Revelations 2 Alex Wesker...............................

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The kitty sage
Aug 5, 2015
umbrella lab
So I was just wondering about something the other day. So Alex now has a brand new, young body and nobody is the wiser to the fact that she is using Natalia's body. I wonder what plans she has in store.. I mean the last time we saw her she was reading franz kafka and she took notice of latest bio-terrism attack ( tall oaks if I remember correctly, and possibly china at the time?). Since Alex doesn't miss a beat when it comes to things that she like ( bio warfare lol) I am going to assume she most likely knows about the c virus and I have no doubt that she will what to obtain a sample in order to see its potential. But the thing is with that body she is using she cant just very well randomly run off and do what she wants right? Im pretty sure she doesn't want to make Barry suspicious. So the big question is if Alex has intentions of doing what she wants how the hell is she going to do it while not blowing her cover.......... Just something I was thinking about and thought I would share it.
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How did you manage to spoil a game for me that I played to completion?
Maybe I'm not very observant the first time around.
Omg lol Im sorry that I spoiled that. Im guessing when you beat the game you got the good ending? If so its subtly impiled that Alex has taken over Natalia because she is seen reading kafka ( and alex wesker loved kafka) and looking at the latest news on bio terrorism. So basically the RE 6 is vaguely mentioned
I'll find it really stupid if the Burtons aren't all massacred in their beds after the events of Revelations 2. Even if she became a runaway it would cheapen her as a truly evil villain. How the f*ck do you just let your enemies live or continue to live with them until you're grown up enough? Is a villain really going to stay around to smell Barry's and Moira's farts, go to school, get yelled at, etc. etc.? Alex was such a wasted character.
Ya I saw that. lol. I will try something. Meh I will just delete it. lol ok done. Anyways like I said Alex will probably just go to some university and then randomly disappear.
It's funny because I was just talking about this stuff with someone the other day. Yes she is in the younger body. Capcom probably did this because we are moving into a younger generation of heroes and they probably want her to stay around for a while. Revelations 2 is really kind of a late origin story to physically introduce her into the lore.

Due to plot armor and story telling. Capcom will not let her murder the whole Barry residence and burn it to the ground as @Turo602 has suggested. It just won't happen. We may see Barry die, Polly.... doubtful. Moira will likely continue on to be a new fresh hero for the franchise along with Jake and Sherry. The idea of Chris's death being in relation to Alex would be an interesting scenario.
I will stand by my belief that Alex is the most evil person in the series. The documents in the game go into some very... disturbing details. Example. Manipulation, having peoples arms cut and burnt off, stitching people together, purposely testing peoples threshold of mental and physical torture. Her puzzles are the sickest in the series. She's also the only villain in the series to specifically target someone. The things she's done to hurt Natalia goes beyond forgiveness. Barry said it best, there is no salvation for her. I could go on.

As for how she will escape. There are plenty of scenarios. Running away or killing them is just one. If she wanted to create a suspicion. I have suggested that she could have Ada "kidnap" her. It would be all so easy. Alex let's Natalia's consciousness take over when it happens.... and there would be no evidence left behind to show it was a set up. That's just one theory of course.

As for @Dr.Slaughter question. Of what she will be up to next. We have two hints in the game. One was the mention of her creating a "New World Order". Not like Albert's stupid idea, but more inline of what Spencer wanted. To rule over mankind as a god. While I doubt this will turn out to be the case but.... The "Tall Oaks" events is a direct lead straight to The Family. A group who could enact such a thing in a short period of time. The second thing. Is to engulf the world in fear. This would of course be likely through the use of Bio-Terrorism unless Capcom wants to do something scary with technology. Alex embraces the best of both as is stated in Revelations 2.
Another possibility is that she is the one who revives Umbrella, for what ever reason. As we all know Umbrella Corps takes place in the "current" cannon. Which Capcom defines by a year or two from the real worlds release date.

