Does Resi have a future?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2014
I`ve joined this forum as I really have great memories of this franchise & have bought every new RE game within the hour of it being released.
Except RE6 that is, due to the negative previews & disappointing reaction from the longtime loyal fans.
My enthusiasm was diluted after having completed RE5, & now approaching 18 months after it`s release I decided to purchase RE6 for the bargin price of £6.
Placing the disk into the console I felt like I was about to meet up with a 1st love & hoping they looked somewhere decent & not completly worn out.
Not only was I not disappointed!, but once I got used to the controls I was surprised that I started enjoying the game. Prejudging this game on word of mouth I was expecting a broken mess of a game along the lines of RE Survivor.
But having just completed all chapters in single player mode (inc Ada Wong), I can honestly say apart from the puzzles being too easy & a lack of a real story to get involved in, this game is well worth a look.
I can understand the nostalgia for the dark narrow corridors of the mansion or the Nemesis rampaging through Raccoon city, but Capcom would be rightfully criticised for stagnating the series if they didn`t evolve the characters & backgrounds.
I feel with the right team of designers & producers (Shinji Mikami, hint, hint) there is a lot of potential left in this franchise, just look at what Naughty Dog did with TLOU.
Now Umbrella have unleased B.O.W.`s on a global population, surely the next game in the series has to reflect this by encompassing an open world enviroment similar to GTA5. Imagine familiar characters migrating across the world cleaning up infected area`s one country at a time, each country could be a game in itself!.
I hope in joining this forum & expressing my appreciation & future ambitions for this series that someone at Capcom can at least consider a GTA approach to the next game. If not i`d like to wave farewell to the S.T.A.R.S. & pass the survival horror baton to a team like Naughty dog.
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Hi and welcome to the site! I'm not sure if Resi have a future, but I think it's likely that it will continue to exist in one form or another. In the very least, it will continue to exist in my heart. :smile:
In the very least, it will continue to exist in my heart. :happy:
You have no idea how much of a fan you sound like right there XD

Anyway, somehow Capcom still has money to keep spewing out games. But I think it'll eventually end like DMC did. Hopefully someone can take it over who knows how to pull it off. Resi has potential. It really does, but Capcom just can't do it.
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Does Resident Evil have a future as a survival horror game?

Possibly not.

But does it have a future as a series?

Definitely, especially since its the series Capcom is making the most money off of besides Street Fighter.

And the movies (while not well received amongst fans) has been doing great in sales.
Does Resident Evil have a future as a survival horror game?

Possibly not.

But does it have a future as a series?

Definitely, especially since its the series Capcom is making the most money off of besides Street Fighter.

And the movies (while not well received amongst fans) has been doing great in sales.
This. It has a future so long as the cash cow can still be milked.
I have hope they will do good things with it
Revelations was definitely a step in the right direction.
