also, what if Natalia knows where moira has been all along!?
she probably knows but cant remember cuz she lost her memory ( ? ) 

also, what if Natalia knows where moira has been all along!?
I really liked this part to the best part for me wasWell, well, well.
I was really hoping to see a Tyrant in recent Resi games. And looks like the Revelations series is the go-to place for that sort of "fetish" Revelations 1, and nowJack NormanNeil
Theboss fight was excellent in so many ways. The creature design itself, the environmental "puzzles" and the music complemented eachother perfectly delivering an epic closure for Episode 3's Claire segment.Neil
Even if Ep4 will be weak, which I highly doubt, the game will still be remembered for this boss fight alone. It was just plain amazing!
Glad you liked it ep3 was a good one as of the time I am writing this I have not completed ep4 so maybe that will be better. But 3 was amazing that boss fight with Neal all the factory with Claire and the old style puzzles made for a great gaming experience.Like the previous 2 episodes, this was fantastic.
I was quite literally, on the edge of my seat the whole time. Excellent puzzles, excellent boss fights. Really good fun.
Some of the story wasn't really a surprisebut it's still truly fantastic.Like Neil being corrupt, in fact I think I predicated on here a few months ago that somebody from TerraSave would be corrupt.
The "affected" are really great, I thought I was still going to miss traditional zombies, but these guys are freaking awesome.
There isn't enough good words in the dictionary for this game so far!