Alex Wesker was NOT a wasted character. Capcom created a character who is the most flexible character in the series to date. There is so much potential and Capcom can do basically anything with her. She could always change vessels again if Capcom wants to go a different route in the future. She's easily one of the most flexible characters in gaming history when you really think about it.

Ya I saw that. lol. I will try something. Meh I will just delete it. lol ok done. Anyways like I said Alex will probably just go to some university and then randomly disappear.

This is a joke right? LMFAO! One of the key things Alex had transferred was her memories. This is partially due to physical limitations, it makes more sense in the Japanese version where they talk about "Mind, Body, and yes Spirit". Alex Wesker excelled in education from a young age and went through the best of the best. This is stated in the canon. She's one of, if not the smartest in the series. At least on level with Alexia Ashford and William Birkin. Both whom are ahead of Albert Wesker, in which Albert stated in his second "Wesker Report" in regards of his own scientific limits.
So no... Alex will not waste her time with that.
Well the only reason I thought of for her to attend a university would actually be to just get away from barry. I didnt mean to imply that she would have any reason to actually go to college. lol. And also that would be cool if she forms an alliance with ada or something.
Well the only reason I thought of for her to attend a university would actually be to just get away from barry. I didnt mean to imply that she would have any reason to actually go to college. lol. And also that would be cool if she forms an alliance with ada or something.

It would not be an alliance. It would be a job for Ada and Alex would be using her. Just like she does everyone, including her own staff. There are many ways to get away from Barry. She could straight up kill him. If you've seen the bad ending. You have a small hint of what she is capable of. She is significantly stronger than Albert, but probably no where near as fast. It would be fun to see them fight. She'd probably get very, very angry with missing xD Albert has near light speed reflexes and short burst. His physical strength is actually less than Captain America's and is less than what most people think. Which is probably the one reason why Chris, Jill, and humans in general take a blow without it being fatal. Alex on the other hand can tear OP B.O.W's apart. Albert escapes Racoon City because of his immunity to the T-Virus. In CVX he straight up pussies out and makes Chris fight Alexia.

Albert knows his limits and even went to form S.T.A.R.S. because he also realised his scientific limits and knew he could no longer keep up with William Birkin on the G-Virus project. Albert Wesker has an insanely high IQ, at least 180. I don't even want to know what William Birkin's IQ is. Which is only surpassed by Alexia Ashford. And now it is possible that Alex is on par with them, if not surpasses them. She is the only one to succeed with the exception of William Birkin who succeeds through Sherry. Reading both of the Wesker Reports will explain this.
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It's funny because I was just talking about this stuff with someone the other day. Yes she is in the younger body. Capcom probably did this because we are moving into a younger generation of heroes and they probably want her to stay around for a while. Revelations 2 is really kind of a late origin story to physically introduce her into the lore.

Due to plot armor and story telling. Capcom will not let her murder the whole Barry residence and burn it to the ground as @Turo602 has suggested. It just won't happen. We may see Barry die, Polly.... doubtful. Moira will likely continue on to be a new fresh hero for the franchise along with Jake and Sherry. The idea of Chris's death being in relation to Alex would be an interesting scenario.
I will stand by my belief that Alex is the most evil person in the series. The documents in the game go into some very... disturbing details. Example. Manipulation, having peoples arms cut and burnt off, stitching people together, purposely testing peoples threshold of mental and physical torture. Her puzzles are the sickest in the series. She's also the only villain in the series to specifically target someone. The things she's done to hurt Natalia goes beyond forgiveness. Barry said it best, there is no salvation for her. I could go on.

As for how she will escape. There are plenty of scenarios. Running away or killing them is just one. If she wanted to create a suspicion. I have suggested that she could have Ada "kidnap" her. It would be all so easy. Alex let's Natalia's consciousness take over when it happens.... and there would be no evidence left behind to show it was a set up. That's just one theory of course.

