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Is RE fanbase divided into groups and are there fans who don't even care about the game itself ?

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Keyser Söze
Hi there this is my first thread so take this as my second introduction i'm from DMC forums.

I just got into a discussion with this RE:fanatic on discuss and how i'm a "Stupid whining fanboy for asking gamepaly changes" all that mattered to him was the story and his beloved characters.. he doesn't care about the game or which direction franchise takes he only cares about the story ONLY the story... -_- wow really ? resident evil was always about the great story wasn't it ? seriously makes me wonder what motivated him to play survival horror games in the first place.

I thought RE:fanbase was divided into 2 groups one which was just a bunch of COD kids asking for action and the older ones which expects something like The Evil Within and where did these delusional bots exactly sprout from ?


I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
It's not just the RE fanbase, most gamers today are like that. Story hounds, they're everywhere and they suck.
They are the worst thing to happen to gaming since graphics hounds and they are the reason why gaming is suffering right now.

Paying $60-$100 for a dumbed down game just so they can get something they can get for free on a Youtube video or for a $5 overnight rental.


Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
I think both are equally as important. Gameplay gives the game the feel, and a storyline is what makes the game unique. A good story can hook you, sure, but gaming to me is also about the level of interactivity - I want to be mentally engaged in playing, instead of constantly running and gunning. As you've said, Resident Evil storylines are usually great. But a game should be about more than the storyline, it should be about the experience of playing too. That's my opinion, anyway.


Goddess of the Dead
To me, the story and the characters are not the most important things, but in the end they are what makes RE RE. There are hundreds of games with zombies and survival horror, but there's only one game franchise that has Chris and Claire and Ada, Umbrella, first aid sprays etc, so as long as the developers keep that intact, I call it RE. And to be honest, just like your "friend", I don't really care if they take the action or survival horror approach for future games, because I like both. What I don't like is Capcom promising stuff and not keeping it (like Leon's campaign in RE6, which was supposed to go back to the roots, but ended up being shooter just like the others).
But of course, what makes RE memorable (to me, at least) is not enough to make a good game. I don't understand people who like or dislike a game simply because of the story, when it's actually just a nice accessory. Think about it, what would you rather play: a fun game with a bad/non-existent story, or a game with the greatest story, but nothing else to keep you interested? This was the case for me with Code Veronica: I love the Redfields, the Ashfords and the story of that game, but the game itself is no fun to me, which is why I haven't touched it since the first time I played through it. RE6, on the other hand, has a rather silly story, but is fun to play, so I still play it.

I think there are several problem children within the RE fanbase:
* People who claim to know what RE is all about, and call others stupid for not agreeing. This is especially annoying coming from fans who started with RE4 or later because they never played the originals and don't really have a basis for their arguments since they can't compare.
* People who keep whining about how "bad" the new games are while they could also just not play them instead of continuously annoying everyone else with their pointless hatred.
* Fans of only the old or only the new games in general if they don't accept the other side's views and tastes. There's an old saying, "Live and let live". When it comes to games, I like to say "Play and let play", even if you don't agree with what the others like or dislike.
* The countless Chris vs Leon wars, and to a lesser extent, Jill vs Ada. (You might argue that this is rich coming from me because I'm also a fan of Chris and Ada while I don't like Leon and Jill, but I have reasons for it that go beyond the "unspoken rule" that you have to love one and hate the other to be "a true RE fan".)

But it will never stop. As long as there's RE, people will argue about it, just like they argue about Silent Hill, Tomb Raider, Harry Potter, Twilight and everything else that has ever had sequels. Oh well...

As you've said, Resident Evil storylines are usually great.

