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Resident Evil 7 Eveline Fanclub


Well-Known Member
Eveline is by far one of the most overlooked characters in the entire Resident Evil series. Neither The fanbase nore Capcom are willing to give her any significant attention whatsoever. And she is actively being framed as a ''little Brat'' by the narrative. But this hate is compleatly unjustified. Not Only is she by far one of the most complex characters in the entire francise, but she is also not even realy at fault for her actions. Despite the hate you will sometimes encounter people who are at least willing to aknowlege that she is a tragic character. But even most of them are still claiming that she is still at fault for her action and or asume that she hat to be killed. But none of these claims have a solid foundation. Those are simply arguments, that the entire fanbase collectively agrees on, without giving it a second thought. The truth is most people refuse to view her as a character instead of actually diving into her phsycology. A lot of people even claim that she is ''not a real child, but a bioweapon in form of a child''. This of course compleatly disreguards her character and ignores her mental state. Dehuminazing people by boiling them down to what they are ( while ingoring who they are) is a comon tactic used to discriminate sertined groups. It was often used justify things like racisim, slavery, and opression. With such arguments the persons are not only agressively avoiding the topic at hand but also making an invalid point, with discusting implications.

In truth, nobody can be blamed for what they are. That is not something you can choose. It does not matter if Eveline is infact a human or not or even a ''real child''. What matters are her cocnitive capibillies. As long as a creature has the same intelligents and complex emotions as human it should also be granred the same rights . Eveline has all the qualities of a human child. She has a childs brain and (most of the time) a childs body. It does not matter if she is a human or not. Eveline infact child no matter what way you look at it and therefore should be treated as such.

Eveline was never never at fault for her predicament to begin with. After being tossed asside by Mother Marinda Eveline was being raised as a Bioweapon by the Connections. The entire E-Series project was beeing developed, with the intend of silent infiltration. So using a child a vessel to intrigate to families was their best bet. So of course Eveline was trained acordingly to the way she was intended to be used. But what most people don't know is how she was actually trained. For Example Eveline was actively beeing forced to kill testsubjects. And surprisingly she actively refused to hurt the subjects so she got punished repeatedly every time she refused until she finaly became obidient. This alone compleatly messed up her sense of right and wrong. And this is one of the main reasons she even killed in the first place. It did not come from within her instead it was forced on her.

Not to metion all the painfull experiments, the rappid growing pain of her ecellorated aging