As for @Dr.Slaughter question. Of what she will be up to next. We have two hints in the game. One was the mention of her creating a "New World Order". Not like Albert's stupid idea, but more inline of what Spencer wanted. To rule over mankind as a god. While I doubt this will turn out to be the case but.... The "Tall Oaks" events is a direct lead straight to The Family. A group who could enact such a thing in a short period of time. The second thing. Is to engulf the world in fear. This would of course be likely through the use of Bio-Terrorism unless Capcom wants to do something scary with technology. Alex embraces the best of both as is stated in Revelations 2.
Another possibility is that she is the one who revives Umbrella, for what ever reason. As we all know Umbrella Corps takes place in the "current" cannon. Which Capcom defines by a year or two from the real worlds release date.

Alex Wesker was NOT a wasted character. Capcom created a character who is the most flexible character in the series to date. There is so much potential and Capcom can do basically anything with her. She could always change vessels again if Capcom wants to go a different route in the future. She's easily one of the most flexible characters in gaming history when you really think about it.

"Probably" isn't a satisfying answer nor does it make it a good idea. No one can confirm that Capcom is trying to get out with the old and focus on a younger cast. For all we know, the series could be rebooted very soon. The new CGI film is set to feature Leon, Chris, and Rebecca and Capcom themselves have expressed interest in using Chris and Jill for RE7 (not saying they're in it but it still paints a clear picture). None of this implies that they want to move away from some of their most iconic characters.

I also really doubt she'll kill them but that's my point exactly. Whenever a villain has a sinister opportunity in front of them, there's always some dumb excuse for why they didn't take it and it's obviously due to plot armor. Whether or not anyone can justify it, the end result is still a cheapened villain.

Also, I say she was wasted because she just wasn't that interesting. For starters, her biggest fear and whole reasoning for wanting to be immortal was because she was getting old... Talk about a mid-life crisis. Her design, unlike Wesker, just wasn't memorable at all and in the end she just ended up offing herself which could have been forgivable because her monster form was actually intriguing. I would have actually preferred if they kept her as a disfigured hooded monster throughout her run in the series because it would have been something new for the series to have the monster be the one behind the scenes. Instead, we ended up getting a little girl. How original.

And for the record, Wesker's plan was to create a New World Order and rule as a god...
Yes but keep in mind that most villians drabble on about how they are going to accomplish their goals, destroy the earth, become god, rule the erath blah blah... Honestly Wesker died due to being nerfed and PIS ( plot induced stupidy). Before RE5 Albert's goal was to stay in the shadows, obtain various viruses/plaga sample, sell them off to make his own profit, and obtain even more data and sell it and get money and...... you get the idea. lol. He took advantage of the fact that various terrorist wanted viruses and such in order to create chaos. Basically he enjoyed watching the world slowly become engulfed in chaos and it was in an inderict way due to him giving pyshopaths B.O.W.'s knowing full well that despair and catastrophe would ensure shortly after. My point? Before RE5 he never cared about being a god and all other nonsense. His personality was nerfed in order for him to be defeated.... Ok now that Im done riding Alberts dick let me finally move on to ( in my opinion) the brightest of the wesker children.....

Alex..... All I can say about her...... Well she wanted to find a way to escape death, she manipulated several people, slaughtered many people, performed grotesque experiments on people, hell she even back stabbed that dam FBC lap dog Neil Fisher( and he asked for an uroboros sample and he got it... literally) But then alas she mutates into a hideous monster and gets blown up by a rocket launcher..........

But it is then revealed that Alex is one sneaky bitch and the experiment was actually brought to fruition. So Alex Wesker grabbed immortality by its big sweaty balls and yanked it off. She found a legit way to contain ones conscious in other vessels. This is essentially imortality.

" A cage went in search of a bird...... But the bird is gone... the bird has changed". - Franz Kafka

"By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.”- Franz Kafka

“Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” - Franz Kafka
"Probably" isn't a satisfying answer nor does it make it a good idea. No one can confirm that Capcom is trying to get out with the old and focus on a younger cast. For all we know, the series could be rebooted very soon. The new CGI film is set to feature Leon, Chris, and Rebecca and Capcom themselves have expressed interest in using Chris and Jill for RE7 (not saying they're in it but it still paints a clear picture). None of this implies that they want to move away from some of their most iconic characters.

