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Resident Evil 6 E3 Schedule.


Super Saiyan Member
Isn't it just going to be another game made exclusively for one system so they don't feel left out at not having the full RE6 experience. I mean the story may be cannon but not sure anyone really takes them seriously given that every time there is a new hand held or system outside the top two created Capcom milks the cash cow a little more by creating a platform specific game that has tenuous links to the main series often squeezing in weak stories to tie it in but not delivering the same type of game play making it a pale shadow of what should otherwise have been a good game.
But the fact that it's cannon still matters...I mean...RER is not exactly being used as "Milking the cash cow"...It's got great story, great NEW characters, and added more questions to the series...Which is what we need...Granted, I'm not to fond of the the idea of Downfall starring Claire...But even so...I don't think we should judge it based on the fact that it's a handheld...
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