and the abuse she went through all her life. It is also importent to mention, that if she did not escape from the ship then she would have ben used as a weapon to comit horrible war crimes specificly targeted at civillians or may have even ben used for world domination. Remember this was a bio-terrorist orginisation. So if she would have remained on the ship then everithing would have ben much worse. That is also why Mia has no right to be mad at Eveline. Mia was willing paticipent who actively worked as a researcher for an illigal Bioterrorist orginisation. She knew what she was getting herself into. She even volentiered for the E-Series project (Eveline) and witnessed Evelines abuse, torture and training first hand. So after helping to create a weapon of massdestrution for a terrorist company she is the one who is getting mad after getting hit by the very same ''weapon'' ???!!!??!? And instead of showing even a hint of remorse she is now blaming the ''weapon''? Not only that but audience is also supposed to feel the same way. That is just messed up. And Remember Mia ACTIVELY participated as a VULENTIER, while Eveline was forced from birth to be the way she is. And not only that, but Evline is a child, while Mia is a fully grown Healthy adult. All Eveline truly wanted is to be loved. The only thing keeping her from getting the family she wanted is that she has a messed up understanding of the concept of a family. But yet again it is implied time and time again that Eveline actually craves people that actually love her, without her having to force them. She is often saying things like ''Why does everyone hate me?'' , '' I just wanted a family'' and ''why does everyone love you'' clearly implieng that she does not realy want a mind contolled family. She only controlls them because she has ben teached that this is how a family works. So she things that the only way to gain love, is to force the people to love her. If this wasn't the case, then she would not have been jelous at rose for having people who love her. It has ben confirmed multible times , that Evelines only wish, is to be loved. So you may asked: I that is the case, then why did Eveline infect the bakers instead of letting them take her in?'' Well the answer to that is quite simple: First of all Eveline has no reason to trust these random strangers that she just met. She likely just her training without a sceoned thought. And Seconedly, The bakers did not plan to adopt Eveline. Infact Jack baker said at the same moment he was holding Eveline: ''They (Eveline and Mia) can stay for a few days until we can take them to the city''. So they did not plan to take her in in the first place. They would have likely taken her to an orphanage or make contact with the authorities. Just like any other person would. If you find a little girl alone on the beach then your first thought is not gonna be: '' I am gonna adopt her.'' No, instead you would take care of her for a bit, then contact the authorities to find out where her parents are and if that doesn't lead anywere she would be taken to an orphanage. And that is exactly what the bakers planned to do. nd also Eveline was in Jacks arms while he was saying, that they were gonna take them to the city. So of Course she heard that and decided to infect them instead of loosing them. Also there is not a single scene where the protagonist are actually tying to aproach Eveline. They had so many oportunities to talk to her. For example right after Mia got her memories back, Eveline was willing to talk. She ask Mia: ''can we be a family again like before? ''to which Mia replies with: '' No, Eveline we can not be a family, we never where a family, we will never be a family!'' So not only is Mia rejecting her but telling her that they never where a family. With that Mia is implieng that Mia always hated Eveline and every form of affecting that she has ever shown towads Eveline before she escaped was a lie. That is not how you talk to someone you ones loved but grew to hate. This is how you talk to someone you always viewed as a disposable tool. That is messed up on so many levels. Not only that but what would have happende, if Mia instead said this: '' Yes Evie we can be a Family again. But If you want to make me proud there is one thing you have to promise. Promis me that you will nver hurt anyone ever again.'' I am pretty sure that this would have solved the issue. Think about it, why would Eveline refuse such an offer? She was willing to do anything to get the love she wanted. So not hurting anyone to make Mia proud does not seem like that big of a deal does it? Infact it would be compleatly out of character to denie such an offer!!! And if something like this would not have worked , then I am pretty sure that Capcom would have added such a scene where the protaginist are active trying to offer Eveline something like this, just to show that it deosn'T work. Such scenes are important to show that the villain has a choice. But since noone has ever tried it, I have no reason to believe, that it would not work. Instead I have evidence to the contrary. The worst part about all of it, is that the umbrella cooperation have now been fully redeemed and are beeing given the chance to fix all their mistakes from the past. And Remember the orginsation may have changed but these are still the smae people who created bioweapons that wipe out entire cities. So a Bioterrorist orginisation Such as Umbrella made of edjucated buisnesman and scientist (who were all fully grown adults by the way) who were fully aware of their actions are supposetly redeemable, but not a neurodiverguent child!?!??!? That is just messed up on so many levels!!!!!!!!!

Eveline is by far one of the best characters in any farancise. Unfortunately though, her potential was compleatly wasted. But onestly, it doesn't have to be that way. There is actually something that we as the community/fanbase can do to change her fate. Let me explain:

We can gather all the Eveline defenders from across the Internet to build a community. My goal is to raise awareness of Eveline as a characters in order to change the public perception of her, by creating fanfictions, fan comics, fan art and au content. I am hoping to popularize the idea of Eveline being redeemed. It is a sort of Eveline fan club if you will. She is criminaly underrated and I think we can do some big things if we all work together!

Maybe then Capcom will change their mind and give Eveline a happy ending.

We could also use a hashtack for our community, to spread our word.

I would use: # save Eveline.

There are a lot of Eveline defenders out there we just need to gather them all and build a community. Come on, we can do it. We just need to believe in ourselfs!
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