Code Veronica Remake Leak/Possible Operation Javier Game?

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The King of Kings
Sep 4, 2013
Gotham City
So a Twitter user/Youtuber by the name The Resident of Evil has recently posted about a leak from Dusk Golem that everyone has been talking about for the past week or so that claims there are currently 5 Resident Evil games in development, with several of them having been greenlit in the last year, including multiple remakes.

This isn't an uncommon practice for Capcom with this series, which according to Dusk Golem, at one point in 2018 Capcom was simultaneously working on Resident Evil 2, 3, Village, 4, and I may be mistaken but also RE9. Given the series' release pattern, RE9 is all but expected to be the next release within the next year, so the cycle repeating itself isn't exactly surprising.

However, The Resident of Evil has expressed annoyance with the Resident Evil community for viewing Dusk Golem as the soul credible leaker for the series as he claims to have known about Capcom's Resident Evil road map since August of last year and had even made a community post on his YouTube channel in October sharing the exact same information that has only become news after Dusk Golem has shared it. He also claims he knows at least 4 other YouTubers in Capcom's inner circle who were made aware of this information who likely refuse to leak anything due to potentially losing contact with their source at Capcom.

If this is to be believed, which his community post is still up as of October of last year, in the comments, he responds to a user confirming that Code Veronica is indeed in development but refuses to reveal anything else. However, a recent interview from IGN with the producer of the Resident Evil 4 remake paints an interesting picture. When asked whether Darkside Chronicles was canon, he confirms that Operation Javier is in fact canon to the main story, but that the events of the mission in the remake are indeed different but can't share any details outside of what is said in game.

The implication here is that because he can't share details regarding the remake's version of Operation Javier, that they must be working on some Operation Javier related project that will shed light on the events. It's definitely a possibility, but it could also be unlikely. However, if we take into consideration that Code Veronica is being remade, perhaps Operation Javier along with it seeing as they both deal with the T-Veronica virus.

Whether it's DLC or a separate game, the idea of Capcom revisiting side stories of the past and turning them into entirely original projects is fascinating as they'll no longer be considered remakes at that point, giving a break to the constant remakes and allowing for the narrative of the original games to grow more organically than they did in the past. With the Revelations series being all but forgotten and the number of games left to remake only getting smaller, I actually don't mind this direction for the series, especially if the newer mainline games are going to continue making drastic shifts to the series.

So what do you guys make of these "leaks" and rumors and what do you think these supposed 5 games are?

Note: Sorry for the lack of links, but the forum just isn't working properly for me on mobile.
I don't know how much I believe in leaks at this point. I normally like to wait for something official before I get too hype, or disappointed, whatever the case may be. I would assume however that, if five games are currently in production for the series, three of them are probably accounted for as the CV remake, 5 remake and 9.

I don't mind them expanding Operation Javier, if that is truly what they're doing with one of the two extras. The fall of Umbrella, or whatever the final scenario in UC was, would be a welcome addition also. They both could be expanded on and it's always been my belief that the fall of Umbrella should have been its own game, not just a short scenario thrown into a rail shooter.

Love it or hate it, RE4 left a big gap in the timeline after the events of CV. Many seemingly important loose ends were tied quietly behind the scenes, only to ever be heard about again in game files. I don't think a little on-screen elaboration into those events would be unreasonable.
I tend to not believe in leaks at all, so I'm rather hesitant here. What I do believe is that Capcom is indeed planning a RE5 Remake - RE4 Remake's ending sets things up perfectly for that. As for OJ... I could see them packing this into some file in RE5 Remake that Wesker had on Krauser.
It seems history repeats itself. When OG RE4 released they basically went back and tried filling in those empty years between games. They kind of wrote themselves into a corner and have to expand more on these reimagined games. The dates of RE2R and 3R contradict Outbreak events, Marvin being bit by Brad, Krauser being Leon’s mentor. The whole canonicity feels messier than it has ever been and any of it is left to interpretation until they go back and do more remakes.

It’s definitely not a matter of “if” but “when” in these circumstances. The five games I am guessing that are in production are RE9, Code Veronica, RE5R, another RE1R, and my fifth guess is a toss up between some sort of Outbreak remake, Operation Javier and/or Umbrella’s End remake, or even RE6R. It’s hard to say if Operation Javier deserves to be its own title or not, but after RE3R and the embarrassing MP titles (that should have been modes) they made into games, anything is possible.
Speculation can drive you crazy and lead to shättered expectations, and I feel I've become much more cynical since my late 30's. At this point I'd say RE9 and RE5 remake are the only two projects we can safely count on being worked on. Best case scenario is they're not just working on a Code Veronica remake, but another RE1 remake as well - But who knows what they're planning. If they want to play the safe route without p**sing off the fanbase too much, they could squeeze the CV storyline into a smaller DLC for the RE5 remake; which would actually be a total d**k move for sure, but nothing new for Capcom.

There's one shining light in the candle though.

