Recent content by TyrantNemesis

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  1. TyrantNemesis


    Happy birthday :)
  2. TyrantNemesis

    The Leaving/Returning Thread

    Its been a while since I've been online guys. Sorry for not really posting here for my leaving; I've just been dealing with a lot lately and really have been feeling stressed. A lot of crap has gone down since the last time I posted here. I hope everything is going well for everybody. Good to be...
  3. TyrantNemesis

    What Are You Listening to?

    Mudvayne- Happy
  4. TyrantNemesis

    ...and the balls.

    ...and the balls.
  5. TyrantNemesis

    Yeah. Its like a butterfly feeling in your chest, but not the good kind of butterflies--the bad...

    Yeah. Its like a butterfly feeling in your chest, but not the good kind of butterflies--the bad kind.
  6. TyrantNemesis

    I feel scared all of the time. I hate anxiety.

    I feel scared all of the time. I hate anxiety.
  7. TyrantNemesis

    Moved back home and feel good about it. Its been a while since I've been online, so I hope that...

    Moved back home and feel good about it. Its been a while since I've been online, so I hope that everyone is doing okay.
  8. TyrantNemesis

    The Leaving/Returning Thread

    Might be offline for a while; I just got done moving back into my hometown and I might not have internet for a while. I will get online sometimes via my phones data, that I never use that much.
  9. TyrantNemesis


    Hellyeah. That's cool that they know your taste in music!
  10. TyrantNemesis


    Hellyeah. Your parents got them for you? I love getting an awesome album for a present. I'm still trying to get all the Tool albums.
  11. TyrantNemesis

    Jason Bourne (2016) trailer

    Damn. Matt Damon is awesome! but Affleck was the bomb in phantoms I hope someone gets that joke^ ^_^
  12. TyrantNemesis


    Hellyeah :D What albums did you get?
  13. TyrantNemesis

    Momma, I'm comin' home.

    Momma, I'm comin' home.
  14. TyrantNemesis


    Happy birthday maddy. Hope you got something cool.
  15. TyrantNemesis

    @Maddy7 Thank's, Maddy. I feel that way too.

    @Maddy7 Thank's, Maddy. I feel that way too.