I also really doubt she'll kill them but that's my point exactly. Whenever a villain has a sinister opportunity in front of them, there's always some dumb excuse for why they didn't take it and it's obviously due to plot armor. Whether or not anyone can justify it, the end result is still a cheapened villain.

Also, I say she was wasted because she just wasn't that interesting. For starters, her biggest fear and whole reasoning for wanting to be immortal was because she was getting old... Talk about a mid-life crisis. Her design, unlike Wesker, just wasn't memorable at all and in the end she just ended up offing herself which could have been forgivable because her monster form was actually intriguing. I would have actually preferred if they kept her as a disfigured hooded monster throughout her run in the series because it would have been something new for the series to have the monster be the one behind the scenes. Instead, we ended up getting a little girl. How original.

And for the record, Wesker's plan was to create a New World Order and rule as a god...

I agree with a lot of what your saying, but not everything. Yes it is true about the new movie, but also the series will be more or less of a "soft-reboot". RE4 was a soft-reboot as well. I don't see Capcom throwing away the current story that they've built upon for so long. They also probably wouldn't have had Revelations 2 the way they did. The Chris and Jill concept that was going on, was suggested to have been scrapped. We'll see in time but I wouldn't hold my breath on it. There's tons of rumors on who the protagonist will be. A lot of people want Jill, but we may see someone else. I am ruling out Leon though, for the obvious reason. I only merely suggested the idea of moving to a younger generation as an idea. It will likely happen within the next 2-3 games. I think Leon will have one more but.... the series goes in real time and according to Capcom's official Resident Evil timeline. The year 2020 was blank. It could be a placeholder and it takes place a year or two earlier.... it still fits Capcom's "within a few years of real world release" rule that every numbered title had. It's inevitable and will happen at some point. The torch is being passed, but that doesn't mean we will see it in the next game. We may likely see some consequences of the matter, and likely see at least one of the new characters to some capacity.

Resident Evil is full of plot armor. It's ridiculous. Revelations 2 did show that the armor is starting to fall off, as did RE6. I wouldn't be surprised if Capcom did kill someone significant off for an effect. A lot of people think Barry is going to die. Again... we will see.

I personally think Alex Wesker is the most interesting and mysterious characters in the whole series. She said that her whole life was a prelude to this and she was doing research on this matter in her 30's. So no... it is not because she is old. She was sick with the dieses for a long time, but again. She had that desire to live forever for a while. She is very self-serving.

You do realise that her "offing herself" was a reference to the first game, right? She said "My brother's escape was death. Soon it will be mine as well. I will share in his fate. And then I will surpass him." In the first Resident Evil, Albert Wesker also committed suicide and faked his death to go underground. She indeed did share his fate. Revelations 2 had a lot of parallels to the first game. There are a lot of crazy things about her character and a lot of subtle meanings with philosophy. She is a very well fleshed out and deep character. Easily the best written villain in the series by a long shot, if not the best character. It is a little complicated because Capcom decided to tell her story through cinematic, visual, and readable story telling. This confused A LOT of people. She directly called herself a god, where Albert indirectly said it "That right... is now mine" The Japanese translations also show a lot more of her story. As for her becoming a child not being original. What story do you know if that's done this? I'm sure there are a couple... but not in such a complex matter, which is quite nicely fleshed out in the story.

