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Floundering in the savage doorway
Jun 8, 2014
Bradford, UK
Good evening all :)

I'm completely new here, having felt compelled to bang on about how much the RE universe has infected me. Never one for keeping up with current gaming fashions, I've just jumped on board after a nostalgia trip to the PS2 section of my local CEX store and the shiny tinbox of RE4 caught my eye. Bloody hell where have I been? I've just finished my first playthrough, a full 62 hours (which somewhat highlights me general gaming capabilities!), and I can't sing the praises of the game highly enough. Pure class and a proper rollercoaster of a ride from the get-go. Instantly hooked, I set about catching up with what I'd missed and now have 1, 2, 3 and Survivor (PS1), Outbreak, Code Veronica X and Survivor 2 (PS2), and RE 5 and 6 (xbox360) bought and waiting in the wings. Thinking I'd better start at the beginning and check out the origins of the series, so 1 is up next, although I've given Outbreak a quick nosey and that looks to provide an entirely different game experience to 4. I know kinda what to expect of 1-3, having fairly recently played and loved the Silent Hill series, but I'll be gobsmacked if anything comes close to the visceral thrillride that 4 presents.

Anyway, looking forward to discussing the in's and out's of the series with you all as I make my way through the games, no doubt there'll be lots of questions and cries for help forthcoming, particularly in the puzzle-rich PS1 classics.

Glad to be here :)
Hi Ganado! I hope you enjoy the earlier games in the series although it may take you a while to get used to the tank controls of the first games, but once you get the hang of it they are really good... also CEX is the best!
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Thank you, you lovely people :)

Loki, I'm sure I'll have no problems with the tank controls, had plenty of training down the years playing the Core classic Tomb Raiders to death. I like a bit of retro so can't wait to get stuck into them. RE1 is definitely next up, that first zombie is gonna get such a hiding after the hassles it gave me back in 1997 or whenever it was!
:) thanks Evil Yuna, although I must say that you don't look very evil at all, quite the opposite in fact! If that pretty smiling face is hiding a villainous personality it's doing it really well :D
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Thank you all muchly for your warmest of welcomes :)

Yuna, sorry but I don't believe you!!! ;) no face that angelic could hide evil. It might disarm evil, indeed I can't imagine why you haven't managed to complete any of the games besides 2, surely you just have to smile at the screen and all the beasties stop dead in their tracks (well, you know, dead-er) and go for a cup of tea to chill out ;)

Tremor - love your sig (the bit about the Rammstein gig) - okay, so you survived the gig, but how's the skin grafts coming on? I was stood halfway back at a smallish gig at the Manchester Apollo in 2002 and the heat was borderline uncomfortable. Those lunatics down the front must have been properly barbequed! Best live band on the planet, though I always stay well back from the stage in order to a) appreciate the whole theatrical hoohaa from a safe vantage point and b) stay alive

Thank you all muchly for your warmest of welcomes :)

Yuna, sorry but I don't believe you!!! ;) no face that angelic could hide evil. It might disarm evil, indeed I can't imagine why you haven't managed to complete any of the games besides 2, surely you just have to smile at the screen and all the beasties stop dead in their tracks (well, you know, dead-er) and go for a cup of tea to chill out ;)


Well,looks can be and are deceiving. =P
Well i´ve never cleared any other Re besides 2,because i don´t think i´ve really tried hard enough.
I´m currently playing Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition (and will try Revelations out ), and i´m loving it. =P
I´ve cleared Re6 too,but not alone.I was always the second player.Still i had lots of fun.
Haha,that would be neat. Capcom could even produce some weird weapon called "the magnificent evil yuna´s smile mark III " or something. It would become super famous . XD
Haha,that would be neat. Capcom could even produce some weird weapon called "the magnificent evil yuna´s smile mark III " or something. It would become super famous . XD

Yep, the ultimate smart-bomb. Didn't the US government already use it at the end of Resi 3? ;D

