Sure that i play RE 2. In my opinion it is the best. I am not a fan of the new generation games full of " hd " graphic and such. I prefer the good old graphic of games like RE 1 & 2 or Silent Hill 1.
So, one reason why i like RE 2 is surely for its graphic. ( I grew up with this "old style" graphic, afterall...i started playing videogames when i was 7 years old, in 1996).
Sure, RE 1 & 2 & 3 all share more or less the same graphic. But i like more RE 2.
Another reason is the gameplay. Yes, i am the kind of man that when playing a survival horror likes this kind of gameplay. You know : no auto-aim, characters somehow a bit difficult to handle, no aim where you want but only up - down - straight in front of you.
The Third reason are the bad guys. Birkin and Mr.X are very interesting , original and entertaining enemyes. Especially if you play on Hard ( Dog-Birkin(last boss) of scenario A on hard mode is a nightmare).
The last reason is the almost never ending gameplay. There are 4 scenario + 2 bonus character + extreme battle + 2 different difficulty ( easy/mormal and Hard) that completely force you to play in different ways. ( Easy/normal = shot anything that moves.
Hard = be resourceful because bullets are limited and zombies won't drop easyly. Also, while you shoot they keep walking, so if your strategy is backing against a wall and will end like the police officer of the elicopter cutscene that kept firing until he got eaten alive. )
All in all, RE 2 is the best in my opinion. Code Veronica X is my second best RE game, because it's like a old style RE game with a slightly better graphic. And the story is very good. It's a very long game, and Alexia Ashford in my opinion is the best character of all the RE games.
New Resident Evil games...i dislike them. After Code Veronica, Resident Evil lost its soul. 4 , 5 , 6 have a very different gameplay, i hardly think them as RE games. Also, while RE 4 and 5 was barely entertaining, Resident Evil 6 is totally a disgrace. I stopped playing it after 1 hour. And i will surely not buy any other RE games, considering what RE has become now.