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Resident Evil 6 Capcom: Sheva Alomar for RE6 Campaign/Mercenaries


Veteran Member
Lol I find it pretty funny how Sheva wasn't even mentioned in RE6.

pretty much shows that Capcom could give less of a damn about her.

The way the game made it sound, Chris was the only one to kill Wesker, even when he was talking to Jake and in the game files it was only said Chris did it.

So the chances of Sheva getting her own campaign is 0 to none.

But as a playable mercenary character?


On a side note,

Saw this topic on another forum I'm a part of.

Seems this guy/girl is just going around posting on many sites for people to sign the petition.

Although it didn't go to well on the other site I'm a part of lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah definatelly bring Sheva back :) she was awesome especially for mercenaries and Id like to see more characters in mercenaries mode too e.g Jill and Claire more the merrier


Addicted to RE Mercenaries
I doubt the petition would do anything but yes I would like to see Sheva and Josh return for campaign and for Mercs.

Harry Sachz

Ancient Alien
While I like the Piers character, I feel they could have easily put Sheva in his place. It just seemed kind of odd that we have the BSAA fighting a global threat and Sheva, who is or was in the BSAA, is nowhere to be seen or mentioned.


Lurking is my jam.
We have so many characters that could have been used in mercs.....yet we got the main one's

Mercs Reunion was an awesome idea

Hopefully they'll do something like that


Addicted to RE Mercenaries
While I like the Piers character, I feel they could have easily put Sheva in his place. It just seemed kind of odd that we have the BSAA fighting a global threat and Sheva, who is or was in the BSAA, is nowhere to be seen or mentioned.

I think they did the right thing by having two male leading characters. Did you not see the way Chris talked and man handled his team and Piers? or when he told that lady in the bar basically to know her role role and look pretty? Would you like to see that happening to Sheva, Jill or any other female protagonist? They already have a racist claim under their belt, I don't think they need to add sexist to that list.


Goddess of the Dead
I don't want to start a discussion about sexism here, but "sexist" is exactly the other way around. If men and women are supposedly equal, then why should it be "allowed" to treat men like sh!t, but not women? I don't have any problems imagining Jill or Sheva or whoever else with breasts in Piers's place in RE6. Chris pretty much treats Piers like a girl, anyway.


Addicted to RE Mercenaries
I don't want to start a discussion about sexism here, but "sexist" is exactly the other way around.

You are right wtf was I thinking?

If men and women are supposedly equal, then why should it be "allowed" to treat men like sh!t, but not women? I don't have any problems imagining Jill or Sheva or whoever else with breasts in Piers's place in RE6.

I wouldn't have a problem with this either but that doesn't mean that everyone else won't. Having Chris physically harm one of his female partners (although he is mentally unstable) would be a big no no.

Chris pretty much treats Piers like a girl, anyway.

Chris would never treat his female partners like that, it would be way out of character.


Kahnum of Outworld
While I like the Piers character, I feel they could have easily put Sheva in his place. It just seemed kind of odd that we have the BSAA fighting a global threat and Sheva, who is or was in the BSAA, is nowhere to be seen or mentioned.
I honestly find it quite amazing how everyone seems to forget that Sheva is part of the African branch of the BSAA. Resident Evil 6 wasn't anywhere near African jurisdiction so why would we see Sheva?
Chris would never treat his female partners like that, it would be way out of character.
Everything about Chris in Resident Evil 6 is out of character; what's adding one more thing to the list? Not to mention that both females in question wouldn't just let him walk all over them; Sheva would be quick to fire back and I'm sure Jill would push him out a window or something equally violent.


Goddess of the Dead
Chris would never treat his female partners like that, it would be way out of character.

Are you so sure it would be out of character for that specific version of Chris we meet in RE6? Because his character has changed, so the things that would be out of character for him have changed too. And since he never comes across any women that act as his partners in this game, we don't know how he would treat them in his damaged state. Sure, he meets Helena, but never talks to her, and he meets Sherry too, but that's in the last level when he's pretty much back to normal again.

The only woman we see him interact with after Edonia and before the last level is the bartender, and he's very rude to her. Of course, the "old" Chris we've known for years wouldn't treat anyone this way (except villains, of course). That's the Chris we see in the second level of his campaign, and there, I don't see how his behaviour towards Piers differs from his behaviour towards the ladies.

That's what I meant by "Chris treats him like a girl"; I didn't mean that he treats Piers as if he was physically or spiritually female, but he treats him the way he's treated his other partners before, which happened to be all girls. (At least in the levels 2 and 5.) I think he sees them as soldiers rather than men or women, so he doesn't really make a difference, and that's one thing I like about him. He might be anything, but he's not sexist.


Super Saiyan Member
Sheva should never comeback...be it in Mercs OR the cannon story...unless of course she dies in some hideous and painful way...then it would be fine...
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