As for Albert doing a N.W.O. Is world with Uroboros is pure chaos. There would be no order. He also never stated anything about being a god in the Japanese version of the game. He told Spencer that what he said was interesting and that he will continue his legacy. He was breaking his changing of the conditional programing of the Wesker project. Something Alex had broken free of around the events of the first Resident Evil game, if not earlier. Albert was rather.... slow in figuring it out.
Yes but keep in mind that most villians drabble on about how they are going to accomplish their goals, destroy the earth, become god, rule the erath blah blah... Honestly Wesker died due to being nerfed and PIS ( plot induced stupidy). Before RE5 Albert's goal was to stay in the shadows, obtain various viruses/plaga sample, sell them off to make his own profit, and obtain even more data and sell it and get money and...... you get the idea. lol. He took advantage of the fact that various terrorist wanted viruses and such in order to create chaos. Basically he enjoyed watching the world slowly become engulfed in chaos and it was in an inderict way due to him giving pyshopaths B.O.W.'s knowing full well that despair and catastrophe would ensure shortly after. My point? Before RE5 he never cared about being a god and all other nonsense. His personality was nerfed in order for him to be defeated.... Ok now that Im done riding Alberts dick let me finally move on to ( in my opinion) the brightest of the wesker children.....

Alex..... All I can say about her...... Well she wanted to find a way to escape death, she manipulated several people, slaughtered many people, performed grotesque experiments on people, hell she even back stabbed that dam FBC lap dog Neil Fisher( and he asked for an uroboros sample and he got it... literally) But then alas she mutates into a hideous monster and gets blown up by a rocket launcher..........

But it is then revealed that Alex is one sneaky bitch and the experiment was actually brought to fruition. So Alex Wesker grabbed immortality by its big sweaty balls and yanked it off. She found a legit way to contain ones conscious in other vessels. This is essentially imortality.

" A cage went in search of a bird...... But the bird is gone... the bird has changed". - Franz Kafka

"By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.”- Franz Kafka

“Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” - Franz Kafka

I know double posts aren't liked in this forum... but it is a long and complex matter. I apologise in advance.

RE5 really radically changed Albert's character. His motivations of evolving himself turned into some nonsensical bull****. The original plot outline of RE5 (which can be found online) had Albert as he always was. Despite having a glass eye. His goal was as Albert as you could ever get. Rise up in Tri-Cell and over throw the leader and take control of the company for himself. I believe there was something prior to the release of RE5 that mentioned he was rising up in a rival company of Umbrella. I could be wrong on this. RE5 really changed core fundamentals of his character and his role in Tri-Cell was.... off. If you're wondering. Killing Albert was always planned and yes... it was in a Volcano, and NO he wasn't mutated. Uroboros was original a Tri-Cell virus that had no association with Albert in any shape or form.

Of course that doesn't matter since it's not canon, but it does strengthen the argument that he was practically ret-conned. There are still some of the unused areas in the game. Such as the room with the progenitor flowers, where you would fist discover Albert is alive and have your first one on one fight with him.

Alex always planned to betray Neil. Unfortunately the English version decided to leave some details about Neil and his true motivations out. It all linked back to the first Revelations game and Lansdale. It was briefly mentioned in the English translations and the whole detail that Alex knew of the events was left out. Kind of ****ty because she is called "The Overseer" for a reason. She's been keeping tabs on world events for a long time. Stupid ****ing decision on Capcom's part to leave that out.

As I mentioned above to Turo. Alex's death was parallel to Albert's in the first Resident Evil. This was very clearly stated in the game, as bright as the sun in daylight on a clear day. I'd say she surpassed him as well. Either it's symbolism or Alex is OP as ****! Seriously... did you see the way she ripped her old self apart? Holy ****! Albert always ran from scary B.O.W.'s. He's fast, but he's also a pussy. He made Chris fight Alexia Ashford and ran like a bitch! Alex on the other hand ripper herself like butter with those little fingers. It's certainly suggest that she is strong in the most ridiculous ways, where Albert was near light speed. I'd love to see them fight. Alex being stronger but she'd be ****ed as **** that she can't hit him. Then again it is stated that she can read people. She would notice his patterns and grab him by the neck as he's moving. Her ability to analyse is kind of bs, but not unrealistic. As far as the Uroboro's disintegrating in her hand. HOW THE **** DOES THAT WORK? Enemies liquidate in burn like that in gameplay due to limitations of leaving the body there. So it vanishes for that reason. Not because it actually does lmfao. At least I don't think so. Taking game design, it's a major limitation. It floods memory and that's why enemies always disappear after a period of time or when you look away, in every game. Resident Evil is a bit more efficient due to the amount of enemies we have on screen. So seriously... she's ****ing op as ****ing ****. That's some god mode bull**** if I've ever seen it.

