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Resident Evil 6 Heres somrthing fun, just like highs chool all over agin....sigh, lets do resident evil supererlati


Well-Known Member
make a highs chool superlative for each resident evil character that you find fitting for their personality! also add yours from high school if you got awarded one! I was class clown. :p

1 Class clown
2 athlete
3 most likely to succeed
4 nicest eyes: male & female
5 nicest smile: Male & female
6 most hugable
8 cutest couple
10 best friends: male & female
11 class rebel
and add more if you have any...I'm curious who you will put :)


Super Saiyan Member
1. Class clown- Carlos Oliviera
2. Athlete- Chris Redfield
3. Most likely to succeed- Jill Valentine
4. Nicest eyes- Steve and Rebecca
5. Nicest smile- Leon and Rebecca
6. Most hugable- Rebecca
7. Bully- Wesker
8. Cutest couple- Rebecca and Billy
9. Best Friends- Jill and Chris
10. Class Rebel- Leon Kennedy


Well-Known Member
Class clown- Luis Sera
Athlete- Chris Redfield
most likely to succeed- Sherry Berkin
Nicest eyes- steve and claire
nicest smile- Leon and sheva
Most huggable- Barry lol (sandwich)
Cutest couple- Sherry and Jake
bully- Wesker...duh
rebel- Ada Wong :cool:
Best friends- Jill and chris , runner Billy and Rebecca


Well-Known Member
nicest eyes:

nicest smile:

most hugable:

Poor zombies.

I'll have to think about the rest.


Goddess of the Dead
Funny thread! Reminds me of an idea I once had; to make a little YouTube series about a classroom full of RE characters.
Let's see who is who...

~ Students ~
Class clown: Barry (sees an equation on the board and asks: "What IS this??")
Athlete: Pfff... almost everyone
Most likely to succeed: Jill (despite my aversion, she is one of RE's most competent characters)
Nicest eyes: Sherry
Nicest smile: Claire (although no RE character really smiles much)
Most huggable: Steve (because he cries a lot)
Bully (teacher): Wesker (ensuring ... complete ... scholastic ... saturation!)
Cutest couple: Jake & Sherry (along with Billy & Rebecca, Jill & Carlos, Chris & Piers, Leon & Ada, ... who said there's no romance in RE?)
Best friends: Chris & Jill
Chief editor of the student newspaper: Willow
Class rebel: Chris (obviously, he has a problem with authorities)
Militant lesbian: Sheva
Everybody's gay best friend: Piers
Lady Gossip: Excella
Teacher's favourite: Carlos ("All the foxy teachers love my accent, its drives 'em crazy!")
Teacher's kid: Jake (because Wesker is a teacher, see below)
Mean to teachers: Tweed
Crush boy / girl: Dee-Ay / Alexia
The slut: Party-Girl
Fashion monster: Leon (especially with his hair and jackets)
Mysterious shemale: Alfred
Skips most classes: Ada (has more important stuff to take care of)
Always late: Barry ("Sorry, I had to return home because I forgot my sandwich!")
Always drunk: Joseph
Class scientist: Rebecca, Shona
Language expert: Sheva (learned English within a few months :confused: )

~ Teachers & Staff ~
Headmaster: Irons
Secretary: Helena
Medic: Harley
PE / Religion: Wesker ("I AM GOD!")
Maths / Literature: Hunnigan
Informatics: Spectre
French: Lupo
Biology / German: Bertha
Physics: Beltway
Chemistry: Four-Eyes


Well-Known Member
haha very good Hell! that's the spirit, that's true what you put for athlete..it pretty much applies to everyone. And I can so see Carlos flirting with all the teachers, he seems like that guy :D


Well-Known Member
1. Class clown - Carlos Olivera

2. Athlete - Chris Redfield (steroids will do that to ya)

3. Most Likely to Succeed - Rebbecca Chambers (practically a dr. at the age of 18. She's got that title in the bag)

4. Nicest eyes: male & female - Billy Cohen, Jill Valentine

5. Nicest smile: Male & female - Richard Aiken, Claire Redfield

6. Most hugable - Barry Burton

7. Bully - Wesker

8. Cutest couple - Jill & Chris

10. Best friends: male & female - Leon & Claire

11. Class rebel - Ada
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