Resident Evil 2 (2019) Are You More Like Claire or Leon?

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Who would you be? Who are you more like?

  • Claire

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Leon

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 3 23.1%

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2019
Either personality wise or what they endure story wise, would you see yourself in Claire's situation or Leon's?
Their personalities are even somewhat represented in their weapons.

Claire's SLS 60 Revolver has given me more Knockdowns & decapitation than Matilda. But Matilda has been more accurate for me. This shows the contrast between Claire's fiery protectiveness & Leon's cool, reserved demeanor. Could just be coincidence on my account though.

Their personalities are also represented in their blood types, which is part of a cultural thing in Japan.
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Their personalities are also represented in their blood types, which is part of a cultural thing in Japan.
A-type people are calm and reserved? Maybe they should re-check my blood type :lol:

I would be neither. After arriving at the gas station I would drive away as far from Raccoon City as possible. Then I would pick up my family and leave the country until I'm sure the outbreak didn't spread. Yeah, I'm a terrible coward :redface:
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A-type people are calm and reserved? Maybe they should re-check my blood type :lol:

I would be neither. After arriving at the gas station I would drive away as far from Raccoon City as possible. Then I would pick up my family and leave the country until I'm sure the outbreak didn't spread. Yeah, I'm a terrible coward :redface:
Type A being Calm & Reserved are positive traits. Every type has positive & negative traits. Chris & Wesker are both Type O for example.
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Pretty cool to hear of the personality traits with the blood types. Based on the description from the link you gave, I relate more with blood types B and AB (really should find out what my type is). Now between Leon and Claire, I’d definitely say I relate more with Claire.

I’ve always felt that way about Claire; both of us tomboys with older brothers. If I had family/loved ones involved, I could see myself facing my fears and putting it all on the line. I’d also gladly go out of my way to help a child out in such a situation. I’d need those incentives to keep me from becoming comepletely frozen with fear and curling up in a ball! :lol:
I find Claire even more relatable in the remake because she has a bit of a temper and freaks out while shooting monsters (especially if your aim is sloppy) and starts shouting expletives at them- all things I know I would do lol.
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Pretty cool to hear of the personality traits with the blood types. Based on the description from the link you gave, I relate more with blood types B and AB (really should find out what my type is). Now between Leon and Claire, I’d definitely say I relate more with Claire.

I’ve always felt that way about Claire; both of us Tom-boys with older brothers. If I had family involved, I could see myself facing my fears and putting it all on the line. I’d also gladly go out of my way to help a child out in such a situation. I’d need those incentives to keep me from becoming comepletely frozen with fear and curling up in a ball! :lol:
I find Claire even more relatable in the remake because she has a bit of a temper and freaks out while shooting monsters (especially if your aim is sloppy) and starts shouting expletives at them- all things I know I would do lol.
The way I see the blood types, in terms of similarities, is like a spectrum. It goes O, B, AB, A.

Type O & B both tend to have similarities involving their passion or will. Both can have a temper.
AB is certainly gonna be the middle ground of A & B. Then, A is very different from Type O, so it'd be at the opposite of the spectrum.

I do like what they did with Claire in the Remake. Her temper & passion really shows, & it fits her, given her O blood type.
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I think, at the end of the day, I'd have to go with Leon... May be an odd choice, but let me explain.

While I may look more like Claire than like Leon (duh!), she seems like a tomboyish party girl who likes to get into trouble if her comment after the phone call at the gas station is any indication, and she's both way too badass and way too emotional to be compared to me. I'm much more calm, can't say for sure how I would react to a zombie shuffling towards me, but in general I'm not the type to freak out and swear in distressful situations, and my love for children also leaves a lot to be desired. In fact, when I saw Annette running around saying things like "We have to assess the situation!", that reminded me more of myself.

