..that many B.O.W names in RE come from greek mythology?
Nemesis in ancient greek means "wrath of the gods". He is the son of Nyx
The zombie dogs are named cerberus, which was the guarding dog of the door to Hades(Hell).
TALOS was a mythical guardian of the Isle of Crete.
Nyx in greek means "night". In the games is yet a another tyrant and in greek mythology it is the Goddess of night.
In the same way, Hypnos was the god of sleep and son of Nyx.
Thanatos, the Tyrant from the Outbreak series, means death. Again son of Nyx.
I suppose there is more but I haven't played all of the RE games.
Nemesis in ancient greek means "wrath of the gods". He is the son of Nyx
The zombie dogs are named cerberus, which was the guarding dog of the door to Hades(Hell).
TALOS was a mythical guardian of the Isle of Crete.
Nyx in greek means "night". In the games is yet a another tyrant and in greek mythology it is the Goddess of night.
In the same way, Hypnos was the god of sleep and son of Nyx.
Thanatos, the Tyrant from the Outbreak series, means death. Again son of Nyx.
I suppose there is more but I haven't played all of the RE games.