Have you played Lost in Nightmares? I have recently, for the first time actually, and it proves that whether or not a game is (survival) horror does not depend on the characters you're controlling. Sure, I didn't pee my pants playing this little extra chapter of RE5, it even felt like a parody at first with how hard it tried to copy the original RE1, but that underground part where you face a seemingly invincible enemy without any guns, having to resort to traps because you can't defend yourself otherwise, is actually quite good - despite the player characters being Chris and Jill, the veterans of the RE series.
Another thing I like is how you can hear someone play the second movement of the Moonlight Sonata after you've played the first one to get the emblem, but when you return to the piano room, there is no one there, the music suddenly stops and is replaced by scary ambient sounds. Again, this little effect didn't cause me to tremble in fear, but nothing in the first few games ever did that to me either, this is as scary as it gets with RE, and it can be this way with any character.
Yes I have played Lost in Nightmares. Grats for playing it for the first time :3 I'm sure you found and read the Spencer files? I'm sure you already knew about them anyways xD
Yes, it does prove that, but it takes place before the whole "action hero" **** started in the canon. As soon as we got to the end with Wesker... well... action pacted, and it's awesome! I do admit that the gameplay was good, but it didn't feel survival horror to me either. Keep in mind that I don't get scared from movies and games so I always say "That's not scary, it's fake". That doesn't mean I don't love it. I love the story and the characters in Resident Evil, I ****ing love them. Silent Hills was intriguing, but I played an older one and was bored as hell because of this very reason.
Lost in Nightmare was really a flash back to RE1. Which was the point, and I loved it! Of course it was small in scale but that's a no brainer as to why. I wasn't a huge fan of the puzzle. A lot of the time the enemies would turn around and it was annoying to kite them :/ So it was a hit and miss for me. The piano room made me so excited! Such a great flashback.
You'll probably disagree with me (Even though a lot of people feel this way) I would argue that the Regenerators in the Game Cube version of RE4 are by far the creepiest things in the game. It was the only part of the series that I felt even slightly creeped out, asides from the humanoid leeches in RE0 that require a cocktail to kill. Damn I totally knew what the Regenerator was going to do when it was on the table. The first time you encounter it. Bastard just sat there and wouldn't get up. I was waiting for him and readied myself at the door once the sound changed and I heard him get up. Shot gun pointed at the door. I went to kick it and he kicked it down on me. Yeah, he killed me. Those bastards are so much easier in the HD version xD
When it comes to Metroid other M this guy sums up pretty well about whats wrong with the game especially coming from the prime series...
Ugh I still haven't reformatted so I can't see linked youtube videos. If you post the link then I can watch it on the site. Who is it that says it? I know there's a few people that try to sum up what's wrong with a movie or game and they often miss the whole point of the source material to the point they sound pretty illiterate. Especially when I say "Did we play the same game/watch the same movie. Cuz that **** never happened in the "version" I saw/played" I can't even begin to talk about this because it actually ****es me off. Now if they produce a substantial argument, which many do, then I'm interested