That only leaves Leon, and, well... While this is my favourite version of him so far, he's still lacking a little in the personality department, so there's not much to compare myself to, but honestly, I can totally see myself falling for a sexy secret agent that keeps showing up to save my a$$ (although in my case, that agent would have to be male and preferably not wear a dress). A stupid reason to pick Leon here, I know, but as I explained, I don't really see myself in Claire, as much as I love her as a character. If the poll included all characters from the game, I would probably have picked Annette.
Probably Claire, the way she jokes around when she meets Leon in RPD
just reminded me of myself, making small jokes to lessen the seriousness around. also, I love kids and I think I would go all out angry and more assertive when a kid is in danger, which is totally out of character for me.
Neither. I'm not as fast-talking or frolic as Claire, but I'm also not as calm or firm as Leon.

I relate the most to Jill, that's why she is my favorite character in the series. Like Jill, I feel we are the kind of people that are both naive and tough at the same time. We are simple-minded yet complicated. We are team workers yet individualistic. We are in many ways hard to describe, sort of like chameleons who change their appearance depending on the situation. I also feel we can both joke around, but most of the time we take things a bit too seriously and literal. Lastly, we both seem to have a good way of writing down words...
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I think, at the end of the day, I'd have to go with Leon... May be an odd choice, but let me explain.

While I may look more like Claire than like Leon (duh!), she seems like a tomboyish party girl who likes to get into trouble if her comment after the phone call at the gas station is any indication, and she's both way too badass and way too emotional to be compared to me. I'm much more calm, can't say for sure how I would react to a zombie shuffling towards me, but in general I'm not the type to freak out and swear in distressful situations, and my love for children also leaves a lot to be desired. In fact, when I saw Annette running around saying things like "We have to assess the situation!", that reminded me more of myself.

That only leaves Leon, and, well... While this is my favourite version of him so far, he's still lacking a little in the personality department, so there's not much to compare myself to, but honestly, I can totally see myself falling for a sexy secret agent that keeps showing up to save my a$$ (although in my case, that agent would have to be male and preferably not wear a dress). A stupid reason to pick Leon here, I know, but as I explained, I don't really see myself in Claire, as much as I love her as a character. If the poll included all characters from the game, I would probably have picked Annette.
It's not a stupid reason. If you're more similar to Leon, that's what matters. I myself struggle to who I'm more similar to. While I'm mostly level headed, I'm also fiercely protective of others, especially innocent children.
I picked Claire. Honestly, I guess I have the traits from both.

However, I am more nurturing and less serious. I think Claire has both of these elements in spades in the game.
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Does Leon become more of a casanova in the later games? Because in this game he feels like he's had 1 girlfriend in college and that's it.
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Hmm, this is hard to say.

On similarities to Leon:
When I was in high school I wanted to join the FBI and become a profiler. I have an innate want to help people. It's second nature for me to compartmentalize things which makes me pretty well composed in chaotic situations surprisingly.

Not saying these things don't apply to Claire, but they are things I identify as being traits of a civil servant.

One thing I don't do is blindly trust people. If Ada came waltzing into an RE2 type situation and I was Leon, I'd be way more suspicious the entire way.

As for Claire:
I'm female. I go to college. Lol... Let's see. I have a very strong relationship with my brother and would go to great lengths to see that he is ok.

I'm not interested in politics and activism and I'm not exactly in love with kids (given the events in RE2 I probably would've done what Claire did but I'm not searching for opportunities to adopt a child).

I suppose I'm a little more like Leon even though a lot of the personality traits are similar in both characters.
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Hmm. I'd say I'm a pretty even blend of both Leon and Claire. I have the caring, compassionate side of Claire, and I can be fun like her too. But then I have the seriousness and naivety of Leon in certain situations too.

Depends on the situation, I guess.
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If I was magically zapped into the RE verse particularly the Racoon City incident I would be neither at first, I wouldn't have the compassion of Claire unless it was situational nor would I ever be calm and collected enough to deal with it like Leon.

My reaction would be panic more likely and Claire/Leon are more or less ridiculously brave.
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