Chronicles Retelling Sections?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
How would you rank chronicles retelling sections from best to worst?


Re2 > Recv > 4th survivor > The others

Re2 is the best one. I dont really have any complaints about it.

Recv is great but not as good as re2. Dont like how they changed alexia's personality so that she kills alfred. And she's annoying in this, in original; alexia was really intimidating but not here. I dont think ı have any other complaints.

4th survivor is good for what it is and ı actually prefer it over the ones in re2 and re2 remake. Unpopular opinion but not a big fan of those modes in those 2 games due to being really difficult. It's shorter compared to re2 and recv though.

The others are ok. They are really flawed, especially re3 ( Nemesis sounds like a robot. ) , but regardless ı enjoyed them for what they are.
I like the retellings of RE2 the best. It almost completely covers the entire ClaireA/LeonB campaign and does it very faithfully.

The retelling of CV was good too but it did leave out way too much.
I kinda like that they made Alexia a bit more childish (she had been in stasis since she was 12) and cruel. They also reduced Wesker’s role which might be a good thing. Steve also became a better character. I really want a full remake of CV.

Both Zero and The 4th Survivor were fine.

The RE1 retelling was dumb. It should have used the opportunity to give players the 'real' ending where all four STARS members survive.

The worst retelling however must be RE3. The story is way too short, which is impressive considering how short RE3 actually is. Most of the locations where wrong (because they were taken from Outbreak) and Nemesis sounded a bit weird. The entire section just felt random.
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1: resident evil 2
2: resident evil code veronica
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RE0 (UC): It's a good, abridged version of RE0. Since the characters are also together most of the time in the main game, the plot is basically the same.

RE1 (UC): is actually alright, if we imagine the characters going in together. It's a shame we don't have Barry in the game in any form, because that would be the first time we would see RE1's canon ending.

RE2 (DC): It's a very good rendition of RE2, based on the same premise of RE1 (the characters sticking together). It also has all the characters and interactions are pretty nice (like Claire's comments on Ada, for example). The end felt a bit rushed though, with the Birkin boss battle-train.

RE3 (UC): It's a very butchered version of RE3. It used Outbreak scenarios and cut out most of the story, including the other mercenaries. The worse of the bunch.

RE CV (DC): The best retelling. Actually, I still prefer DC's version of Code Veronica's plot than the original. Psycho Alfred is better than the pathetic one we have in the original Code Veronica. Also, Steve is WAY LESS ANNOYING in DC's version, and for that alone, it's worth. It's really missing Wesker though, but I can live with that.

Now, from best to worst retelling: CV,RE2,RE0,RE1.......................................................................................RE3.