I think he meant that in an ironic way. ;)


Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
To me, the story and the characters are not the most important things, but in the end they are what makes RE RE. There are hundreds of games with zombies and survival horror, but there's only one game franchise that has Chris and Claire and Ada, Umbrella, first aid sprays etc, so as long as the developers keep that intact, I call it RE. And to be honest, just like your "friend", I don't really care if they take the action or survival horror approach for future games, because I like both. What I don't like is Capcom promising stuff and not keeping it (like Leon's campaign in RE6, which was supposed to go back to the roots, but ended up being shooter just like the others).
But of course, what makes RE memorable (to me, at least) is not enough to make a good game. I don't understand people who like or dislike a game simply because of the story, when it's actually just a nice accessory. Think about it, what would you rather play: a fun game with a bad/non-existent story, or a game with the greatest story, but nothing else to keep you interested? This was the case for me with Code Veronica: I love the Redfields, the Ashfords and the story of that game, but the game itself is no fun to me, which is why I haven't touched it since the first time I played through it. RE6, on the other hand, has a rather silly story, but is fun to play, so I still play it.

I think there are several problem children within the RE fanbase:
* People who claim to know what RE is all about, and call others stupid for not agreeing. This is especially annoying coming from fans who started with RE4 or later because they never played the originals and don't really have a basis for their arguments since they can't compare.
* People who keep whining about how "bad" the new games are while they could also just not play them instead of continuously annoying everyone else with their pointless hatred.
* Fans of only the old or only the new games in general if they don't accept the other side's views and tastes. There's an old saying, "Live and let live". When it comes to games, I like to say "Play and let play", even if you don't agree with what the others like or dislike.
* The countless Chris vs Leon wars, and to a lesser extent, Jill vs Ada. (You might argue that this is rich coming from me because I'm also a fan of Chris and Ada while I don't like Leon and Jill, but I have reasons for it that go beyond the "unspoken rule" that you have to love one and hate the other to be "a true RE fan".)

But it will never stop. As long as there's RE, people will argue about it, just like they argue about Silent Hill, Tomb Raider, Harry Potter, Twilight and everything else that has ever had sequels. Oh well...

I think he meant that in an ironic way. ;)

Haha, my bad :p I had been awake only five minutes at that point :p
I agree with everything you put there. It seems that you can never please everyone, and RE is no exception to this.


Keyser Söze
but in the end they are what makes RE RE.
For me what makes RE is being creepy and a genuinely a unique game unlike any other game in the market you actually feel weak,vulnerable and stranded.

TBH RE never had a great story and it was never the focus anyway the focus was on the tension and the mystery of everything.... i find RE:3.5 way more interesting because it is more mysterious and it actually has leon vulnerable&weak unlike in RE4 where he's just defining the cliche of "Knight in the shining armor" and story just got utterly stupid the more action oriented it got.

I didn't even realize how stupid and deus-ex machina RE5's story was until i read the wikia's because i couldn't understand it in the cutscenes.... supposedly everything is related to those flowers in africa that's the biggest asspull i've seen since Metal gear solid2.
but there's only one game franchise that has Chris and Claire and Ada, Umbrella, first aid sprays etc, so as long as the developers keep that intact
That's stupid its like saying if you strip everything from a computer and fill it with canides and you'd still call it a fully functional computer whereas in reality it is just a case of computer filled with candy.
I don't really care if they take the action or survival horror approach for future games
You can't have both.... and there are plenty of action games to choose from and only few horror titles,you can't have an action/horror game at the same time... you pick one and stick with it.. they stuck with action.
what would you rather play: a fun game with a bad/non-existent story, or a game with the greatest story, but nothing else to keep you interested?
We're way different.. i obsess over games and gameplay itself rather than the story&characters which is just interchangeable&insignificant in the grand scope of the game.
* People who keep whining about how "bad" the new games are while they could also just not play them instead of continuously annoying everyone else with their pointless hatred.
lol that guy said the same thing... but we just aren't happy sure RE4 was braindead fun but that was about it.. there was no real feeling of tension and awesomeness you got from getting a horizontal headshots.
* The countless Chris vs Leon wars, and to a lesser extent, Jill vs Ada. (You might argue that this is rich coming from me because
It doesn't have anything to do with the actual game so i don't care
I agree with everything you put there. It seems that you can never please everyone, and RE is no exception to this.
Exactly why do they need to please everyone ? WHY ? Dark souls is still for hardcore gamers it doesn't have streamlined/easy levels for casual players or drastic focus on story or the narrative.

