Recent content by Maestro

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  1. Maestro

    What's your most prized RE item?

    Resident Evil Archives books (vol.1 and 2)- when I get it as a gift from my girlfriend, it wasn't too expensive but now I see that prices went up. RE4 pocket watch- gift from old friend... And also 4 of 5 decks of RE Deck Building game :)
  2. Maestro

    Favorite resident evil memory

    Nemesis window jump in RPD building, and music after leaving bar in RE3 ("City in Ruin")- makes me feel sad and lost, great track :)
  3. Maestro

    Resident Evil 4 Tips!

    No one wrote about Striker glitch? :) After getting that shotgun, press aim button, and when Leon will lift the gun, press inventory button before laser could be shown. In inventory, change shotgun for any other weapon. Thanks to this, Leon will be 1,5x faster.
  4. Maestro

    What's everybody playing?

    Well, currently still playing Witcher 3, Blood and Wine expansion in fact... Gotta finish all quests, side quests etc. again :) And also I came back to first inFamous after 4 years...
  5. Maestro

    It's really good, but...Not better than Heavy Rain, I think ;)

    It's really good, but...Not better than Heavy Rain, I think ;)
  6. Maestro

    What Are You Listening to?

    If someone like guitar sounds, enjoy this (street improvisation performance, guy named Mariusz Goli), I think he's quite good :):
  7. Maestro

    Uncategorised Good News!

    Well, Capcom want to say: "Thank you for buying our Remaster, as a prize we will give you RE7 with more action, more characters to play, and more stupid story" :D ;) Now serious, this video gave me a hope for more remasters (almost sure about RE Zero), or even Remake of RE2 or 3 :)
  8. Maestro

    Show me your face

    Geez , you looks like Oona Chaplin! :D ("Game of Thrones" fans know what I mean ;) )
  9. Maestro

    Favorite RE Save room theme

    "Free from Fear", save theme from RE3 :)
  10. Maestro

    An returning member after some years of not active

    Welcome back. Nice to see someone from my native country :) "Witamy z powrotem" :)
  11. Maestro

    What are you thinking? (Part 2)

    Umm, I just want to wish all REN community a Happy New Year and having fun tomorrow/tonight :)
  12. Maestro

    What are you thinking? (Part 2)

    But now I'm thinking, how he imagined "New World" after releasing Uroboros? Only few percent of people were "worthy" of becoming super-human, rest of them will change into spaghetti-monsters, and world will be overcrowded with strong, deadly, dangerous creatures, more than 5 billions of them. He...
  13. Maestro

    You might know me...

    I'm not sure, but I think that I know you from MWRC, am I right? :D
  14. Maestro

    Resident Evil 6 RE6 Mercenaries

    Check this guide, exactly section 2, there you should find an answer :)
  15. Maestro

    how many re games do you own

    Huh, my list is a little bit longer, and still I didn't collect all what I want ;) -RE 0 (GC) -RE Remake (GC) -RE Remake (Wii) -RE 1 (PSX) -RE2 (PSX) -RE3 (PSX) -RE4 (GC) -RE4 (PS2) -RE4 (Wii) -RE5 (PS3) -RE6 (PS3) -RE: Survivor (PSX) -RE: Survivor 2:CV (PS2) -RE: Dead Aim (PS2) -RE: Outbreak...