Regardless how I and others feel about the terrible RE3 Remake, it has sold remarkably well with over 8.4 million units shipped in December 2023. It's actually pretty impressive considering how short the game is, and how disrespectful it is to the original. Nevertheless with such sales numbers it has undoubtedly sent signals across board members within Capcom that there's no stopping this remake train, and remaking more "obscure" titles such as Code Veronica is not a financial risk.
I’m hoping Code Veronica and Revelations 3 are in the lineup of games they’re working on. Those are two much wanted and needed additions especially if they’re not going to followup on Revelations 2’s story in RE9.
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As much as I'd love a Revelations 3, I've pretty much lost all hope that it will ever happen. The leaks for them seemed pretty promising too but it's been so long that any hope I've had for it is just dead. It's likely one of the games is probably Resident Evil 10 though seeing as how long ago Capcom did start working on 9 with it even being part of the data breach years back. With 9 likely wrapping up soon, I wouldn't put it past Capcom to have already started some form of development on the next one. Though, the idea of them possibly going back and making original games outta old stories is something that would definitely excite me. Personally, I'd love to see Lost in Nightmares get a full game treatment as it would basically fill the gap of the RE4 we never got. But the link between Code Veronica and Operation Javier is pretty fascinating, especially with RE4 pretty much serving as the jumping off point for it. It would also be interesting to see how they could potentially tie Code Veronica into 5 as well.
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As much as I'd love a Revelations 3, I've pretty much lost all hope that it will ever happen.
Agreed, it seems like any expansion into the Revelations games is a lost hope at this point. It's such a shame too because one thing I always wish they had done was give me more of the Terragrigia incident. I feel like I would've honestly appreciated that more than the actual events of Revelations.

I would've even been happy with the protagonists being Parker and Jessica and the focus being on the FBC. Terragrigia just seemed fresh to me for some reason. I felt like there was a lot of potential there for it to just be a flashback scenario.
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Assuming the "Five Game" leak is even accurate:

Safest Bets: RE9, RE10, RE5R
Plausible: RE1RR, CVR
Possible but unlikely: 'Outbreak Remake/File 3', REV3, any prior DLC that has a niche fanbase like 'Operation Javier' or 'Umbrella Chronicles' but turned into a full game.

Unless they are outsourcing some other new RE project to a smaller studio, like what with Konami is doing with 'Silent Hill', I'd say the 5 safest and plausible seems about right. Capcom does not have a track record of doing these sorts of things though, they seem to be very "in house" when it comes to game development.

Dusk Golem is probably not someone I would want to "have beers" with, but he has not been 100% wrong with his so called "leaks" in the past. Like any shadow informant/operative, as long as they are not 100% innacurate, any kernal of information they provide is interesting and food for thought.
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Dusk Golem talks out of his ass. Capcom likely have a loose road map for 20+ future games, and not all of them will see the light. Dusk can always revert to his favourite excuse when what he says turns out to be bull, “they scrapped that game/idea”.

Or maybe he’ll quit his job as a leaker until he realises how much he misses attention again…idk.

As for Operation Javier, I don’t think there were ever any chances of that being a thing. With its new environments and creatures, the amount of work it’d take to create the assets would be surely better placed into a new game that is deemed more important to put money into.
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Dusk Golem talks out of his ass. Capcom likely have a loose road map for 20+ future games, and not all of them will see the light. Dusk can always revert to his favourite excuse when what he says turns out to be bull, “they scrapped that game/idea”.

Or maybe he’ll quit his job as a leaker until he realises how much he misses attention again…idk.

As for Operation Javier, I don’t think there were ever any chances of that being a thing. With its new environments and creatures, the amount of work it’d take to create the assets would be surely better placed into a new game that is deemed more important to put money into.
That is truly sad since games became so much more expensive to make, we are getting less and less side content that is actually meaty like Outbreak or even the Revelations games. It will be interesting if they ever consider remaking RE6, because that will become the most expensive game Capcom will ever produce.
That is truly sad since games became so much more expensive to make, we are getting less and less side content that is actually meaty like Outbreak or even the Revelations games. It will be interesting if they ever consider remaking RE6, because that will become the most expensive game Capcom will ever produce.

Yeah it’s just the nature of the beast really, a "low budget" spinoff, at least a good one, is less and less likely when the AAA games start falling behind due to the complexity and fidelity of them these days, and every resource is allocated to those.

I don’t see 6 being remade, less to do with its mixed reception, more because it is gargantuan, and would take them best part of a console generation to make to standard. 5R is gonna take them long enough, if it actually happens.
That is truly sad since games became so much more expensive to make, we are getting less and less side content that is actually meaty like Outbreak or even the Revelations games. It will be interesting if they ever consider remaking RE6, because that will become the most expensive game Capcom will ever produce.

I'd say RE6 could have lots of potential if they did it right. 4 small-medium sized scenarios could be a banger if they reworked the games into smaller more pristine survival horror experiences, and not arcade shooters.

And yes, they have to play it very financially safe with RE because the series has always -for the most part- sustained sales growth with every major milestone in the series. I'm not gonna say that RE was ever a niche franchise, RE1 itself was the best selling Sony Playstation game for some time, but over time the series has only grown in popularity and into an ever bigger monetary beast, and the nature of the beast is to keep growing and when the beast keeps growing, you have to keep financial investors happy. Western "capitalism" in a nutshell.

SH, unfortunately, was the complete opposite! SH1 was about as popular as RE1 upon launch, but every game thereafter the series dropped in sales and popularity and became more niche so something strange happened there.

Would be cool if they could at least make one game with both OJ and UE though (the last chapters of DC and UC respectively), but who knows if it's even possible for them find the time and manpower to achieve this. Remember, budget isn't everything, a solid team to design it and the time it takes to do it are also factors here. If they feel that resources, time, and manpower are best spent elsewhere, they probably won't even bother.
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So, 2024 is looking more and more likely to be the first year since 2018 without any sort of Resident Evil game or spin-off released. Unless we're getting some sort of announcement soon, we shouldn't expect anything until next year, at earliest.