"But then alas she mutates into a hideous monster and gets blown up by a rocket launcher.........." This is another "fate" she shared with her brother. It was more or less of a joke of RE5. I think it's ****ing rude on Capcom's part to rub Albert's death in everyone's face. Most fans are still ****ed off about his death and the pathetic and unoriginal way he died. Capcom also took the liberty to have the death in slow motion so people can't say "He teleported last minute. His body is gone before impact" bull****. The body was removed upon impact by game design. So the explosion could be displayed properly without showing parts of his body in the rendering. It happens all the time, pretty much every game tbh. Capcom also pulled thewhole LOL JK SHE'S STILL ALIVE LOLOLOLOLOL WE GOT U GUD!

"Alex Wesker grabbed immortality by its big sweaty balls and yanked it off." LMFAO That is one way to put it.... literally. That is exactly immortality. I'm a little ****ed I can't find the Jap translation but... she makes a mention of spirit along with a vessel and mind. In the English version it was just mind and body. Which kind of makes no sense when you read the final document in the game. Let's also add that the document that mentions the transfer is called "The Reincarnation Ceremony" in the Japanese version and "Notes on the transfer procedure" in the English version. That's rather... an interesting change. As for your quotes. You sure got that right :)
The fans forget (or don’t even realise) that if the T-virus never leaked in the Training Facility and the Mansion, Albert Wesker would have remained working for Umbrella – and for S.T.A.R.S.
The fans forget (or don’t even realise) that if the T-virus never leaked in the Training Facility and the Mansion, Albert Wesker would have remained working for Umbrella – and for S.T.A.R.S.

This is not true and is definitely not true when you look at the later games, but for the sakes of the first game. I am only going to state the evidence presented in the very first game. Albert Wesker lead S.T.A.R.S. in to have them killed under Umbrella's orders. This is true. What is also true is that Albert was looking for an out to escape from Umbrella. This is where he formulated a plan to fake his own death. This plan was only possible with the help of his old friend William Birkin. Had the virus that William provided him failed. Albert would have been dead. He placed a lot of trust in Birkin's work. We clearly see him inject himself and position himself in front of the tyrant in the canon ending.

Later in the canon we find out that it worked on Albert because of another virus that was in his body which was from Project W. We also discover through the Wesker Reports that Albert began to question Spencer's intentions and what Umbrella was. He also admitted his own scientific limitations as he became unable to keep up with Birkin as he progressed deeper into the G-Virus research. Albert then transferred to the new S.T.A.R.S. division.

We also need to consider that Albert may have not become the great villain we know had "power" not corrupt him. He himself admitted that he threw away his humanity. He never truly a bad guy and never really cared for human life, despite showing "hints" of disturbance of Umbrella's work in the late 70's early 80's. He was never a good guy either but it's been suggested that he was once suspect able to human emotions. The Wesker Report II suggest this. Then lies the question with Jake Muller far latter down in the cannon.

Spencer was corrupt from a young age. Then we have Alexia Ashford who was ****ed up as a kid. And then perhaps the worst of them all.... Alex Wesker, who this thread is about. She played Spencer like a damn fiddle from the begging. We have no idea of anything of her past beyond her becoming in charge of "overseeing" Project W. during and prior to the Raccoon City event. Eventually becoming Spencer's favorite who he saw as a daughter. Alex was a cunning manipulative bitch who was evil from the beginning, unless there is something we need to discover. She rather seemed thankful and disgusted at the same time regarding Project W. She certainly enjoys her superiority despite being sick.

