Recent content by KevinStriker

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  1. KevinStriker

    What are you watching?

    I only know Ex_Machina for the spontaneous dance scene, but grabbed the Blu-ray for $3 recently, so I'll fix that. Loved Alex Garland's next movie Annihilation. Nosferatu I saw in the cinema for New Year's by myself, as a treat. 100% blind, never caught a trailer or free-floating spoilers so I...
  2. KevinStriker

    What Are You Listening to?

    A jewel in the crown of King Crimson:
  3. KevinStriker

    What Are You Listening to?

    Growing up is finding out all your favourite metal bands are a bunch of nerds like you The lyrics are based on the historical Charge of the Light Brigade, and this video uses clips from the 1936 Errol Flynn movie of the same name.
  4. KevinStriker

    What are you watching?

    This might come as a shock to some (or two, if you didn't know Resident Evil even had novels, let alone 7) but the books are actually pretty good. Considering that lots of game turned into novels can read like walkthroughs and character dialogue text dumps, a lot of creativity was needed to fill...
  5. KevinStriker

    What are you watching?

    My man made a fan-edit of the 1977 broadcast using the Blu-rays instead of torrenting the 2012 AMC broadcast. I respect the sauce needed to construct your own version of The Complete Novel to watch it uncensored.
  6. KevinStriker

    Get off my lawn

    Get off my lawn
  7. KevinStriker

    One decade on the forums. Ayy

    One decade on the forums. Ayy
  8. KevinStriker

    What's everybody playing?

    Happy I could help, I've been watching since his Limbo of the Lost video got sucked up into the YT algorithm and wouldn't stop being recommended to me, lmao
  9. KevinStriker

    What's everybody playing?

    AVP Extinction was one of his earlier reviews, and he does give credit where it's due. But there's also a lot wrong like repetitive environments, sound mixing, the Predator campaign's difficulty spikes (and that one music track he calls a Captain Beefheart experiment which always makes me...
  10. KevinStriker

    What's everybody playing?

    It's a pretty good RTS whose bread and butter is Aliens fanservice. Environments are impeccably detailed and atmospheric to look like the movies, but if licensed games lifting dialogue directly from the Aliens bugs you, Dark Descent has a lot of it in its NPC chatter. This review sums it all up...
  11. KevinStriker

    What Are You Listening to?

    Yes, I am getting back into Yes
  12. KevinStriker

    What's everybody playing?

    I still feel like that game just came out, when it came out in August 2021. It's two and a half years old, and Aliens: Dark Descent just dropped. Wait, that was eight months ago. Help
  13. KevinStriker

    What are you thinking? General Gaming Edition!

    I'm glad it doesn't look to be a retread of Vice City's very Scarface '83 depiction of Miami, and we're seeing some more of the redneck and ghetto sh!t you know goes on down there because of the Florida Man phenomenon.
  14. KevinStriker

    What Are You Listening to?

    Sometimes I wonder if this song had any kind of influence on Akira Yamaoka and his moodier, guitar-led tracks for Silent Hill.
  15. KevinStriker

    What are you watching?

    Come to think of it, my only exposure to X-Files was the point-and-click FMV game on Windows/PS1 years back. It was hardly for newcomers since that genre of game was on a steep decline, and Mulder and Scully were cameos.