Recent content by Elochai

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  1. Elochai

    What is your EDC (Every Day Carry)?

    A little from column A and a little from column B! :P I'm a correctional officer at a local regional jail.
  2. Elochai

    What is your EDC (Every Day Carry)?

    Tactical under belt, duty belt with: 1.7% OC Spray w/holder, handcuffs w/holder, glove pouch, tactical light and holder, radio, cuff key and rings on a key holder, 2 mag pouches, SIG SAUER P250 with 3 point holster. I also have a pen, notebook, keycard, credentials, wallet, belt keepers (to...
  3. Elochai

    Uncategorised Ever been too complacent in a Resident Evil game

    I've had that happen during a speed run of Resident Evil 2. I was facing Birkin's "dog" form (don't judge, it's been years) just as the countdown started for the self-destruct sequence. I hadn't saved at all and I was approx. 1 hour and 10 mins in. I was running down the left side of the crates...
  4. Elochai

    What do you drive?

    I drive a 2007 Cobalt SS, 2002 Subaru Impreza WRX, and an AMC Ambassador 401 (can't think of the year. Look up a rebel machine and that's what it essentially is.)
  5. Elochai

    Show me your face

    Not exactly my face but this was what it looked like on Christmas morning.
  6. Elochai

    The Leaving/Returning Thread

    Hey, guys! How's everyone been?! I'm returning for a very short time and I couldn't be happier. I've missed this place. :(
  7. Elochai

    Resident Evil 2 (1998) Does anyone still play?

    Back before the forum got a revamp (I wanna say it was 2-3 years ago) we had multiple people beating the 1 hour 12 min mark by quite a few mins. I know I personally have.. but trust me when I say we didn't do it easily lol. We were having to do everything perfect. i.e. never running against the...
  8. Elochai

    Show me your face

    New car tiiiime! It was a very productive day at work, as you can tell. :P
  9. Elochai

    2nd Amendment

    Gun ownership is up, actually. In major cities where concealed carry and/or gun ownership is allowed, violent crime is down (significantly) when compared to those cities who have banned it. It's a right that most citizens defend both openly and strongly. I am 100% for the 2nd Amendment. An old...
  10. Elochai

    A little bit of fun...

    *takes off white glove* I challenge you to a duel, good sir! *slap* Hey hey, now! I'm more than willing to share with someone of your talents. *cough* Er.. I mean your medical talents! Yeah! ;)
  11. Elochai

    Uncategorised Oh yeah!!!!!!

    Directors Cut was so effin good. Not having enough herbage was one of the things I liked about it, it made it so much harder. How far into it are you?
  12. Elochai

    The Walking Dead Season 3!!!

    Is anyone else psyched for the Ricktatorship? I was so pumped when he finally grew a pair in the final episode.
  13. Elochai

    A little bit of fun...

    Wooooo yeah! I got Jill! I'll fight you all to the death because she can only be MINE!
  14. Elochai

    Show me your face

    We really do have an abundance of sexy people chillin on this forum. Nice pics everyone!
  15. Elochai

    Biohazard/Resident Evil Dash

    I've never heard of it. From the description there I'm extremely pleased that they scrapped it. lol