I agree that the gameplay for Little Miss is a little weak. However I think the story was essential. How Alex is manipulating Natalia with the things she loves as Alex does to everyone. She posed as a new friend and as Lottie, and Natalia doesn't even see it and trusts these thoughts. This shows us how much of a struggle it will be for her in the future and one of the reasons Alex won the tug of war. In the cannon ending we don't actually know what triggered Alex to win. Apparently the devs said that is a future plot point that will be examined in the future as will the effects of the T-Phobos virus in Claire and Moira.
Natalia is a very loving and compassionate character.
Just because Revelations MAY felt like a spin off to some people, I can guarantee you that in no shape or form Rev 2 was. No character or plot point is "exclusive" to the Revelation series. The games are directed to the hardcore fans and are played safely. They also take place in between numbered titles. We probably won't see Revelations 3 until after RE7 is released and it will bridge 6 and 7. Also Alex Wesker is far from being exclusive to Rev 2 and has a major influence in the over all RE story. Resident Evil 5 goes fairly deep into this in "Lost in Nightmares". Her brilliance is unparalleled and it was established that she is better, smarter, and has more potential than Albert. No doubt she will surpass him as she claimed she would and "the world will be very afraid". There is a reason Spencer adopted her as his own. It is
possible that Rev 2 allowed Capcom to fast track to the real story they want to tell with Alex.
Alex Wesker will definitely be a prominent villain in the future and someone who is far scarier than any villain previously. The Wesker saga will continue and I believe she is Capcom's golden card that they've been waiting to play. She'll be the one to bring the series back into the survival horror genre. Honestly she is Wesker and should be referred to as such. It may be confusing but she
IS Wesker and the most superior of all 13 Wesker's. This makes her far scarier and threating than Albert and she wants to engulf the world in fear, not save it with "evolution" from "over population". She knows how to get **** done, get what she wants, and succeed in her experiments. She lived under the rader by protecting secrets and manipulating everyone from the shadows. Who knows how many "lap dogs" she has ratting out information to her.
I will also state that she is psychological and knows the workings of a human mind. It's part of why she is so manipulative and it takes her just a glance to figure out what makes a person tick and how they think. This is established in RE5.
I greatly agree with you about Revelations 2 being confusing. I've met so many people that were confused and I've read many messed up theories. Some dev interviews actually makes it sound like both Alex's are the original Alex and one must kill the other to become "whole" again. Is it a copied consciousness like a photocopy or a split of the real deal? If it's a copy then it defeats the purpose of living through Natalia as her "true birth" (unless she wants the copy to be her REAL replacement -_-) and not continuing to work until the sickness gets worse "I refuse to crawl up and die". This is the biggest confusion that must be answered clearly and hopefully it is next time we see this bitch. (She is one of my favorite characters but she's still a bitch) XD "I will share within his fate, and then I will surpass him." Albert died in the first game and then he came back stronger than ever. The real him! This is confusing because the game and what the dev's hinted at defies logic unless she "transferred" her consciousness as the game seems to state. Yet it appears to be a "photo copy" and not a direct transfer. The only thing that lines up with both sides is that they are both real her and only one can live.... like a soul -_-.... Ugh we need this answered so both sides can stfu..... "transcend". I want a direct answer and not a flip flop because I don't know what to believe when it's not actually stated in stone. One side says this but the other side says this. -_- I'll reserve judgment until then but I don't see how Alex's logic and all her researchers who with her
tested, and researched this for YEARS simply fails... -_- No one can prove **** either way. RE7 better have an answer XD
Sorry if the last paragraph was "confusing"! Think of it as a trail of though I jolted down XD
Anyways as Natalia would say "It is nice to meet you too" and welcome to the forums ^.^ I will definitely see ya around