Do you agree that capcom should have simply remade RE4 with next gen visuals instead of completely reamagining the game? For example although Konami are Remaking MGS snake eater it's the same game as original just with superior graphics
Any guesses on leon kennedys height and weight in the re4 remake? He looks significantly more muscular especially in the bicep area than he does in re2.
Transferred my ps4 re4 remake to ps5 today sadly though lost all my saved data from the ps4 version So have to start the game from scratch.
Is there any way I can transfer data over? It seems the only way to do it is to buy I cloud storage but I don’t really want to pay 6 pound 99 a month
I am playing resident evil 4 remake on ps4 and currently have HDR turned on. Is it just me or does HDR for this particular game not make much of a difference in terms of graphics? Resident evil 3 remake ane the Uncharted 4 looks gorgeous though in HDR.
Thankfully I am getting a ps5 for...
Unfourtantly I have very blurred vision in my right eye but can see very well out of my left eye.
I have always wondered would video games look very different to me if I had 2 working eyes? Especially when watching cutscenes in games because of my lack of depth perception.
It says on my LG tv it says that it does not suppourt HDR.
Are there cables you can buy that could enable HDR on my television or do I have to get an entirely new TV?
I currently own a ps4 but will be getting a ps5 for christmas. Sadly my LG tv does not suppourt HDR.
I am just wondering is vivid picture mode probably the best setting to get the most of the graphics for viideo games such as re4 remake and re2 etc….?
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