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La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
My mind has taken up permanent residence in the gutter, you can say anything you'd like to me dolly, there's not a whole lot I'd find inappropriate haha
Well that's my kind of lady! I still very much so act like a 14 year old. The other day in class my professor was speaking about taking blood and said "If you apply too much pressure they'll squirt everywhere." and the idiot in me came out and said "That's what she said." I got a lot of stares and supressed giggles.
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
Haha - I'm still the exact same way. No issues with talking to whoever will listen about 'lil femme fatale' as I like to call her. That reminded me just the other day my manager came up to me and was like 'I'm not your father, but I'll be your daddy', and I was like 'dude, you're not making six digits'. The world's so much more fun when you don't have to worry about being appropriate aha
LOL Tell me about it! I've recently come out of the Catholic church for that reason and many more. My god, they get so offended when I mention sh*t about babies. It's a real hot button, one chick posted something on her profile about how pepsi is using aborted babies for taste receptors for their products and I commented going "No wonder it's so delicious. I love baby flavor."
It caused an uproar and a lot of those freaks removed me. I really don't give an F anymore. I'm actually now trolling my FB to get the religious extremists off my friends list. lol
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
I could go on for days about the hypocrisy and general insanity of religion but I won't... it's just mind-boggling to me. I mean, the general corruption of the Church in itself already goes without saying... but frankly I don't understand the need to constantly impose its values on others. Sometimes I swear that its because they are so insecure in their own belief
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
It's like... why do you care so much what I say or do? There's NOTHING you can do to me that God won't and according to you I'll get my just desserts one day... so chill the **** out and let it happen aight.
Amen chica. I'm so tired of the hypocritical pious freaks. At least you live in Canada, it's not AS crazy there as it is here, especially where I live in the bible belt of the south. My god, you can't go into a store without being debated about your religion. That's why I usually just say "I have no belief", because saying anything else will start a heated argument.
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
I would go crazy in the bible belt, honest to goodness.I mean, I got most of my cred with the religious fanatics because I went to a Christian high school, but man, the bible belt would be tough for me. We actually have quite a few ladies here who live in the south but are (or appear to be ) small l liberal on this type of stuff so it's wonderfully refreshing
Yeah, I'm definitely southern, but don't share the same belief system as most of these nuts. I agree, the southern belles on here are quite awesome! I'd consider myself a liberal as well.
I had to suffer through a Christian highschool where i would get remarks like "You can't be christian and be a democrat!", "Yoga and Harry Potter are evil!" and the one that ****ed me off the most "You can't be gay and expect salvation!" -_-
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
Sorry, I didn't see those two comments until now! You know, it's ridiculous, but you can't really help stupid. I hate when I see that kind of language as most of my closest friends growing up were gay and to witness the pain they had to go through in religious communities was heartbreaking.
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
At the end of the day though, these people have no logical argument for saying the things they do. I believe in the principles set out by the Constitution first and foremost above anything the Bible could say.. and in that respect we're all created equal.
Yeah, trying to come out to parents like that 3 times is even more heart breaking. I have to pretend I'm something I'm not so my whole family won't disown me lol. It's kind of tough trying to weigh in my options... Either be disowned by my family to a life that may or may not work out in my favor, or keep my family and live they life THEY want me to live. Both are a loss for me.
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
And here's how I kind of approach the thing - if you're going to try to force your religious beliefs on others - you better be following the ****ing bible to a T. I hate when people pick and chose what they'll abide to.
Amen to the picking and choosing part. I believe in God myself, but not the one that all these other pricks believe in. I don't randomly spout out bible verses like some Christian with tourettes either lol. I hate it when people do that. I just stick to my plate and mine only, and hope other's don't poke their fingers in MY food if you know what I mean.
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
I hear ya. Nothing bothers me more than someone who preaches against gay marriage because it's convenient to do so, and then goes to Red Lobster for dinner and watches porn before bed.
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
Sorry for the triple comments there - the forum went a bit funky on me haha
Aha no problem! Yeah it's weird because before I came out to them they were pro-gay and very liberal. They conveniently changed their mind when they're own daughter felt that way. Funny how life works!
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
That reminded me of Chaz Bono's coming out story and how Cher is (obviously) this huge gay icon freaked out at first. Hopefully they'll come around for you soon. :)