Recent content by Sassy

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  1. Sassy

    New Member!

    ayo, welcome! :D
  2. Sassy

    What are you Thinking? Resident Evil Edition!

    So sad! RIP :( hopefully if they do a Nemesis remake, we can get someone as close as possible!
  3. Sassy

    New member in town

    Welcome! Enjoy your stay :)
  4. Sassy

    Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999) Just finished for the first time!

    It's short? It took me 7 hours to complete it :razz: Having Nemmy chase me for any longer would have felt dragged out TBH, I just wish the final boss fight was... harder :neutral: still amazing though! I haven't been so in love with a game since I played Tomb Raider Chronicles as a kid TBH. Love...
  5. Sassy

    Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999) Just finished for the first time!

    Just... wow! I'm kind of sad that it's over now! I had such an amazing time with this game! Really don't understand why this game gets so overlooked!!!!! 10/10 for me TBH, just wish that final fight were a little harder, but it's fine, it was satisfying watching Jill exterminate the bastard...
  6. Sassy


    Happy Birthday gurl!!! :evil::razz:
  7. Sassy

    Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999) Should this be remade?

    I would really love this!!!! Can we start like a petition or something? How do we raise hype for this idea? I'll sign it 29495056 times :P
  8. Sassy

    Resident Evil 2 (1998) Is this game truly the greatest game in the franchise?

    I haven't completed it yet, but so far, I'm preferring Nemesis over 2 TBH. Maybe it will get better and change my mind? Who knows. I just love the impending terror that is always there in RE3 tbh.
  9. Sassy

    What are you Thinking? Resident Evil Edition!

    I still can't believe I didn't play these games sooner! I mean, I played RE5 almost a decade ago, but didn't bother getting the others until a week or so ago. wtfffff have I been missing out on? xD
  10. Sassy

    What is your favourite resident evil?

    Haven't completed most of them tbh, but I've played a decent chunk of all of them (for now :P) and I'm gonna have to go with Nemesis!
  11. Sassy

    Hey there!

    Thanks everyone!!! lovely to meet you all :lol::razz:
  12. Sassy

    Hey there!

    Thanks guys! :biggrin:
  13. Sassy

    Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999) Why is Nemesis so ugly?

    They're all ugly, the virus doesn't make you look like a $10 billion celebrity! :P
  14. Sassy

    Hey there!

    Hey everyone! I just joined here, glad to be here. I've only recently got into the Resident Evil games after playing RE5 about a decade ago, and I've picked up almost all of the main games (1-6 and Revelations 2) and I've been slaying through them and I have to say I'm becoming quite obsessed...