If I may add to this, I too, would like it to scare the hell out of me, but not just with cheap jumpscares, I would love to see a creepy atmosphere that puts the player on edge.A lot of people want Jill and Rebecca to be a team and honestly I fully support this idea
Other than seeing Jill, Claire and Rebecca returning for RE7 I want Capcom to tone down the action for the next game. I want the next RE to scare the living sh*t out of me.
Thanks for keeping count!15 days 22 hours and 7 minutes to E3
But i will be sad if capcom wont reveal REsident evil 7![]()
Thanks for keeping count!
ARE YOU A WIZARDxD I use this website to remember how many days are left to E3 :
http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20150616T09&p0=137&msg=E3 2015
Yes and yes, ScrumpehIf I may add to this, I too, would like it to scare the hell out of me, but not just with cheap jumpscares, I would love to see a creepy atmosphere that puts the player on edge.
Only 14 days left![]()
At this point, I feel as if they are going to go all out with this one and just throw in a bunch of old and new faces. I think we are going to see Rebecca this time around. It's been far too long.
Also: 11 days until E3!