Resident Evil 2 (2019) Do You Prefer Playing as Leon or Claire?

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Do you prefer playing as Leon or Claire?

  • Leon

    Votes: 15 37.5%
  • Claire

    Votes: 25 62.5%

  • Total voters
Poor Claire got the bowgun in the original game and I could not imagine a more useless weapon in the series. It does not eve remotely help with large scale zombie hordes or any real enemies. I use it to kill moth larvae in the lab mostly. She does eventually get the Grenade Launcher which is so great, but man, that bowgun was not given any sort of use.
Poor Claire got the bowgun in the original game and I could not imagine a more useless weapon in the series. It does not eve remotely help with large scale zombie hordes or any real enemies. I use it to kill moth larvae in the lab mostly. She does eventually get the Grenade Launcher which is so great, but man, that bowgun was not given any sort of use.

What? The bowgun works wonders against zombie hordes and can hold its own on bosses. In fact, I usually just skip the grenade launcher completely because it's clunky and juggling 3 different ammo types in your inventory is more of a pain than anything. I can make do just fine with the 6 shot revolver and the bowgun, and may pick up the spark shot if I'm too lazy to carefully dodge the lickers in the laboratory.

Zombies and dogs: Revolver + Knife
Lickers: Dodge completely (or use spark shot in the laboratory area that contains 4 of them).
Spiders: Dodge completely
Plants: Dodge or kill 1 or 2 with Revolver
Bosses: Bowgun
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I typically save the bowgun for rooms full of zombies. After 20 shots, they are finally dead. Maybe I am just using it wrong? But I cannot and maybe will not (?) believe it is more effective than the grenade launcher. lol
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I prefer playing as Claire because I love my RE ladies. Leon is great, but Claire is great to look at, and has Redfield blood in her veins! Also, screw the headache that is Ada's part in Leon's campaign. That entire section is such a damn chore to get through.
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Claire! Why? Well...

1) It's Claire Redfield! My favourite character.
2) She has a bigger and better selection of outfits.
3) Her campaign has some of the best (and most heartbreaking) cutscenes.
4) Mister X doesn't stalk her as much as Leon.
5) It's fun to look after Sherry despite the hideous potato bag she's wearing.
6) Speaking of Sherry, her section is more interesting than Ada's in Leon's campaign.
7) As much as I like Ada, her new look reminds me a little too much of a coworker that I can't stand, and I think they made a poor choice with her voice actress.

That's not to say that I don't also enjoy Leon, and I actually prefer his weapons over Claire's. At the end of the day, however, my vote still goes to Claire.
Well dang. Go into detail lol

I personally can't decide...on the fence, caught in the middle. But i really enjoyed Claire's because of Chief Irons. He was crazy, as always, but they took it to the next level. That extended stuff with Sherry was also a nice addition.

Awesome game game either way.
Claire. Because, those blue eyes!
Leon has Blue Eyes too

Infact most of the main protagonist's do. But here is something, Chris Redfield has blue eyes yet in the final High Resolution cutscenes ending he has brown eyes. Wtf is that about?

Case in point
Code Veronica Blue eyes.

Later in final ending scene. With Chris and Claire Redfield, i guess Claire already forgotten about Steve. Hmph. Chris has undeniably brown eyes.

And here's a pic from REmake Chris.

Again, blue Eyes. So i guess We and Crapcom just looking the other way on that. Anyways, needed to be said.
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Yeah but I'm bias for female hoties ;)
Men of culture unite, say no more

Julia Voth in that straight to dvd movie, Bitch Slap! has the beautiful Canadian actress. Literally the reason i bought that movie lol and i don't regret that not one bit



Trixie, Hel & Camaro.


Julia cosplaying Jill. Dang if she did a live action role that would be interesting, but with the track record most of the RE movies are underwhelming to say the least.

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Jesus! She looks stunning.
The good old re1 remake days.
Yessir! Julia is prolly my nerdy crush.

Which is another reason i don't like how they did Jill in RE3R.


What did they do to you Jill!? Oh wait that's The Quiet Man.

Ahhh...that's Jill from RE3R. But that's not The Jill Valentine i know.

And they basically just gave her the same treatment as Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider reboots.

What happened to THIS Lara?


I get maybe a tube top and a miniskirt isn't the most practical attire for a zombie apocalypse, or maybe it is, Jill did it, and kicked Nemesis' ass! This "desexualizing" of strong female characters, this "woke" crap,

I know im like a broken record on this subject but it needs to be said. Do you have an opinion on this?

Everybody is entitled to their opinions and I'll surely respect that, and also this is just my opinion. I don't feel like they stayed true to the character.
Don't get me started on re3 remake. That game is a half-assed attemped of a half-ass attempt. Quick cash grab... ****ed me off, because the old re3 has a special place in my heart.
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Don't get me started on re3 remake. That game is a half-assed attemped of a half-ass attempt. Quick cash grab... ****ed me off, because the old re3 has a special place in my heart.
Hehe i guess we see eye to eye on that one... unfortunately. Ugh.

Man, you know you can unlock these Epilogues when you beat the game on Hard Mode, there are eight, ones for Chris, Jill, Leon, Claire, Barry, HUNK, Ada, and Sherry. I played twice on easy, and got all the Epilogues on both the Ps1 @and GameCube versions...that's at least 18 times i played that game lol

And yeah, i wish they had maybe just used some of the Outbreak versions of Raccoon City, it was so good, what they give us in RE3R, BS, where's Uptown, Downtown, etc.

Jill and Chris. I always get Mulder and Scully vibes from this, ya know X-Files stuff.

Leon Kennedy post Raccoon, and it seems a perfect transition with him being a government agent by the time of RE4.

Claire Redfield, im wondering how her and Sherry got split up?

Barry Burton, i believe he left his family in Canada, don't quote me on that, i think is says that in the Archives book. And of course we get to see Moira Burton in Revelations 2, working with TerraSave with Claire.

Ada Wong, clearly about the mission, although somehow about her and Leon. Is it some Forbidden Love? Leon getting hit on by Ada, Ashley, Helena, Angela, maybe Claire(there is that whole Redfield Bloodline meme lol, but why doesn't Chris just, oh maybe the Roids jk).

HUNK a.k.a. Mr Death, the only time we see him without his signature gasmask, flying off with his ride Nighthawk, and a G-virus sample. Did hat go to Umbrella?

And last but not least, Sherry Birkin. Daughter of the creator of G, William, and his wife Annette. I still remember at the end of Wesker's Report he says, "Sherry is safe in OUR hands. There's about this little girl". And of course we get to see her in RE6, teamed up with Albert's illegitimate son, Jake Mueller. Who named him? Albert was all, yeah let's call him Jake.
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Leon, easily. I like his weapons, and all of his costumes are awesome, especially his casual clothes.
I like how all of his costumes are basically police clothing; his casual clothes look like undercover/off duty. His noir look is detective wear, and then there's his default uniform as well as sheriff's deputy.
Honestly I prefer playing as Claire (even though I'm pretty sure that Leon is the fan favourite), what can I say I'm a sucker for Redifields lmao.