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  • The thing is, I dont have a good enough camera that would work with any kind of vid making. But, I do have movie maker...so if thats helpful with anything, I'd like to help with the RE online movie.
    no worries :), if you need anything else, just ask :D

    This movie is going to be great I tells ya :D
    haha, well, for the most part, don't let it drag on. When at a particular part, let it run for abit, and if possible, shift to another character to show what they were doing at the time of the previous character etc..

    if 1 character was on for too long, it would feel like we're missing out on something, unless of course the part they will be at is important then it may "drag" on but in a good way..

    If i haven't or i have covered sumthin u needed 2 know, tell me, it would help me help you :)
    1. make up, masks etc
    2. modelling - lots of films make small-scale models and edit it in with real life stuff if they can't make something happen on real scale. e.g. on The Dark Knight, in the scene where the Joker is shooting at cars with a bazooka, there is one shot in which the Batmobile (Tumbler) is actually a model because they couldn't make it jump over a car in real life inside the tunnel without destroying the public tunnel. They mixed this in with the rest of the full-scale footage
    3. We include GLIMPSES of Nemesis, making it edgier and scarier whilst making it easier for us because of less work. For this we can use puppets like psuedo-animatronics - imagine Nemesis' face on a stick/wire poking through the darkness to create the impression that he's there, but that's the only time we see him. To get a feel of Nemesis, we could have Nemesis POV shots to go with this, done in hand-held camera watching the terrified actors flee in front of us.
    4. We don't do it.
    Ahh first off can I just say I'm so happy to be a part of this^_^
    And I'm not sure, it'll bring together fans from everywhere so I guess I'd like it to be as fun as possible, something that non-fans can watch and think "Ooh thats pretty awesome!" who knows how much attention it'll get when its all done?
    LOL I won't cancel :) Even if uni in late Sep causes less free time, I'll still participate somehow. Besides, my course is Film and Video (practical course) so this could actually come in handy xD

    And dw, I just thought that organizing the info would make it look better :D

    P.S. having deleted the PM and being off the computer for a while has made me completely forgot your password. You're safe ;P lol
    I took him off the website one for now, I don't want him to feel obliged every time he sees the list if he really can't do it... I was suffering the same problem at his age, I had a popular project I had to cancel because of school. I asked him to let us know if he could, if he can I'll add him on the site again :)

    NOTE: Auditions page added to the site!
    Aw, dang. It can't be helped I guess :S but we've got other people, it should be okay :D
    I haven't at the mo... I'm really self conscious so I haven't taken a pic of myself for about a year or two :S

    Need to eventually for my MySpace anyway - I only have a drawing at the mo lol

    Anyway g2g for a while, my bro and I are playing RE1 :) see yaaaa
    there you go :)

    Mine's currently got the URL to the website, yours has the URL to the forum thread but you can change it to the website if you ever want to, just replace the thread URL with the URL of the site
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