Recent content by Christorm747

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  1. Christorm747

    Resident Evil: Welcome to Racoon City

    Oh that is so true. I mean the cutscenes themselves make a movie. So pushing them together doesn’t seem like it would work in their favor. I mean even if they did RE2 and RE3 together in a movie instead it would still pose a problem even though RE2 and 3 technically happen at the same time...
  2. Christorm747

    Resident Evil: Welcome to Racoon City

    Yeah and I wanted to see Jill's iconic uniform. Maybe it's too expensive or outdated? But RE1 is set in the past
  3. Christorm747

    Resident Evil: Welcome to Racoon City

    Not necessarily. I went to a couple movies where I think it's going to be bad but been proven wrong, and vise versa. Do I want to be wrong? Sure I do. But you got to be realistic. Like you said video game movie adaptations don't always come out as planned. Sure I do want this movie to be better...
  4. Christorm747

    Resident Evil: Welcome to Racoon City

    Yes! Thank you! I definitely see your point. I looked up Claire's actress, and she does sort of look like her, I do hope she puts the hair up. But with Chris he looks the closest to the real thing, and like you said that's not saying much. He is just a white guy that's what they got right. But...
  5. Christorm747

    Resident Evil: Welcome to Racoon City

    Yeah I get it. This is basically just a retelling of the original games. So hopefully it's ok, but considering the cast you can't hope for much.
  6. Christorm747

    Resident Evil: Welcome to Racoon City

    Ok so I'm sure that most of you heard that another RE movie is coming out this year telling of the story of RE1 and 2. The pictures of the cast came out of Twitter, and please tell me I'm not the only one. Why can't these movies have good casting? I mean, Chris is the only one that's...
  7. Christorm747

    Resident Evil Infinite Darkness

    Yes, Exactly. If you took out all of Claire's scenes, it wouldn't do anything to the plot. She made no impact whatsoever, which is so frustrating to me. It doesn't make any sense that if she became a reporter, she wouldn't be armed. I mean, even after Raccoon city, I would think she would keep a...
  8. Christorm747

    New Member

    Thank you!
  9. Christorm747

    New Member

    Hi I'm a big fan of Resident Evil. Started playing when the first RE2 came out and fell Iove with it. I absolutely love the remake and the series that just came out. P.S. I'm a big shipper of Claire and Leon lol