I had a quick blast earlier on RE5 with my son, but the split-screen action gave me the mother of all headaches, so it looks like I'll be going it alone when I get round to playing through the game. Looks pretty good though, my lad has ploughed his way through to Chapter 4.something, the level which looks decidedly (and deliciously) like it belongs in a Tomb Raider game. He's enjoying it, but has come to the conclusion that Sheva is a royal pain in the arse and thinks the game would be heaps better if the NPC wasn't there at all. I'll reserve judgement til I try it myself.
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Never one for keeping up with current gaming fashions, I've just jumped on board after a nostalgia trip to the PS2 section of my local CEX store and the shiny tinbox of RE4 caught my eye. Bloody hell where have I been? I've just finished my first playthrough, a full 62 hours (which somewhat highlights me general gaming capabilities!), and I can't sing the praises of the game highly enough. Pure class and a proper rollercoaster of a ride from the get-go. Instantly hooked, I set about catching up with what I'd missed and now have 1, 2, 3 and Survivor (PS1), Outbreak, Code Veronica X and Survivor 2 (PS2), and RE 5 and 6 (xbox360) bought and waiting in the wings. Thinking I'd better start at the beginning and check out the origins of the series
Hello, welcome to the forum! Your introduction and especially the part I quoted is fun for me to read, because it's almost like I wrote it myself. :)
Cheers Romero :) did you discover the 'joys' (quotation marks are indicative of the fact that RE1 is proving anything but a joy so far) of RE similarly after the fact (ie decades later), or do we just share a way with words (borderline illiteracy! speaking for myself, of course) ;) apologies if I've got lost in bracket-world there, it is late!

It's really nice to read your comments whatever their derivation, and it's even nicer to read your clued-up anti-DRM sig, curse the snooping beggars trying to muscle in on every aspect of human interaction / ways of winging it. It's so sadly predictable that the companies responsible for 'encouraging' massive file transfers (through their file-sharing software of old) are now the ones spearheading the DRM invasion.Sigh.

Ooh excuse me, someone's just knocked on my door.


Thanks again for the welcome, it seems that I'm amongst friends here. Outstanding group of folk / zombie-slayers :D

edit : forgot to say, your avatar is funny as! So simple, yet so true.

another edit : Trophy 2 - Zombie Hunter! This is slightly less accurate I feel than Jill Sandwich. Zombie Run The Fck Away From Pronto is much more fitting I feel.
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Tremor - love your sig (the bit about the Rammstein gig) - okay, so you survived the gig, but how's the skin grafts coming on? I was stood halfway back at a smallish gig at the Manchester Apollo in 2002 and the heat was borderline uncomfortable. Those lunatics down the front must have been properly barbequed! Best live band on the planet, though I always stay well back from the stage in order to a) appreciate the whole theatrical hoohaa from a safe vantage point and b) stay alive

Well..see...I kinda resembled one of those ghouls from Fallout for a while :p Just kidding. I was smart enough to put my hair up and I'm glad I did because a friend ended up having to get her hair cut because it got singed lol. The flames and heat make your eyes water the first few times. Not to mention it's nearly suffocating but being so close was worth it. They're definitely one of the best bands you could ever see live. Best $100 I've ever spent. Glad to see another Rammstein fan around here ;)
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Damn I closed the browser and lost my post. >_<

Cheers Romero :) did you discover the 'joys' (quotation marks are indicative of the fact that RE1 is proving anything but a joy so far) of RE similarly after the fact (ie decades later), or do we just share a way with words (borderline illiteracy! speaking for myself, of course) ;) apologies if I've got lost in bracket-world there, it is late!
I can put it this way:

I got my first real Resi game
Bought it at the five-and-game
Played it 'til my fingers bled
It was the summer of '09

RE4 is the only game in the series I've played, I've bought other (both older and newer) but playing them is not on the top of my priorities. I easily get repetitive strain injury so I can't play very much.

It's really nice to read your comments whatever their derivation, and it's even nicer to read your clued-up anti-DRM sig, curse the snooping beggars trying to muscle in on every aspect of human interaction / ways of winging it. It's so sadly predictable that the companies responsible for 'encouraging' massive file transfers (through their file-sharing software of old) are now the ones spearheading the DRM invasion.Sigh.
I have viewing sigs disabled so I forget that I have a sig. I took a new look at and I see that Sony is one of the really bad guys. Big corporations are always evil.
Looks pretty good though, my lad has ploughed his way through to Chapter 4.something, the level which looks decidedly (and deliciously) like it belongs in a Tomb Raider game.

Im on that chapter as well! XD
I could be farther then this,but i had some complications on my save data and had to begin anew.
I think my Ps3 is I have been a bad,bad girl...
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I think my Ps3 is I have been a bad,bad girl...

Why? What exactly have you been doing with it? Something thoroughly evil no doubt ;)

@ Tremor...$100? Wow, is that the cost of a ticket on your side of the pond? Last gig of theirs I went to, Nottingham in 2012, cost £45. To me that's a lot of money, but it was more than worth it of course, they really know how to spend your ticket money well. That bloody bridge that descended from time to time was straight out of a Ridley Scott Alien movie, and delightfully led to the mini-stage in the centre of the arena, meaning we still got to see the band up close and personal, a little too personal maybe, we thought as Til's 'spunk' showered us during Buck Dich. That's one to tell the grandkids when they come along :D

@ Romero-Adams ;) you're not wrong, big corporations are evil, legally-bound as they are to maximise dividends for the shareholders. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins after all.
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