Alex Wesker is also the only villain in the series to actually win and achieve their goals in a single game. Well played Alex, well played. She's also the most disturbing and actually rather the scariest person in the entire series. Imagine for a minute that you lived in the RE universe. I can't think of any scenario scarier than being in her sights, there's horror then there's terror. I mean she melted people's skin off and removed their limbs. She even cut peoples faces off and then burned them onto other peoples stomachs for ****s sakes.
This is not true and is definitely not true when you look at the later games, but for the sakes of the first game. I am only going to state the evidence presented in the very first game. Albert Wesker lead S.T.A.R.S. in to have them killed under Umbrella's orders. This is true. What is also true is that Albert was looking for an out to escape from Umbrella. This is where he formulated a plan to fake his own death. This plan was only possible with the help of his old friend William Birkin. Had the virus that William provided him failed. Albert would have been dead. He placed a lot of trust in Birkin's work. We clearly see him inject himself and position himself in front of the tyrant in the canon ending.

Later in the canon we find out that it worked on Albert because of another virus that was in his body which was from Project W. We also discover through the Wesker Reports that Albert began to question Spencer's intentions and what Umbrella was. He also admitted his own scientific limitations as he became unable to keep up with Birkin as he progressed deeper into the G-Virus research. Albert then transferred to the new S.T.A.R.S. division.

We also need to consider that Albert may have not become the great villain we know had "power" not corrupt him. He himself admitted that he threw away his humanity. He never truly a bad guy and never really cared for human life, despite showing "hints" of disturbance of Umbrella's work in the late 70's early 80's. He was never a good guy either but it's been suggested that he was once suspect able to human emotions. The Wesker Report II suggest this. Then lies the question with Jake Muller far latter down in the cannon.

Spencer was corrupt from a young age. Then we have Alexia Ashford who was ****ed up as a kid. And then perhaps the worst of them all.... Alex Wesker, who this thread is about. She played Spencer like a damn fiddle from the begging. We have no idea of anything of her past beyond her becoming in charge of "overseeing" Project W. during and prior to the Raccoon City event. Eventually becoming Spencer's favorite who he saw as a daughter. Alex was a cunning manipulative bitch who was evil from the beginning, unless there is something we need to discover. She rather seemed thankful and disgusted at the same time regarding Project W. She certainly enjoys her superiority despite being sick.

Alex Wesker is also the only villain in the series to actually win and achieve their goals in a single game. Well played Alex, well played. She's also the most disturbing and actually rather the scariest person in the entire series. Imagine for a minute that you lived in the RE universe. I can't think of any scenario scarier than being in her sights, there's horror then there's terror. I mean she melted people's skin off and removed their limbs. She even cut peoples faces off and then burned them onto other peoples stomachs for ****s sakes.

No. Umbrella arranged the plan to lead the S.T.A.R.S into the Mansion. They did this BECAUSE the T-virus had leaked in the Training Facility and then spread to the Mansion. Umbrella had to abandon these places as they were no good anymore for their research. Marcus infected the Train, the Facility, the Forest and the Mansion. He got his “revenge” on Umbrella for what they did to him. Albert Wesker was given orders by Umbrella to lead the S.T.A.R.S into the Mansion, as they thought they could get valuable combat data. Accept Wesker had his own plans: steal the combat data and sell it to a rival company. He faked his own death as by means to escape the authorities – to make it appear as if he died that night in the Mansion along with the S.T.A.R.S. Accept things went wrong and the Red Queen blocked his access privileges so he couldn’t steal the data. Furthermore, the Tyrant was dead and Chris, Jill, Barry and Rebecca all made it out alive. His plan was a failure. Umbrella won the first round.
No. Umbrella arranged the plan to lead the S.T.A.R.S into the Mansion. They did this BECAUSE the T-virus had leaked in the Training Facility and then spread to the Mansion. Umbrella had to abandon these places as they were no good anymore for their research. Marcus infected the Train, the Facility, the Forest and the Mansion. He got his “revenge” on Umbrella for what they did to him. Albert Wesker was given orders by Umbrella to lead the S.T.A.R.S into the Mansion, as they thought they could get valuable combat data. Accept Wesker had his own plans: steal the combat data and sell it to a rival company. He faked his own death as by means to escape the authorities – to make it appear as if he died that night in the Mansion along with the S.T.A.R.S. Accept things went wrong and the Red Queen blocked his access privileges so he couldn’t steal the data. Furthermore, the Tyrant was dead and Chris, Jill, Barry and Rebecca all made it out alive. His plan was a failure. Umbrella won the first round.

