4 that could be cut or reimagined in better ways. I do not necessarily need a dragon lava room or a giant statue chasing me down a hall. If they give the game a faithful experience, but take out the incredulous parts, and add new layers of fear, that sounds like a great game.
In the latest developer video, they are clearly stating that this is a reimagining of RE4 and not a remake like they referred to RE2 and RE3 in the past. I find this to be quite interesting, not to mention hypocritical. What exactly do they mean by that? Are they going to change the story in so many ways that it's almost unrecognizable? Cut a lot of locations? Change certain characters' behaviors? Because in that case, the remake of RE3 should also be considered a reimagining in their eyes. Yeah, I'm still sore about RE3R and I will never forgive Capcom for that piece of trash.

I'm happy that the same face model and voice actor for Leon is back, it makes the continuity between these games feel more realistic. The same cannot be said for Ada Wong however, whom is keeping the same face model but getting a new voice actress. Let's wait and see if she sounds different or not.

Overall, I'm excited. I would never imagine myself saying that I'm excited for a RE4 remake, but here I am.
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I googled it said its release date is actually:

January 11, 2005

Regardless, I hope they take their sweet a$$ time with it.

I just hope they don't do what they did with RE3MAKE
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