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La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
Meh... I can't wait to get out of school so I can resume my life haha
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
How bout yourself sugar?
bleh the internet keeps freaking out. I'm under Official Tornado watch atm. I'm really good I lost my job but i've already sumbitted my **** for another one (its what i do) So i'm hopeful. And i finally got back into the relationship game. Cant be happier.
Are you still gonna Mod it up once your out of school?? I'd hate to come back to a Femme-less autocracy
These blasted limits! How much longer do you have in school?
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
I wish I was into the relationship game. Actually, I wish I was married and had five kids by now. Unfortunately the last relationship I had was a few months ago, and it turned out the guy I was seeing was sexting my little sister. Suffice to say that didn't last. I think I shall become a lesbian now.
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
I'll probably still be here - though, not as often. I'm always here during essay time because I hate essays but feel I need to write at least one line per hour. :P
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
Graduation is in June!
I dont advocate my gender. In fact i even questioned my validity as a human male being that i dont plop down at the nearest bar, contemplate multiple sex partners and/or animals, and then proceed to down 15 shots of whiskey after my long days as a lumberjack (even though i look like one now)
I say why not go lesbian, i hear of things they can do that can make you want to sleep for days. And without the constant poking and staring alot could get accomplished relationship-wise both internally and externally (:D)
JUNE! thats really close ...closer than i'd like it to be. Whats your plans after you graduate? sorry if i'm being too nosey
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
My problem is that, while I feel I'd be happier, I'm not that into vaginas. Don't get me wrong, I find my own to be rather fascinating, but otherwise.. fun for a romp but that's about it.
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
After graduation I plan to get a 'real' job - meaning put my two weeks in at the hotel, and then move to wherever this real job shall be. Even if that means across the country or hell, even to another one for a bit. I just have an urge to do something no one would expect me to do. I dunno.
I totally agree with you. I think you should go somewhere where you think you'd make the most difference. I think you have more than enough knowledge and talent to be President FEMME. And i'll even go overseas live in a small shack until the census agrees i'm part of the population, just so i could vote for you. i know i'm just preachin to the choir but positive reinforcement is a bad habit of mine
As for the vaginas thing...i really think you should give them another shot, and really try to like them

lol yea jk
I hate to be cliche but i have to believe the universe will send the right other half of you via email or ups.
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Fatale
Or ups?
Oh duh UNITED postal service....Fed Ex? anyway i think it'll happen when you least expect it and you wont have to sign for it
parcel same thing