Recent content by Hoady

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  1. Hoady

    What was your GOTY of 2013, and what games are you looking forward to?

    It would be Mortal Kombat as it was released here in Australia in 2013. The only official 2013 game i played was GTA V for like 10 minutes so can't give it to that. This year i'm really looking forward to Nintendo mascots: 1.Super Smash Bros 2.Mario Kart 3.The Evil Within(xbox 360) Will see...
  2. Hoady

    What do you drive?

    Just started doing my licence stuff, hoping i can get myself a van! I had a dream of the old kombi hippy van for a long while but i'm steering towards other maybe a commuter(toyota i think).
  3. Hoady

    Show me your face

    Hey mate, was insane! You become so incredibly aware/alive. Freefall is best, all fear disappears and its just you there, falling, flying! But unfortunately its short lived, once parachute kicks you can think lol, fear kicks in a bit but you have the most incredibly, unbelievable view all around...
  4. Hoady

    Dead Rising 3

    I love the whole fun factor associated with Dead Rising. The whole reason its good imo is because you can kill zombies in a shopping mall with practically anything available. It seems that is not the focus on DR3 and more about apocalyptic/fear etc. It look's good but i love the whole element...
  5. Hoady

    What video game(s) are you playing?

    Mortal Kombat 9. It only got released in Australia around May but its been out like 2 years globally. Brutal game!!
  6. Hoady

    Show me your face

    Congrats KennedyKiller, wish you the best mate. Ain't done photos for ages so here is a snippet from my first skydive with my eskimo savior companion a month ago. BLOODY UNREAL!!!
  7. Hoady

    What are you thinking? (Part 2)

    Well I got a new number but i couldn't transfer my credit so I used an app to block sms and calls. The thing is, it would keep popping up in my notification phone thing everytime i cleared it and telling me "You have 7 blocked SMS". I'm thinking to myself "DON'T LOOK DON'T DO IT!!". Lets just...
  8. Hoady

    What are you thinking? (Part 2)

    Fast free wifi access?! Apparently its been going for about a month round here. I'm really curious as to who is doing it because the bandwitdth isn't running out. The neighbours are even using it lol. I had a run of this recently but probably nowhere near as extreme. Email and phone number are...
  9. Hoady

    What Are You Listening to?

  10. Hoady

    The Evil Within

    Get your nappies ready. Don't let me down Shinji!
  11. Hoady

    What are you thinking? (Part 2)

    Cheers, was a goody! CT: When you got to many choices that you get confused!
  12. Hoady

    New xbox 720 or ps4 what will you get?

    Between those two xbox for sure. If i ever do end up getting a new console though it is always a toss up between games so my views may change.
  13. Hoady

    What are you thinking? (Part 2)

    Things you couldn't imagine to happen, but all you have is intellectual knowledge so all you can do is ultimately transfer it to others.. who then go to live the dreams you believed. Funnily enough they always discouraged it. But you cannot pursue it, the past dominates you...
  14. Hoady

    What are you thinking? (Part 2)

    Was incredible! Blew me mind. CT: Tomorrow night i'm going to chill in the grass, people may dance, drink,smoke something, laugh. I will be there and forget about life for a little while. What is society and western moral responsibility again?
  15. Hoady

    What Are You Listening to?