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Resident Evil 6 Capcom: Sheva Alomar for RE6 Campaign/Mercenaries


We're partners, to the end
I am a big time fan of sheva alomar and a friend of mine has created a petition to put sheva into re6 and have her own campaign or be a DLC character for Mercs in RE6. I feel that it was unnessary to leave her out in RE6 as I felt she was just getting comfortable into the series. She was Chris's "ride until we die" partner and I just can't imagen someone leaving. Like that when they had such a close bond

Anyways please sign and here is the discription and letter to capcom from the author :

For me Sheva Alomar is the most beautiful , talented, expert with weapons, amazing martial artist girl. Her accent and being black skinned, that's are the things that distingish her from the rest. Sheva did a good job in RE5 i think that CAPCOM have to give her more chances to appear in more RE tittles or at least Merces or a simple CAMEO! because us, Sheva Fans wants more of her. A lot of people are being rude because of the poor A.I that RE5 had (for me it wasn't a problem at all i mean... Sheva's A.I saved me a lot of times) for being black (racist) and for her poor character background story (i think it was incredible her back story... she's so brave i admire her for being so strong). Sheva is the ONLY black-skinned girl in the whole RE cast, She's the only one who got a Calendar with her Mocap and Voice Actress (Karen Dyer), and She's Left handed who i think is more comfortable than right. She killed the main antagonist Albert Wesker with Chris Redfield. I think that this are all the reason's that Sheva have to be in Resident Evil 6 Campaign/Merces. The line that Sheva says to Chris before the Marshlands "We are partners Till' the end." are stick in my head... Really she is an amazing character...


Miss Karen Dyer ( the voice and the motion capture of sheva alomar) has also signed the petition

Petition: https://www.change.org/petitions/capcom-sheva-alomar-for-re6-campaign-mercenaries

And please, don't be rude or childish who don't like sheva. I do, and sheva fans do


Well-Known Member
I don't want a DLC campaign with Sheva BUT I wouldn't mind seeing another Mercenaries Reunion DLC like they did on RE5 with the current in-game maps(un-changed), plus pre-order maps and possibly 2 or 3 more added DLC maps. BUT instead of a mix of characters from the current game like in RE5 I hope it's totally random characters from past games and not characters from the main RE6 campaign or in-game mercenaries mode.

Characters like Berry(RE5), Claire, Jill(RE5 BSAA), Rebecca(RE5), Sheva, Wesker. Possibly... Billy from REZero, Josh(RE5). It's something I hope we get in the next 5 months or so and I wouldn't see why not since I for one would be all over it and they'd make more money out of it for sure.


Goddess of the Dead
While I don't see a reason why Sheva should have her own campaign in RE6 (she doesn't really have a place in the story, and if Ada wasn't able to fill the plot holes, then Sheva won't help it either), I would appreciate her as a DLC character for Mercenaries, and I agree that she's an amazing character. On top of that, I never had any problems with her AI in RE5, in fact I would have been lost without her when I played it for the first time.


wordy agronaut
Eh... campaign... nah... I like Sheva, but she doesn't really fit into RE6. The game is already massive, and I've come to accept that Piers had to be in RE6 to make Chris more of a sympathetic character again. However, I'd LOVE to see Sheva as a future Mercs character. I'm a little nervous for her though because characters like her tend to never be heard from again in the RE universe...


Lurking is my jam.
Mercs Loadouts for thos Characters

Sheva- Picor And Pump-Action Shotgun
Barry- Samurai Edge (Nine 0 Nine) -Elephant Killer

Carlos- Assualt Rifle Lightning Hawk

Jill(Re3)- Triple Shot--Gernade Launcher

Wesker-(Don't need to say nothing

Claire-Triple Shot--Sniper Rifle--Explosive Gernade Launcher

Steve--Golden Wing Shooter--Rocket Launcher

HUNK--Wing Shooter---Assualt Rifle--Pump Action Shotgun


Through that door, is a seperate reality.
I HATE Sheva.(I hate her I hat her I hat her!!!!!) But I signed because RE6 is allready ruined, and I respect Sheva fans.


Through that door, is a seperate reality.
Wait you haven't even played the game! Why is it ruined dude?
Ive seen the walkthroughs and don't plan on getting it. CAPCOM ruined it IMO. NO fixed camera angles, WAY too much ammo, Its not scary, Theres no puzzles (From what Ive seen) Theres not even herbs any more, besides Sherry we know nothing knew about anyone else, Its all action etc, etc.


Kahnum of Outworld
Sheva is a better character. I would also like to see Billy
I beg to differ but no, she's not. She wasn't even a planned, well-thought-out addition to RE5; she was simply put in to quell racism claims. Doug had more depth and he was only seen for five seconds at the end of Desperate Escape before being blown to bits.


We're partners, to the end
I beg to differ but no, she's not. She wasn't even a planned, well-thought-out addition to RE5; she was simply put in to quell racism claims. Doug had more depth and he was only seen for five seconds at the end of Desperate Escape before being blown to bits.

Well that's your opinion. I think she was a we'll, wonderful put characters into the series andplus re is whitewashed, I'm not racist but I'm glad capcm added more ethnic into the series. Doug was notthing. He didn't do muc so I don't know why are you comparing her to sheva. Sheva did a lot more plus she laid the hurt on wesker and sadly not your jill.

Here is a wonderful writte article you should read about sheva hatters


You don't like her fine.
That's your opinion and I respect it.


