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Uncategorised I need help with a Resident Evil project


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone!

I'm new to this forum, I came here because I need your help and some people recommended me this forum.

I'm doing a project involving translation of Resident Evil 1 (both original, remake and the DS version) and I need some very specific things I haven't been able to find so far, so I hope you would be able to help.

First, is there any place where I could gate the whole script of the game? I mean, not just the videos, but all the phrases that appear as subtitles during the game as well. I've got the games, but sadly they're in Spanish and it's driving me crazy to look for specific sentences in the game plays from Youtube.

If that's not the case (I suppose it's not easy to find something like that) could you help me with some specific sentences?

- What's the phrase that appears (in both Remake & DS) when a key is no longer useful and you don't need to keep it any longer?

- There's this door you can't open when you go up the stairs and into the right (inside the Mansion) because the doorknob is missing/ broken. What's the specific phrase in both Remake & DS?

- And finally, what's the specific phrase when you find a hidden button in an object? Is it "there's a switch below.... will you push it?" for both DS & Remake?

I know this questions could be veeery hard to answer but if you're playing the game at the moment (or have a very good memory) this would totally save the increasing headache I have and would also mean I don't need to continue watching game play after game play in youtube just to find out that, in the precise moment, the player decided not to leave the sentence finish on screen.

thank you guys, and again, don't worry if you can't help me.



Through that door, is a seperate reality.
Unfortunately, I don't know any of this for RE1 because I haven't played too much of that. However, If you play your Spanish version, and write down the phrase in Spanish, you can put that in to "Google Translate" And that should re-word it for you.
Hope this helps.

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
****, I finished playing Remake about a week ago. I can't remember the exact words. Perhaps some youtube videos should help.


Well-Known Member
- What's the phrase that appears (in both Remake & DS) when a key is no longer useful and you don't need to keep it any longer?

- And finally, what's the specific phrase when you find a hidden button in an object? Is it "there's a switch below.... will you push it?" for both DS & Remake?

I believe it is "This key is useless now. Discard?" followed by the choice of a "Yes or No"

And about the switch, you are correct, that is the sentence.

Sorry but I can't help you with the broken doorknob part \:


Master of unlocking...
In Remake when a key is no longer useful, this message comes up:

"There's no further use for this key.

Followed by a choice of Yes or No.

As for the doorknob, I can't remember the exact message you get. It's something like "The doorknob is broken. You can't pass."
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