They don't need to "Please everyone" i'd say screw anyone who doesn't like your old games stick to being a creepy challenging puzzle game like all the older games.

I kinda find it ironic that they found RE3.5 to be much focused on "Paranormal" stuff and now in 2012 we have this >


Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
I didn't say that they had to. I was just stating a fact that they never would. People have different requirements and different opinions on games. If I don't like a game, I simply stop playing it and move onto something that is more to my taste. I was very disappointed with RE6, so I just didn't play it anymore once I had finished it. However, I respect the opinion of people that did actually enjoy it, as each person has their own preferences.

Anyway, Capcom has said that the RE series is going to return it's survival horror roots. I'm not sure how much store you can put in that, but personally I would love it, even though I still enjoy the other RE games. It shows that they're listening to the feedback and how the core fan base want it to return to its roots. Which is what you want, isn't it? Wait and see if RE7 is to your liking.


Goddess of the Dead
For me what makes RE is being creepy and a genuinely a unique game unlike any other game in the market you actually feel weak,vulnerable and stranded.

Um... unlike every other game in the market? Actually, there's plenty of other games that do a better job conveying that feeling of weakness and helplessness than the old REs, take Slenderman for example. I don't know about you, but I always had plenty of ammo and health items, except at the beginning of Chris's RE1 scenario, but he could take a lot more hits than Jill to make up for it. So while the classics might have been scarier than what we're getting today, I never felt really powerless while playing them.

That's stupid its like saying if you strip everything from a computer and fill it with canides and you'd still call it a fully functional computer whereas in reality it is just a case of computer filled with candy.

I didn't say the story and characters are everything the game has or should have, I just said it's what makes it memorable to me personally. Of course it would suck to only have that and no interesting gameplay whatsoever, but I also addressed that later in my post.

We're way different.. i obsess over games and gameplay itself rather than the story&characters which is just interchangeable&insignificant in the grand scope of the game.

Actually we're not that different. I think you just didn't read my post thoroughly. ;) I said I would like a game with little to no story if it's fun to play rather than one with a great story, but no fun. So while I apparently attach more value to the story and characters than you do, I still agree that gameplay is more important.

lol that guy said the same thing...

I won't try to judge the situation because I don't know what else he said, but he's right about that one at least. It's one thing to complain about school when you're younger, because you have to go there and can't do anything about it. But when it comes to games, no one forces you to play them. And that's why people who constantly lament over how much they suffer from the new direction the games have taken can only be trolls in my eyes. (Just to clarify, I'm not saying you are one of them. You're new here and I don't know you well enough to form such an opinion.)

It doesn't have anything to do with the actual game so i don't care

No, it doesn't, but it has something to do with the fanbase being divived, and that's what your first post was about.


Kahnum of Outworld
* People who keep whining about how "bad" the new games are while they could also just not play them instead of continuously annoying everyone else with their pointless hatred.
* Fans of only the old or only the new games in general if they don't accept the other side's views and tastes. There's an old saying, "Live and let live". When it comes to games, I like to say "Play and let play", even if you don't agree with what the others like or dislike.
The problem with "just not playing a game" is that that fan no longer has Resident Evil games. Sure the old games are fun but fans of the older direction would still love to play new games from their franchise, which they can't do by your demand if Capcom keeps taking said franchise in a different direction.

The "play and let play" philosophy is nice and all but it really only hits home with different franchises, not vastly different games of the same franchise because people are still going to want the games to stay true to the franchise not depart from it. There's a reason why the franchise is split in two between survival horror/puzzle oriented players and shooter players and forsaking the survival horror players, who just so happen to be the reason for the games initial success, isn't the right way to go about things. You want to make shooter Resident Evil games? Fine. Go and make another Gun Survivor spin-off series but don't ruin the main timeline with shooters.


