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  • ugh, i've been there. lol i'd walk right passed the class i needed to be in several times. When you say back at school...college or?
    Haha - no such thing as a bad joke ;)

    Gladiator Fever sounds pretty cool though :lol:
    ololololol - that would be so AWESOME! :lol:

    Been tested for mono before (call it glandular fever over here, just to sound posh) and I have had it in the past but this is more than that. For years they put it down to puberty, then stress, then kids but actually it doesn't matter how I eat, sleep or exercise, I'm permanently ****tered. I even fall asleep whilst people are talking to me sometimes. The pain interrupts my sleeping pattern a great deal but it's one of those things you live with and it'll be ok.

    Steve helps me a lot - if he didn't work from home, I'd be a wreck!
    Chocolate Cravings sounds like a fun disease! :lol:

    I've had the overwhelming tiredness since I was 12 and the body pain for 4 years now. Being pregnant means they need to find out fast because of the complications for the baby such as brain damage and heart failure, but I'm not too worried just now. You live with something so long you kind of just get on with it. Jake will take time to learn that he mustn't kick me so much but he's still very little so it's just waiting it out. Hell, I used to not be able to walk so this is a step up!
    That must have been so FUN for you! :lol:

    Yeah, no one knows what's wrong with me - could be a thyroid problem, could be something called fibromyalgia, could be chronic fatigue. I'm just grateful they've ruled out MS and brain cancer because those were top of the list for a while. It'll sort itself out, I'm sure, but in the mean time it means I am stupidly tired (I need a minimum of 16 hours sleep each day just to function - I've not felt awake for 16 years) and I get pain all over my body like it's bruised. The slightest touch is like being punched, so being jostled in the street is agony for me.

    Could be worse though, so I count my blessings :)
    Most of my social interactions are with virtual people - I rarely get out of the house courtesy of some illness they still can't diagnose and being pregnant kind of makes everything a million times worse. I get out maybe once a week but other than that, I tend to socialise online and as a result have to speak to many many morons before I find someone worth talking to. I have very little patience, I think, and therefore people annoy me far more quickly than they ought to.

    I'm a grumpy old lady :lol:
    Ah, you're a good person. I just hold grudges, is my problem. Devon and her mates had a bitch-fest about me some months ago in their profiles (I don't even know what I did and I have never spoken to any of them before or since) and I just thought "you're 14 - you're a little child. STFU and GTFO".

    Moses, well we never clashed per se, but his superior attitude caused the staff many headaches and it made it hard to be objective when he wouldn't try to fit in a little just for the sake of harmony. Plus the way Vampi kissed his backside was just nauseating...
    I could always blame it on the hormones...

    I have to say, since Moses disappeared it's been far calmer. Probably because people can actually post without fear of being ripped to shreds for being "dumb". I've noticed that Devon bird posting more too - I don't particularly like her, but I suppose it's nice to see otherwise inactive people taking an interest.
    There's always PM's...although I've not been naughty yet and said anything too bad. People annoy me and as staff I wasn't allowed to get too irritated for the sake of remaining as impartial as possible. But now those constraints are no longer present, the complete child in me wants to rage all over profiles and "pity me!" threads like a madwoman.

    I probably shouldn't though...
    I just enjoy reporting people :lol: I have no idea who the guy who insulted you was but I regularly hit report on DMC.org if the mood takes me. Which is very often. It's quite liberating in a way being a regular person there now...and yet I can still skirt the rules in a lot of ways because it's not worth the hassle of reporting me to staff *insert evil, devious grin here*
    The fanboys/haters are so pathetic - regardless of what they are fans/haters of. Sad thing is, people only talk big online because they know they'd get bitch slapped in real life :lol:

    Report him to hell and back. It's fun :D
    LOL - someone told you what, now? Isn't the internet a lovely place, hmm? Mind you, I've left quite a few sites because of what people have said to me before (including DMC ;))
    Mine's 30 and she still doesn't believe in updates for her laptop. So it's full of viruses, spam and other junk. She used to do it to my laptop too but Steve had to ban her :lol:
    Well being a pseudo OCD infectee, i have to say play them in sequential order :). I think you'll be impressed with what VIII has to offer lol, if not i'll totally be embarassed. You into any other games yea?
    Ah, she's fine - she's back at school now and I could not be happier :lol:

    She's currently researching for a project for WWII and she's still banned from the laptop until she stops downloading so much crap - Steve's putting some more stringent controls on it for when she's allowed it back so she can't visit sites she shouldn't by accident. She's been begging to go on the forums for weeks now :lol: I'm just glad she's back at school and not moaning about being bored at home...
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