Recent content by Pancham Cutie

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  1. Pancham Cutie

    What Are You Listening to?

    I've been addicted to this song for the past 2 months and it has literally became my current favorite rock song and my current favorite anthem.
  2. Pancham Cutie

    Ooooh I don't want anybody else. Oh no, oh no, oh no.

    Ooooh I don't want anybody else. Oh no, oh no, oh no.
  3. Pancham Cutie

    What will you do when Resident Evil ends?

    Well if Resident Evil does end up ending, which it inevitably will (All things do go), I really won't care that much. It's a game series, games serve only one purpose for me, to entertain me. I will of course be like "Oh it sucks that there will not be another Resident Evil game" or "It sucks...
  4. Pancham Cutie

    Your Favorite Singers/Groups/Songs ?

    I'm gonna add Divinyls as part of my favorite bands. I just started listening to them recently, and I am absolutely in love with their music. I think they might possibly just be my new favorite band, even though they are no more. Also gonna add Elton John, my bestie has been listening to a few...
  5. Pancham Cutie

    Show me your...

    Changed my background again. This time I decided to have a slideshow for my computer's background with each background lasting 10 seconds each. And they go in that exact order.
  6. Pancham Cutie

    Member Appreciation Thread

    I appreciate @MissDomino and @Jay. While they may not be on here that much anymore, they will forever be my besties. MissDomino is one of the smartest, is the friendliest, one of the most understanding, and one of the most enjoyable people I've ever talked to and played games with in my entire...
  7. Pancham Cutie

    What Are You Listening to?

    (I really hate posting clean versions) This is my absolute favorite song from Lily's Sheezus album. As much as I am going to kick myself for this, it is my 2nd favorite Lily Allen song, making it the 3rd song to be my 2nd favorite Lily Allen song. Lily, why you got to make so many songs that I...
  8. Pancham Cutie

    What Are You Listening to?

    WARNING: Some flashing I'm gonna listen to this all day since it is my favorite Ke$ha song and I was able to find and purchase Cannibal today. X3
  9. Pancham Cutie

    Show me your...

    Just changed my background recently. I love it X3
  10. Pancham Cutie

    Favorite Resident Evil song?

    My fave would have to be the ending song for RE3 I don't know why, but out every single RE song besides the Save Room songs and the Mercenaries songs, this one I has always stood out to me and the only one that I can even remember.
  11. Pancham Cutie

    Random Facts About You

    #41 - The number one thing that creeps me out (Besides bugs and roaches) the most is any humanoid figure that is not human, is tall and/or extremely slim, moves un-naturally, and has un-natural eyes (Especially glowing or beady) #42 - Because I'm such an addict to them, if I have either We R...
  12. Pancham Cutie

    What Are You Listening to?

    I am not a fan of A Cappella music or even a fan of the group Rockapella, but I couldn't resist listening to this when I saw it and I enjoy this version as much as the original version.
  13. Pancham Cutie

    What Are You Listening to?

    Bought Papers, Please and as soon as I watched the trailer and heard this song on the main menu, couldn't stop listening to it.
  14. Pancham Cutie

    Outbreak File 2 resident evil outbreak file 2 vs left for dead 2

    I prefer Left 4 Dead 2 more than Outbreak File 2. I enjoyed both of them, but I had a lot more fun with L4D2. That and I couldn't stand the infection gameplay in OB2