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Resident Evil 6 game spoiled


Well-Known Member
do you guys think all the videos that Capcom's revealing is spoiling the game? I cant help but watch them but I feel like I shouldn't because I want to have a better experience. The game does have four hours of cut scenes, so I guess there is still a lot we don't know. also what do you guys think about the story so far? :)


Well-Known Member
yeah true, I think it wont matter because it will be a long one but still, I feel like I know too much lol I know I dont have to watch the trailers lol


Well-Known Member
No because I rarely watch gameplay videos and demos before I buy the game


Well-Known Member
I've already seen 3 BossFights... and the game ain't even out yet..

They spoil too much of the game imo...

I'm going to try to stop watching Resi 6 vids..... but I highly doubt I'll be able to :D

I want to play this ****ing game...


I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
This is why I'm forcing myself to be ****ed at RE6, so its easy to not watch any videos, then I can be amazed at the main game :) You all should try it :)
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Well-Known Member
Yes! I do believe they are showing us way to much. It was the same for Resident Evil 5, once it came out and I started to play it, almost felts like I knew what was coming up during my first playthrough. I stopped watching videos and reading threads with spoilers in the subject(btw thanks to those who post 'spoiler' in the thread title, it's very much appreciated.) about 2 months ago for this game because I want to be shocked when I do enjoy the game the first time around and not know everything, or too much beforehand. I do know a little, watched a few videos (kinda kicking myself over that, wich I didn't watch'em.) but to tell you the truth, ever since I stopped watching and reading threads with possible spoilers the wait for October 2nd has been easier.

I'm really excited for this game, don't get me wrong. It's one of two games I picking up this fall and are intended to be my last two video games that I ever buy, for myself anyhow. By not watching every new gameplay video that comes out it makes the wait easier because I don't get to see all this cool stuff that's being shown and keeping wishing for October 2nd gets here already so I can play it myself, plus it'll be alot more enjoyable when I do play it for the first time and see and experience most of the environments, storyline, and boss battles for the first time and not watch those beforehand and already knowing what to expect already. It's not easy. I do watch to click the play button on alot of videos, but when you play it for the first time, sure even if you watch those gameplay spoilers it's still gonna kick ass but it'll be that much more better if you don't watch them and see most for the first time while your the one playing.


Well-Known Member
I kinda wish they didn't "reveal" the latest boss fight video. Everything else I really didn't mind seeing.
Strange because Revelations didn't give too much away before release, as far as I remember.


Well-Known Member
yeah, in res 5 they killed it for me...I didn't want to find out who the bird person was but I read a spoiler saying it was Jill....uggh! :mad:


Super Saiyan Member
I've stopped...I haven't watched or read anything in a LONG time...Hell, I'm mostly even avoiding the RE6 part of this forum...But I don't think they're spoiling too much...Not if it's a long as they say...I just quit watching because I love the element of surprise in RE...


Goddess of the Dead
Since many people here don't want spoilers, I'll try to be as vague as possible.

Until last Tuesday or so, I would have said no, but since they released news about a specific campaign and a specific boss character, I think they're giving us too much. As for both of these matters, I'm sure many long-term fans were already anticipating something like that anyway because we've had similar cases in previous games, but it would have been nice not to have it confirmed yet. Apart from that, we know what caused Chris's trauma, we know that someone who pretends to be a good guy is actually an antagonist, and we know that another person might have been cloned. Now, if they also reveal the circumstances of Jake's birth, what else will there be to find out by ourselves?

However, not knowing the game, I won't rush to judgement. There still is a possibility that it has a lot more secrets to offer. If that is the case, I wouldn't say they're spoiling us too much. The two guys who played the new demos at the game show last month mentioned several times that every one of the six main characters has their own reason to be in the game, and unless this is just a hollow promise, there might be six individual stories within the main plot, much more to expect than we know so far. It's still up to our imagination what Sherry has been doing during the last fifteen years, and we don't know anything about Piers yet. These are just examples of more story potential. (But to be honest: Knowing Capcom not only since yesterday, I think most of the characters' backgrounds will only be mentioned in the manual.)


Master of unlocking...
Well I haven't really watched too much of the vids. I watched 1st part of the demo of Leon's campaign, the subway gameplay and agent hunt mode just to see how things were looking but capcom are revealing way too much I think. They could of kept Ada's campaign a secret. That would have been a nice surprise. I prefer playing through a new game not knowing what will happen or what I'm supposed to do at certain parts. It's a better experience really.

It can be hard to avoid some of the info though, unless you just stop going on the net lol.


wordy agronaut
They did the same with 4 and 5. They don't give away the whole game, but they slowly reveal the biggest "surprises." RE4: woman in red > might be Ada > Ada; RE5: tube girl/bird lady > might be Sherry > Jill. However, both 4 and 5 turned out much differently than I expected them to. There are still many questions left unanswered in 6, I think. I'd say it's safe to watch videos from Capcom, but when lucky bastards who get the game before its release start posting, be cautious. I know some people got their hands on 5 a month before it was released, and they were not quiet about it either.


Well-Known Member
Since many people here don't want spoilers, I'll try to be as vague as possible.

Until last Tuesday or so, I would have said no, but since they released news about a specific campaign and a specific boss character, I think they're giving us too much. As for both of these matters, I'm sure many long-term fans were already anticipating something like that anyway because we've had similar cases in previous games, but it would have been nice not to have it confirmed yet. Apart from that, we know what caused Chris's trauma, we know that someone who pretends to be a good guy is actually an antagonist, and we know that another person might have been cloned. Now, if they also reveal the circumstances of Jake's birth, what else will there be to find out by ourselves?

However, not knowing the game, I won't rush to judgement. There still is a possibility that it has a lot more secrets to offer. If that is the case, I wouldn't say they're spoiling us too much. The two guys who played the new demos at the game show last month mentioned several times that every one of the six main characters has their own reason to be in the game, and unless this is just a hollow promise, there might be six individual stories within the main plot, much more to expect than we know so far. It's still up to our imagination what Sherry has been doing during the last fifteen years, and we don't know anything about Piers yet. These are just examples of more story potential. (But to be honest: Knowing Capcom not only since yesterday, I think most of the characters' backgrounds will only be mentioned in the manual.)
yeah Hell, Capcom is good at story telling but they tend to be less expressive of their characters' pasts. Sheva had been through a lot but we wouldn't of known if it wasn't for a brief description in a file. I want Capcom to elaborate more! the characters are what makes the whole game, the repeatability factor of connecting with the characters is the difference between a good game's story and a game that ends up being card board because the characters have no depth. I agree with you.


Super Saiyan Member
I consider myself lucky that the ONLY info I've seen on RE6 are the trailers and E3 footage...I REFUSE to read or watch anything else...I mean...I know a LITTLE more, what I happened to accidently read on here...But other than that I think Self CONTROL is the important thing here..I'm not really too annoyed with Capcom because while the keep RELEASING the info, I'm not reading it or ANYTHING, soooo, it isn't hurting me any at least...


G-Infected Canadian Bacon
If memory serves, someone stated that each campaign is going to be around the length of RE5, i could be wrong, but if it's true, then everything showed as of late is just scratching the surface (crosses fingers)


G-Infected Canadian Bacon
was more like 60-70% I think
Reason why i said around, either way, RE6 is going to be one huge game, which i'm gonna be looking forward to.

Keeping myself from looking at everything is hard! Been preoccupying myself and even keeping myself away from here, unfortunately. :(
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