Well, The Terminator clearly had an influence on Nemesis and possibly also later designs for Jill Valentine. If you think about it, Jill in Lost in Nightmares looks a bit like Linda Hamilton.
Well, The Terminator clearly had an influence on Nemesis and possibly also later designs for Jill Valentine. If you think about it, Jill in Lost in Nightmares looks a bit like Linda Hamilton.
I don’t think Lost in Nightmares Jill looks like Linda Hamilton but one of the Alternate Costumes in Remake definitely reminds me of Sarah Connors outfit in Terminator 2, but I don’t think they based her face on Linda Hamilton I’m pretty sure that her basic facial features are based on “Inezh” (the mysterious actress from the original game’s cutscenes) among other models with similar facial features to Inzeh (like Julia Voth).
How mad will people become in the (unlikely) event the remake isn't shown at E3? It's certainly been way too long for Capcom NOT to show us anything by now. I'm kind of sad that the camera angles won't be like the original, but I somehow just knew we wouldn't get the remake like the original due to the influence that 4, 5, 6 and similar games have had on the company.
I really like the idea of Wesker being a anti-hero. I think it would fit his persona in an alternate timeline. Wesker wanting to seek his personal agenda against Umbrella would have been a cool story for sure.
Yes. The series has been moving sideways instead of forwards ever since RE 5. Capcom no longer has any cohesive plotline and the one shot villain routine is becoming tiresome at best. they had a fresh slate to start with post RE5 but instead decided to give us this convoluted and contrived prequel with REV 1 and they have not looked back since.
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