You said I was wrong and then admitted I was right when you said "Wesker had his own plans: steal the combat data and sell it to a rival company. He faked his own death as by means to escape the authorities – to make it appear as if he died that night in the Mansion along with the S.T.A.R.S."

That is correct. But Albert was planning for his escape far before the Arklay incident. That was just his excuse to implement it. You should read the Wesker Reports. #2 is a long read but it goes into this.
You said I was wrong and then admitted I was right when you said "Wesker had his own plans: steal the combat data and sell it to a rival company. He faked his own death as by means to escape the authorities – to make it appear as if he died that night in the Mansion along with the S.T.A.R.S."

That is correct. But Albert was planning for his escape far before the Arklay incident. That was just his excuse to implement it. You should read the Wesker Reports. #2 is a long read but it goes into this.

I never said you were wrong on anything. I simply suggest that Marcus put a lot of things in motion. Hypothetically-speaking, if the T-Virus never leaked throughout the Forest, Albert Wesker would have continued working for Umbrella – and for S.T.A.R.S.
I never said you were wrong on anything. I simply suggest that Marcus put a lot of things in motion. Hypothetically-speaking, if the T-Virus never leaked throughout the Forest, Albert Wesker would have continued working for Umbrella – and for S.T.A.R.S.

Yes Marcus did put things in motion for his revenge. You could also speculated that Marcus wouldn't have done any such thing had he not been in the position he was in after Spencer ordered Albert and William to assassinate him.

Albert would likely have try to find another way "out" of the situation. Also it was inevitable as RE2 was Umbrella's fault because a rat escaped xD
Yes Marcus did put things in motion for his revenge. You could also speculated that Marcus wouldn't have done any such thing had he not been in the position he was in after Spencer ordered Albert and William to assassinate him.

Albert would likely have try to find another way "out" of the situation. Also it was inevitable as RE2 was Umbrella's fault because a rat escaped xD

No. The viral leak in Racoon City wasn’t the fault of Umbrella. The hunk infiltrated the underground laboratory in a bid to steal samples of the G-Virus. Unfortunately for them, they were killed by a mutated William Birkin and the samples crashed to the ground and thus leaking the virus into the sewers. The rats licked up the G-Virus, became infected, and then carried it out of the sewers onto the City streets where they proceeded to bite people and infect them too.

Hypothetically-speaking, if the T-Virus had not leaked in the Train and spread across the Forest, Albert Wesker would have been working in the Mansion laboratory at the time when the City became infested with zombies. All the S.T.A.R.S members would be alive and called in on an emergency – including Albert Wesker. They would have had to evacuate the City along with the other survivors and relocate to a different Town. And surely the S.T.A.R.S could have continued their operations under a different Police Station. So it would no longer be the R.P.D S.T.A.R.S, but something else (insert the name of an American Police Department) S.T.A.R.S.

Albert Wesker would also have continued working for Umbrella and transferred to the nearest Facility.

Now, I say this because in the canon story he didn’t come up with his “back-stabbing plan” until he saw an opportunity for a win-win situation. The viral leak in the Forest gave him his opportunity to dispose of S.T.A.R.S – and steal the combat data. Albert Wesker “gave up” his humanity on this premise. He needed to make it look as if died that night at the Mansion, both to avoid the authorities and to escape from the clutches of Umbrella.

Alas, James Marcus is responsible for everything!
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