Recent content by S.T.A.R.S.4892

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  1. S.T.A.R.S.4892

    I Made a Resident Evil Twitch Channel

    Hey, everyone! I recently made a Twitch channel to stream RE games on. I'm new to this so I just recently got my voice in there, but I'll eventually be able to have a camera and such for better streams. Check out my channel, if you would like to. I follow back. Stay safe, everyone...
  2. S.T.A.R.S.4892

    Resident Evil: Welcome to Racoon City

    I really enjoyed this film.
  3. S.T.A.R.S.4892

    Resident Evil: Village Woman Screaming in Castle Dimitrescu

    Right, but she could have been made into that before Ethan gets to the dungeon area, yeah?
  4. S.T.A.R.S.4892

    Resident Evil Zero Most boring out of all old-school RE games?

    I still want those remakes, to this day.
  5. S.T.A.R.S.4892

    Resident Evil: Village I Just Bought Resident Evil 8 Village And This Is My Take On It Thus Far

    Yeah, I pre-ordered the game, so I had VoS at launch, before all of these speedrunners and super gamers had learned the game and memorized it, so I did it the hard way, by killing almost every enemy. I died a lot, but I got through it. The Rocket Pistol was just such a crap reward, though. I...
  6. S.T.A.R.S.4892

    Resident Evil: Village I Just Bought Resident Evil 8 Village And This Is My Take On It Thus Far

    I watched CarcinogenSDA play through a New Game VoS No Damage run and his remarks about VoS were: "So, Village of Shadows is a bull**** meme difficulty and I hate it. It's the equivalent of American Mario Maker players who think that a hard difficulty entails putting Bowser everywhere."...
  7. S.T.A.R.S.4892

    Resident Evil: Village I Just Bought Resident Evil 8 Village And This Is My Take On It Thus Far

    Yeah, lots of despawning tricks and shortcuts. Those speedrunners are on another level, haha.
  8. S.T.A.R.S.4892

    Resident Evil YouTube Channels?

    I may end up doing both for the games I play. I made a Twitch account last night because YouTube isn't letting me stream from my PS5. I'm looking at getting the PS5 camera soon for live streaming, and I'll likely just post no commentary versions on YouTube. I'm new to this whole gameplay sharing...
  9. S.T.A.R.S.4892

    Resident Evil 6 Was this game really bad enough to warrant ( what is essentially) a reboot?

    I absolutely adore Resident Evil 6. It added so much lore to the series, and it brought back some old faces. The new characters felt perfectly in place, and I loved the plethora of new bioweapons. Being able to move while ADS was a series first, and the Stamina Bar allowing you to melee enemies...
  10. S.T.A.R.S.4892

    Resident Evil: Village I Just Bought Resident Evil 8 Village And This Is My Take On It Thus Far

    Heisenberg on VoS just requires you to be smart about how and when you fire your weapons at him, as well as when to block. If you memorize his animations for each of his actions, you'll he able to predict his next move. The most difficult part of VoS for me was Chris Redfield's section of the...
  11. S.T.A.R.S.4892

    Resident Evil YouTube Channels?

    I wouldn't even know where to begin to do something lile that. Personally, I don't like when people talk during games because they talk over dialogue and important stuff. But, I guess if people want to see ny ugly face, I should figure out how to set up stuff like that.
  12. S.T.A.R.S.4892

    I love my PS5. I just wish I liked other games so I could "get the most out of it", but here I...

    I love my PS5. I just wish I liked other games so I could "get the most out of it", but here I am, playing Village on VoS, again. Hahaha
  13. S.T.A.R.S.4892

    Resident Evil YouTube Channels?

    Does anyone here post / stream the RE games on their YouTube channel(s)? Post a link to yours and I'll subscribe. Here's my RE channel: I haven't posted a whole lot on there, but I have a decent amount of content, for now. I'm trying to get...
  14. S.T.A.R.S.4892

    Another New Member

    Thank you! I'm glad to be here! :)
  15. S.T.A.R.S.4892

    Resident Evil: Village Woman Screaming in Castle Dimitrescu

    When you first enter Castle Dimitrescu proper, specifically the first time you enter the Mask Room, you hear a bloodcurdling scream echo from afar, in the direction of the doors to the Main Hall. I fully believe that was the death scream of the Maiden from the "Maiden" demo, when Alcina catches...