Has RE ever helped you through a rough time?

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black 93

Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2013
This may seem like a weird question but i consider myself a superfan of RE. I care deeply about this franchise and il always support capcom what ever direction they take with it. Iv got multiple copies of games, i have collectors editions, i have action figures, iv spent 40 bucks each on some awesome models of RE6 chris and leon and revelations jill. And il continue to do it, il buy revelations 2 again on vita in a couple weeks, i just love it. The main reason for that is because a few years ago i got seriously depressed, i was having difficulty with my job, family and my then girlfriend. Was a really crappy time and one day i just decided to throw remake into the gamecube and zone out for a while. Now i dont know what it was, id played the game before but that paticular time just did something for me. I grew attached to the series all over again. Chris jill barry and wesker just became a part of my day. It sounds weird i know and i dont what it was but that particular game that particular time just snapped me out of it. And for that remake has remained my favourite ever since. Anyone else relate?
Well yes video games (including RE) in general have helped me many times pass through tough/sad times. Gaming really helps me chill.

Also if one of my fav youtube gamers started RE playthrough that would help me cheer up as well.
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I remember when I had to wait like 3 weeks to know if I would be admitted in the school of film. I was kind of sad and worried even frustrated....Was a lot of pressure. Then I took my old PS2 and started to play RE:CV and Silent Hill 2, by the time when I was admitted, I was played all the Resident Evil games...so they help a lot to control my anxiety.
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Well, I was very addicted to an online game called Guild Wars. I even skip school because of it and didn't care about anything else. Resident Evil and Silent Hill both got me away from this game. I realized that there are much cooler games out there where you can still save and "finish" the game. It was like a step backwards, you know from very addictive games to less addictive games (don't get me wrong I also spend hours playing Resident Evil and Silent Hill but it is still different from Guild Wars). I guess that is what I needed at that time. I'm still very interested in video games but I'm not at that point anymore where I play them 12 hours a day for an entire month(!) and I have time for other hobbies (e.g writing and acting.) Of course there was also some bullying, because I was "such a nerd" back then. Online games always have this nerdy reputation but once it got known that I start to play more survival horror games everything kinda changed (I don't really have an explanation for that. It was probably more the fact that I had a "real life" at that point but I still think the change of the genre plays a huge part in it) And I found some new friends who are also big survival horror fans.

So yeah, not only has RE helped me through a difficult time, it kinda "changed" me.
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Resident Evil has basically helped me through life. Whenever I need to get away from my life, which is often, I can just start playing and I'll forget about whatever is going on. It might be weird, but one of the reasons my dad and I get along so well is because we've always had RE to enjoy together. I have depression, anxiety, and OCD, and honestly it's really helped me. My life would be so different if not for RE. I've also met amazing people because of it, including you guys! :happy:
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I don't think I've ever really used anything to escape rough times. I play video games for enjoyment and anything I'm dealing with will always be dealt with whether I'm playing games or not. I'm a huge fan of Resident Evil but even Resident Evil can't take me away from reality.
No. But last year I learned, that I shouldn't play games when I'm going through a rough time. My husband and I had a serious marital crisis around the time RE4 HD was released on Steam. While he was visiting friends and family to talk and get some advice I sat at home and played RE 4 HD. Now every time I start the game, it reminds me of that time and it's frustrating, because 4 is actually my favorite RE title.
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Well lets see where to start. In college I had health issues and became depressed. So I dropped out temporally. I became even more depressed because I felt guilty for dropping out. However one day I started playing RE 1 for the game cube. It had been so long since I had played RE so everything was so fresh and inspiring to me. To me Resident evil was an escape from life and it has always intrigued me with the zombies, biological weapons, great characters, twisted, psychopathic depraved villains, and generally a great story. after I beat RE 1 for game cube I went on to the outbreak series then went on to RE 2, then RE 3, RE code veronica X, RE 4, RE Revelations( and I would have done Revelations 2 but it gad not come out yet) RE 5, then RE 6. All in all the RE series is always something that I can escape to. I will forever be a fan. The only thing that would break that would be if everyone get Albert Wesker power ups. But thankfully that will never happen...... Well I HOPE it never happens at least.
Resident Evil or any video games in general helped me out a lot for the past years.

I moved from the states to Argentina about four years ago and it's been rough so far. When I moved I had to leave my amazing group of friends and my girlfriend at the time. Ever since that transition , it's been difficult for me to make friends or even date a girl, so I usually stay at home and play games to exit reality and enjoy fantasy.

Even though I go to school and people talk to me, I still feel depressed and very lonely from time to time because I feel like a misfit. I listen to metal (I wear band shirts and a lot of black lol), I watch anime, I'm a bit timid, considered as a geek, my Spanish is sloppy, and that doesn't appeal to many people here. So games help me a lot to forget about my troubles.
I Always liked the series since i was about 10,but i only really starting playing when i moved to Germany.
I decided to play Resident Evil 2 from what i remembered when i used to watch my brother play and i´ve got to admit ,it kinda helped me going through stuff times (it still is!) in a foreign country.
After that i´d just buy every Resident Evil i could find. Even went through awkward situations when i was buying them:
"Excuse me miss,but are you 18? I need to see your ID"
I played Code Veronica a lot when my grandpa was sick in the hospital and passed away. My grandparents actually bought me that game for Christmas so it does hold a special place for me and makes it priceless (along with Silent Hill 3 which I played around the same time).

Actually I did play through Resident Evil 6 after my ex broke up with me. Kind of funny actually, I went right inside and turned my PS3 on to clear my mind from that jackass. He hated when I played video games so it was kind of like the roles were reversed sometimes.
Given my personal situation, video games have played a big part in keeping me sane. Resident Evil (and zombie games in general) always helps me relieve stress. I think it's the violence.:happy:
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