Recent content by galactus

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  1. galactus

    Resident Evil 2 (1998) boss brawl!

    My vote goes to Mr X as well since he is pretty much indestructible (and my favourite character:)) so I am sure he could take and give as much as anything that Birkin could throw at him so Mr X for the win:)
  2. galactus

    Resident Evil - Code: Veronica Anybody hate steve burnside..

    I didnt mind the darkside chronicles version of him as much I just cant stand the code veronica version of him still not a fan of the character though:p and about blowing up steve and ashley with a hand grenade when the president asked about her I would just blame Jack Krauser (or the...
  3. galactus

    Resident Evil - Code: Veronica Anybody hate steve burnside..

    oh hell no:o I cant stand Ashley or steve they both give me a headache in there own way personally I would throw a hand grenade at them both if I was trapped in a RE style situation with them I would rather team up with the teletubbies (or something else just as ridiculous) rather then put up...
  4. galactus

    Resident Evil 5 Wesker Dead Or Alive(dedicated to 013)

    hmmm they would probabely turn him blue and say it was some kind of side effect of the virus he injected himself with = smurf wesker:lol:
  5. galactus

    Resident Evil 2 (1998) Does anyone else miss the old fashioned ways of re?

    :lol: nice comeback reply HUNK and just like to say that your conversation with Spike made me laugh:lol::D:ninja:
  6. galactus

    Resident Evil 2 (1998) Your thought when you first saw G...

    Well if we are talking about the thing that bursts out of bens chest (the son of william or whatever:unsure:) my first thought was WTF arrrrgghhh! gets machine gun out and goes crazy bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! is it dead?:unsure: no:o bang! take this bang! bang! and that bang! bang! get the...
  7. galactus

    Resident Evil 2 (1998) Your thought when you first saw G...

    Wait are we talking about that creature that bursts out of bens chest in the cells and then gets bigger (a bit like alien) or are we talking about birkin himself?:confused: I was talking about william birkin himself:ermm:
  8. galactus

    Resident Evil 2 (1998) Your thought when you first saw G...

    I personally think he is about the scariest monster in the whole RE series when he killed ben in the cells (or when he ripped chief irons in half depending on who you was playing as and which scenario) and then that cut scene (after meeting annette) when you see him killing hunks team I was like...
  9. galactus

    Resident Evil 2 (1998) Does anyone else miss the old fashioned ways of re?

    I miss the old style RE games in just about every way especially some of the old monsters like Nemesis and Tyrant etc and the atmosphere I like the new style games RE 4 and 5 in there own way but if I had to choose between the 2 styles the originals would get my vote every time:cool: bring...
  10. galactus

    Leon And young girls

    Yes like jump and smash through the window or something:lol: probabely end up with a lot of people chasing him like maybe the police or army or one of the other speacial forces if he did that though hope he's good at hideing as well:ninja::lol:
  11. galactus

    Leon And young girls

    :lol:Leon would probabely have ended up getting shot if he got to intimate with the presidents daughter (Ashley):lol: I can see it now the presdident: ok Leon was it you who got my daughter pregnant?:dry: Leon: :ermm:no sir it wasnt me:rolleyes: the president: LIAR!!:mad: Guards...
  12. galactus

    Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999) Jill Vs. Ada

    I like both in there own way:wub: but I would put my money on Jill as well I agree with Magnolia Jill is more professional and Ada nearly got killed in all of the RE games she has been in (RE 2 by Mr X and RE 4 by saddler:rolleyes:) unlike Jill so jill for the win:)
  13. galactus

    me to Im looking forward to that game as well:cool::)

    me to Im looking forward to that game as well:cool::)
  14. galactus

    Awesome I like those characters as well:cool::) my other favourite villains are Apocalypse...

    Awesome I like those characters as well:cool::) my other favourite villains are Apocalypse, Dormammu, Juggernaut, omega red, doctor octopus, Rhino, and the Abomination to name a few:)
  15. galactus

    Which female Resident Evil character would you like to date??

    I wish I could do that Ivan that would be Awesome:lol: