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Resident Evil 6 Action, Horror, and Melee


Super Saiyan Member
Well, I've heard that Leon's game will be more horror, Chris' more action, and Jake's more melee...What do you guys think of three different styles of gameplay...Frankly, I love it...I think it gives the characters a sense of difference in their actions...Making them more real...
I mean...While playing RE5 all I could think of was Chris moved and held his stance almost exactly like Leon in RE4...And to me, that was kind of annoying...They aren't the same person, so they shouldn't move exactly the same...Even if they move the same in RE6, the fact that the storylines will focus on different types of combat and have different atmospheres, not just for two but THREE different characters...I think it's a great move on Capcom's part...Really explores the different ways to handle the oubreak...
Slow and cautious-Leon
Guns a Blazzin'-Chris
Jackie Chan style-Jake...


I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
I like the way that sounds too :) But what do atmosphere do you think Jake's will have? Horror/Melee or Action/Melee?


I'll just get right to the ass kicking!
I think Jake seems like he may have a healthy mix of both...Maybe a bit more action, but not like Chris'...
I think it looks more action to me, running from massive monster, riding motorcycle, jumping on an attack chopper and such, to me it looks more action than Chris has. Chris's campaign is IMO the pathetic shot at the CoD audience with a more military/war zone setting while Leon's is more Horror in favor of us horror fans while Jake's is something new for us to try out.


The Trickster
I think all of the scenarios look good although the melee action looks very strange for an RE game, but I can't really judge it until I have played it. Leon's scenario looks like it has the best gameplay in my opinion.


PSN: floaty_McTurd
It's nice because it has something for most people, and for those who don't like the direction Resi evil is taking with the action orientated gameplay, hopefully leon's campaign will redeem that by giving us some survival horror style play, and for those who have a sick trigger finger they can go play as chris when they get bored of leons story.
not a bad idea, but then again i hope the styles aren't too different, otherwise it'll mean players fully neglect one story and just stick to playing one story...


Well-Known Member
I reckon it is awesome, it really feels capcom are making a somewhat concerted effort to please oldies, more recent players while adding a new element all together. I don't know much too about Jake mainly because i am trying to limit my Resident Evil 6 exposure now.But judging from the first trailer i'm a bit excited.

not a bad idea, but then again i hope the styles aren't too different, otherwise it'll mean players fully neglect one story and just stick to playing one story...

I'm quite prone of this habit alone(skipping chapters) so I can see this happening.


Well-Known Member
im excited to see how jake/sherrys campaign plays out. im really curious as to how the melee is gonna work. as long as they try something "new" and dont make it just some hack and slash crap ill be willing to at least try it. ill probably play chris campaign last cause im not big on the action at all. in fact, ive only beaten RE5 once (maybe twice) and still have no urge to ever play it again. i loved where they took the gameplay in RE4 and have beat it like 50 times, but by the time 5 came out it felt too dated for an action game. this is my opinion of course.
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