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Uncategorised Ever wonder.....


Well-Known Member
Who set all the candles? Probably lisa or wesker, that's my guess

or how about...

What was going on in the mining area? What were they mining for and why?

Why does the thunder and lightning stop all of a sudden when you leave the main foyer and go outside? And when you go back in, it starts up again? Not very realistic ;)

Why is there only one bathroom in the mansion? Not very livable when you have to go across the whole house to take a leak.

Anyone have anything else they want to add?


Goddess of the Dead
The candles (and lights in general): Videogame logic.
Mining: My guess is that they weren't mining for anything, it was just a test site for the BOWs, and the mining tools and other machines were used to expand or modify the area as necessary.
The thunderstorm: Probably to scare you. Although that's something I noticed myself and it really doesn't make much sense.
Lack of bathrooms: That's a common RE phenomenon, but I'd say the inhabitants of the mansion were lucky to have at least that one bathroom. Look at the RPD, the laboratories and pretty much every building you come across in RE3, there aren't any bathrooms at all!

Another thing I noticed about the mansion is that there are only two bedrooms: The one where you find the keeper's diary, and one with two beds opposite to the room with the note of Martin Crackporn or whatever his name was. The room where you meet Rebecca has a bed too, but that looks more like a sick-room to me. Also, the bedrooms and many of the other rooms have no windows, which is very impractical.

Then there's the unnecessarily complicated way they hid the key to the attic of all places... Why do you have to play the Moonlight Sonata to open a secret door and swap the emblem in the room behind it with the one in the dining room in order to find the key to the attic? There's not even anything interesting up there.


Well-Known Member
Good points.

Also, in the beginning after the first zombie encounter, where there's a slumped over dead guy with the stair set and green herb(s), why is the chandelier swinging... what exactly is making it swing... Also the guy who hung him self in the residence, he swings non-stop for some reason. You would think he would be stationary while hanging there unless theres some hidden draft...


PSN: floaty_McTurd
i'd have to agree with hel on most points.
most likely workers of the lab lit all the candles.
the mining area, as you encounter a fair few hunters down there, i would assume a test site behind the public eye.
there was only one bathroom because the mansion wasnn't meant to be lived in, it was a cover for the lab, therefore you wouldn't have had joe bloggs annd his family living there, it was all simply a cover.


Well-Known Member
Who were they trying to cover the lab up from? I know the architect whatever his name was with his 2 daughters visited... maybe it was to trick them into thinking it was a regular mansion so they would come inside?
It's not like the mansion would receive visitors from police. . Well, we know the residence was used by the people who worked there, IE. bed, bathroom, desks. Is there a note or letter in one of the games stating how the mansion is just a cover-up for the basement lab?


Well-Known Member
I believe it is because they were conducting illegal experiments(t virus, b.o.ws etc)
And the mansion may only have 2 bedrooms, but there are 3 more in the guardhouse as well as 3 more bathrooms.
As for the candles, I believe it is Lisa too.


PSN: floaty_McTurd
Who were they trying to cover the lab up from? I know the architect whatever his name was with his 2 daughters visited... maybe it was to trick them into thinking it was a regular mansion so they would come inside?
It's not like the mansion would receive visitors from police. . Well, we know the residence was used by the people who worked there, IE. bed, bathroom, desks. Is there a note or letter in one of the games stating how the mansion is just a cover-up for the basement lab?

maybe it was more along the lines of worsr case scenarios, so if they did received visits from the local authorities, imagie if the lab wasn't hiddden and it was just plain in sight of the mansion, it wouldn't be hard to bust.


The Armorer
Well from reading notes and such you figure out that the guard house was the main place that was really inhabited. But from the one diary, it seems as if it wasn't uncommon for some of the guards and scientist to come into the mansion for cards and such. I also figure there might of been housing the staff of the lab, as there is no place to stay other then the guard house and the mansion, also if local authorities were to come, wouldnt it seem odd for no one to be in the house?

black 93

Well-Known Member
one thing i do wonder about is why the hell chris or barry didnt kick brad vickers ass when he picked them up at the end! Really, they went through what they did because he left them there. Id have chucked him out to blow up with the mansion. Not like they needed him to fly since chris is a good pilot. Whats worse the guy has the balls to run to jill for help when bein chased by nemesis in RE3!
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