Goddess of the Dead
I understand that, I have experienced the same thing with another game series I once was a fan of, but what can you do about it? I think the behaviour of those disappointed old fans is unfair towards the remaining ones who still want to enjoy the game. Again, I'm not talking about anyone in particular in this (relatively civilised) community, but I had to put up with a large bunch of butthurt Tomb Raider fans on another forum where they were shooting their mouths off about how much the new games sucked before they were even out, claiming they would never spend money on them, but ended up buying and playing them anyway just so they could pick up and on all the little things they didn't like. Being a cheesy person who just wants peace and harmony, I eventually left said forum... which shouldn't happen, because I regard game forums as places where fans of the same thing can exchange their views on it without fighting... even when they don't agree on everything.


Keyser Söze
People Anyway, Capcom has said that the RE series is going to return it's survival horror roots.
Wait.. wait wasn't that what they said about RE5 ? and RE6 and RE:revelations ? i'm having a deja vu here.
Um... unlike every other game in the market?
EVERY OTHER GAME ? you do know that survival horror is niche market and not many games can do that right ?

Actually, there's plenty of other games that do a better job conveying that feeling of weakness and helplessness than the old REs, take Slenderman for example.
I don't consider something like a cheap crap like slenderman a game.

oh BTW slenderman isn't survival horror because i'm not a 12 yr old kid who hasn't played real survival horror games and i'd really like to get that list of "Plenty of other survival horror games"

Because all i know is Slient hill,Haunting ground,Clock Tower 3 and Dead Space 1 and yeah that's all the games i can actually pass as a "Survival horror" game indie games are not of that caliber.
I don't know about you, but I always had plenty of ammo and health items, except at the beginning of Chris's RE1 scenario
And you haven't played the hard more ?? too bad usually actual gamers try out higher difficulties for more bonus content.

Well at least i did i still remember fighting nemesis in mercenaries and unlocking a Gatling gun.
So while the classics might have been scarier than what we're getting today, I never felt really powerless while playing them.
Really ? i mean i don't remember having the urge to load bullets in any zombie's face i just wanted to avoid as much as possible and it was impossible to play the game if you lost all your ammo. so again how do exactly feel empowered in that kind of situation is beyond me.
I said I would like a game with little to no story if it's fun to play rather than one with a great story, but no fun.
No it all seriously depends on what kind of game you're playing.. if i'm playing something like metal gear solid i'd expect a great story at the very least.. but when it comes to games like resident evil its all about the gameplay&atmosphere story is just supplementary and not the main concern at all.
But when it comes to games, no one forces you to play them.
Well then how come people never stop whining about story&character ?? whining is on one side and stating your concerns for a dying franchise is another.

I just don't like double standards here.. how come people can whine and moan about leon's cosmetic appearance or his pairing with some other stupid character but when people like me actually say "Man what happened to this game?" i'm labelled as a whiner ??


Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
Wait.. wait wasn't that what they said about RE5 ? and RE6 and RE:revelations ? i'm having a deja vu here.

And in the very next sentence, I said, 'I'm not sure how much store you can put in that'.


Pencil Artist
I think revelations was done pretty well.
Survival horror isn't dead, I've just outgrown it.
I love re games for the gameplay and story. Although some things have gotten repetitive and need to stop
Such as mentioning how raccoon city like it is every time there's a disaster, or umbrella returning or the same characters going nowhere.
Chris was a good character but I think he's got a bit worn out now. Same with Leon.
I think it's a good horror when they first were introduced because they were new and thrown right into the thick. Now Chris is a tank that goes into action every day and Leon is basically the same (especially if the films he were in are cannon to the "main story")

Also one thing I've always wondered
Are the main characters main characters because they're immune to the virus
Or are they main characters that happen to be immune to the virus' :p

I would like them to make a new story for re7 that doesn't revolve around a terrorist group bombing a city with a virus to rob a bank or whatever. But an accidental outbreak somewhere in which bad guys could take advantage, get rid of people controlling bows and make the infected a threat again. Make it so your main character isn't overpowered and can possibly get infected whilst playing.

