An Idea

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Oct 14, 2012
I'm probably going to get a lot of sh*t for this, but oh well.

I think that if there's going to be a Revelations 3, it should be about Ada. And only Ada. Finally give us some insight as to where her loyalties lie, what her motives are and how she views her relationship with Leon. That would be a pretty big revelation.

This was just an idea that came to me.

I don't know why anyone should give you $hit for this. The original Revelations had Jill as the main character, 2 had Claire, so it's to be expected that the third will star another recurring female main character, and the only ones left are Ada and Sherry. Personally, I think it could also be Rebecca, but I wouldn't say no to Ada either.
There's nothing wrong with that idea. I do wonder how it would work since Ada is one of the most action orientated characters in the series and B.O.W's don't phase her. She doesn't really fit the whole Revelation setting. But who knows, maybe Capcom will cook something special just for her.
I'd rather learn more about Carla, to be honest. I've never found Ada interesting at all and I think it would be awesome to finally learn more about a villain and their past/motivations. Besides, Resident Evil six didn't really tie up a lot of loose ends.. In fact it really only created more of them.
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I've been thinking more about it. Perhaps Ada's has a past she joined the 3rd Organization to escape? Ties to the Family? I don't know. It was just a thought to have a game with Ada sans Leon.

I'm not sure about Rebecca, since she is returning in a CGI movie with Leon and Chris. But maybe a game version of that play?
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Not a bad idea, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Revelations 3 had Jake in it. Since it would hypothetically take place in between RE6 and 7, I could definitely see them unveiling his whereabouts post-RE6.

Or, just a thought: perhaps they'll finally tell us where Rebecca has been all this time and feature her as the lead.
Honestly I think Ada's conclusion will likely occur in RE8. Leon's games are always the even numbered titles and I think we are only going to see one, maybe two more games for him before the torch is passed to a younger character. The main titled games take place within a year or two apart from the real world. As of right now Leon is 38. He will likely be the same age that Chris is now by the time RE8 comes out.
I don't think you deserve any "****" for this, nothing generally bad about the idea. I wouldn't like this to happen only because I think Ada should remain a mystery, letting her have a full-blown game will reveal a lot more about her. She should stay a side character and have mini-games, reveal little bit but generally keep it a mystery.
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She was in the shadow for quite some time, let's give her some credit and make a whole game about her... That would be a great plot twist.