I've been a RE fan for very many years now. The RE games I have are: RE0, REmake (my favourite), RE Deadly Silence, RE2, RE Outbreak File 1 & 2 (captures the horror the best, imo), RE Code Veronica X, RE4, RE5. I've spent quite a while collecting them and being obsessed on and off over the years
However, this is my list of favourite games series in order: The Elder Scrolls, Silent Hill (yes, I love Silent Hill more than RE, its scarier, has been more reliable to it's beginnings and is just my type of horror game; I prefer the stories and monsters too), The Sims, Dragon Age, Resident Evil, and Civilization.
Wesker is my husband.
Any questions?
However, this is my list of favourite games series in order: The Elder Scrolls, Silent Hill (yes, I love Silent Hill more than RE, its scarier, has been more reliable to it's beginnings and is just my type of horror game; I prefer the stories and monsters too), The Sims, Dragon Age, Resident Evil, and Civilization.
Wesker is my husband.
Any questions?