Kahnum of Outworld
That's part of the problem, right there. An undeserving character, with no depth and a wishy-washy stance on what getting a job done means replaced a series favorite and Resident Evil veteran and there was no reason for it; no reason for her character. It's amazing when people can play these games for years with Marvin, being the very first black man in the series and, somehow, him dying wasn't racist; the fact that for years white zombies were the only zombies and it wasn't racist - because, believe it or not, racism does work the other way - Carlos can be inserted into the series killing white zombies and it's not racist, Leon can travel to Spain and kill a thousand Ganados and still it's not racist but send Chris to Africa and there's the sudden need for an African partner because now, all of a sudden, it's racist.

I'll never understand this political bull and I'll never understand how a character with no real development and who annoyingly overuses the word 'partner' can somehow be some godsend simply because she's a character of color.

If she'd been white, we wouldn't even be having this discussion because everyone would hate her unanimously.


We're partners, to the end
That's part of the problem, right there. An undeserving character, with no depth and a wishy-washy stance on what getting a job done means replaced a series favorite and Resident Evil veteran and there was no reason for it; no reason for her character. It's amazing when people can play these games for years with Marvin, being the very first black man in the series and, somehow, him dying wasn't racist; the fact that for years white zombies were the only zombies and it wasn't racist - because, believe it or not, racism does work the other way - Carlos can be inserted into the series killing white zombies and it's not racist, Leon can travel to Spain and kill a thousand Ganados and still it's not racist but send Chris to Africa and there's the sudden need for an African partner because now, all of a sudden, it's racist.

I'll never understand this political bull and I'll never understand how a character with no real development and who annoyingly overuses the word 'partner' can somehow be some godsend simply because she's a character of color.

If she'd been white, we wouldn't even be having this discussion because everyone would hate her unanimously.

Oh please, jill had her part in Lost in nightmares and desprate escape so you can stop that. Seriously I'm tired seeing jill fans complain about this crap. Sheva was more than a character of color. She was a wonderful developed character into the series. And she was planned from the start to be in RE5 in you read the re5 art book. she had a nice backstory and real personality in re5 so she has a nice development. She has as more of a right of being in re5 than anyone else.

Those people who hate her are just racist people. If she was white? Would you complain?

Anyways I don't want this topic to be locked so let's just end this. Like I said that's your opinion and I respect it


We're partners, to the end
I like how people said Sheva had no reason to be there when she had just as much reason, if not more than Helena ever will to fight against Bio-Terrorism given her background. EVEN if she was relegated to a side-character, she would've STILL had more reason than Helena to fight against Bio-Terrorism. The only decent argument that can be made against Sheva is that she was thrown into a situation with a partner who had personal reasons for being there and acted on them despite them being on a professional mission. Unfortunately for her, everything starts to unfold in an extremely short time. It's like being given a math test on a subject your professor never taught and then the professor getting upset when nobody gets a good grade. If you blame the student in this case, you are unreasonable.

Helena's story is only interesting up until chapter 3. After that, it is more about Leon and Ada than it is about Leon and Helena, leaving Helena to play as the awkward third wheel. Play as Helena post chapter 3 and play close attention to what's going on. Also, getting revenge on someone is such an overused trope that I don't understand how that makes anyone compelling (although it can be argued that Helena is atoning for her sins, not getting revenge.)

The RE5 A.I is a terrible point because all partner A.I use the same A.I algorithm and I've personally never had a problem with my partner using too much ammo. All that suggests to me is that you people relied way too much on your partner character which says something about how you play. There are no situations in the game where you really NEED to have your partner except aside from advancing to the next area and maybe in the hardest difficulty where you can die really easily. Most of the times I died, was my own freakin fault if I played solo. RE5 is an incredibly easy game until chapter 5 and only because you have enemies shooting at you from sometimes unfair vantage points.

I honestly think the people who hate Sheva are just bandwagoners who repeat the same talking points just like people who hate RE6 typically never give a compelling reason for why they hate it or use the same reasons reviewers hated it without articulating any personal details as to why they didn't enjoy it.

Helena strings you along for half the game to force you to get what SHE wants before explaining anything to you and then becomes third wheel for the rest of the game. Helena wouldn't have gotten as far as she did without Leon while Chris wouldn't have gotten as far as he did without Sheva. Leon doesn't even EXPECT Helena to be an asset to him for half the game because he doesn't even trust her and according to the files, has a history of being terrible at her job. It's like going to the bar for the first time with a new friend and finding out the hard way that said person likes to start fights while he/she is out. Takes a lot of heart to back someone up you barely know ESPECIALLY when it could also get you serious hurt or killed.

Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
I wouldn't mind seeing her in the game. I don't know about a campaign (I can see it being fit in some way, but on the other hand it's just a big I don't know since she her campaign won't connect to the others unless they can find some kind of way to work around it), but for a Mercs character I can see happening and I think that she would be a good addition to mercenaries.


Lurking is my jam.
Personally if they ask fans for flashback characters (Not likely) I would vote for sheva

I mean Jill is REALLY getting on my nerves
I dunno how but now when i see jill i f want her killed off

Characters like chris,Leon,(Can't really name anyone else) should lay back for a bit and have people like

Rebbeca, Billy, Sheva,Claire,Carlos,Kevin,Hell even Josh

But seriously it does get boring

I mean I prefer Carla over Ada

Whcih Say's A LOT
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