I think the scariest things in the games are insta kill enemies.
If all enemies are a threat I would think that would make it a little more intense (probably not scary or horrifying but it's alot better than being able to punch a hunter to death)

Back to the main OP point. A game can be fun, but a good story to match it makes it perfect.
I like watching cutscenes but its a bit annoying when they take up more time that you could be playing. Also I like to watch cutscenes, not have to quickly press a button when trying to watch what's happening (gtfo cutscene QTEs)


Keyser Söze
And in the very next sentence.
Well you did say "Wait&see" How much patient can we be about it when they blatantly lie ?
Back to the main OP point. A game can be fun, but a good story to match it makes it perfect
Again it depends of the type of game you're playing.... in many games story doesn't really matter and RE is one of those games.
Also one thing I've always wondered
Are the main characters main characters because they're immune to the virus
Or are they main characters that happen to be immune to the virus' :p
Yeah it really shows how good the story of RE is.


Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
Well you did say "Wait&see" How much patient can we be about it when they blatantly lie ?

Well what else can you do? The fans complain, which they're perfectly within their right to do, and then Capcom say they'll change it. The fact is, we don't yet know whether or not they're lying or telling the truth, because RE7 isn't out yet. You just have to wait and see what they bring out. That or boycott RE all together.

I think we're just gonna have to accept that we have differing opinions.


Keyser Söze
Well what else can you do?
For starters we can stop pondering about the story&characters and make it crystal clear to capcom that we don't want another generic 3rd person shooter but instead a solid atmospheric game with perfect balance.

RE7 isn't even confirmed btw


Pencil Artist
For starters we can stop pondering about the story&characters and make it crystal clear to capcom that we don't want another generic 3rd person shooter but instead a solid atmospheric game with perfect balance.

RE7 isn't even confirmed btw
It's not confirmed officially but mentioned that they are doing it nonetheless
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Goddess of the Dead
And you haven't played the hard more ?? too bad usually actual gamers try out higher difficulties for more bonus content.

Ah, and there we have it: "Actual gamers". So I wouldn't be an "actual gamer" (or a "real RE fan", which would be the next step) if I hadn't played the Hard Modes (which I have by the way, but I still didn't find any of them except RE2's especially challenging if you don't mind)?

I just don't like double standards here.. how come people can whine and moan about leon's cosmetic appearance or his pairing with some other stupid character but when people like me actually say "Man what happened to this game?" i'm labelled as a whiner ??

I explicitly stated (twice) that I'm not referring to you as a whiner, neither did anyone else here, but apparently you don't read, you just randomly pick a half sentence out of other people's posts and start arguing with them, which is also noticeable in your reply to Jenevieva's post. Sorry, I tried to take this seriously, but... oh well. Forget it.


Keyser Söze
Ah, and there we have it: "Actual gamers". So I wouldn't be an "actual gamer" (or a "real RE fan", which would be the next step)
look who's just randomly picking a half sentence out of someone's posts and start arguing with them.....yeah.:cool: and i seriously don't know what to make of this quote :-

"and that's why people who constantly lament over how much they suffer from the new direction the games have taken can only be trolls in my eyes"
if I hadn't played the Hard Modes (which I have by the way, but I still didn't find any of them except RE2's especially challenging if you don't mind)?
Sorry but you just came off as boastful person... in hard mode there is no abundance of ammo or health items whatsoever(At least for me because i'm not such an expert gamer like you)
I explicitly stated (twice) that I'm not referring to you as a whiner
And i never said you did actually.
you just randomly pick a half sentence out of other people's posts and start arguing with them
your assumptions are rather implausible.


Well-Known Member
* People who keep whining about how "bad" the new games are while they could also just not play them instead of continuously annoying everyone else with their pointless hatred.

A person can't really criticize a game without even playing it right?

Because all i know is Slient hill,Haunting ground,Clock Tower 3 and Dead Space 1 and yeah that's all the games i can actually pass as a "Survival horror" game indie games are not of that caliber.

Even though it's indie, please try Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Oh, and try Condemned as well.
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