Recent content by ArabianLuffy

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  1. ArabianLuffy

    Trapping Mr. X at the library.

    Trapping Mr. X at the library.
  2. ArabianLuffy

    Should Wesker Be Resurrected?

    Unfortunately, RE is partly a Sci-Fi game/story. Wesker can be brought to life, but his memories can not be. You know how genetics work. Unless Capcom wanna go all out like Castlevania.
  3. ArabianLuffy

    There is a Problem with RESIDENT EVIL Games Series (this likely will include spoilers about RE8)

    There is nothing personal here against anyone. It's just the game whatever is when it deviates from the way it used to be, trying different method to please new audience while ignoring majority, then I have an issue with that game. Even though I apologized in advance and I said I will use...
  4. ArabianLuffy

    There is a Problem with RESIDENT EVIL Games Series (this likely will include spoilers about RE8)

    Already said it. Same as RE7. First Person Mode/Shooter and the plot-driven story. Also Ethan is a boring character compared to others.
  5. ArabianLuffy

    There is a Problem with RESIDENT EVIL Games Series (this likely will include spoilers about RE8)

    It's understandable, but personal hobby has nothing to do with career. I know my responsibility towards the upcoming generation. The mistakes I have done in my life, I don't want to see others do what I did. Don't mix this and that. Being a teacher isn't an excuse to not speak my mind honestly...
  6. ArabianLuffy

    There is a Problem with RESIDENT EVIL Games Series (this likely will include spoilers about RE8)

    When I say RE7 is gay, means stupid. The word gay has many meanings. I suppose the word gay is stronger than saying stupid. Age and career won't stop me from doing and saying what I want. I'm not a complete person. I know my flaws.
  7. ArabianLuffy

    There is a Problem with RESIDENT EVIL Games Series (this likely will include spoilers about RE8)

    I am serious about RE7 and RE8. Just for the sake not to spoil RE8, let's just talk about what is wrong with RE7 from my point of view. It's the story and the First Person Mode for Shooter. They stripped the Sci-Fi element from RE7 and turned it into something close to Silent Hill. Since when...
  8. ArabianLuffy

    There is a Problem with RESIDENT EVIL Games Series (this likely will include spoilers about RE8)

    Yes, ladies and gentlemen. There is a problem. You see, it may already started or gonna start soon. Flame war between the old fans of RE and the new fans of RE. What am I talking about? OK. You see, I'm an old fan of RE games since 1998. The first RE game I ever known/played of all REs was...
  9. ArabianLuffy

    I trapped Mr. X in the Library in the 2nd Run >:3

    I trapped Mr. X in the Library in the 2nd Run >:3
  10. ArabianLuffy

    Resident Evil 2 (2019) The Option to Turn ON/OFF the Light in Dark Areas.

    Leon and Claire automatically turn ON the light in dark areas, but I as a player, I want to have the option to turn ON/OFF the light in dark areas. I want to experience the darkness while seeing the monsters roam the dark areas with me. This would be an extra layer of experiencing...
  11. ArabianLuffy

    We Need AudioBooks of Perry's RE novels! [Petition]

    Anyone good at writing petitions? Please, guys!
  12. ArabianLuffy

    Resident Evil 6 Perfect Skill Settings On All 8 [Recommendations]

    Have you guys unlocked all skills? If so, is there a good strategic set of skills that suits all RE6 characters' use? From 1 to 8
  13. ArabianLuffy

    Uncategorised RE: Remake Mode idea

    I know that Barry is left with not much to do other than killing monsters, so yeah, that's pretty much what he does in the story mode. But who knows? Maybe CAPCOM could use some things written in S.D. Perry's book, like: I have Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles, but wished they were...
  14. ArabianLuffy

    Uncategorised RE: Remake Mode idea

    Imagine a new mode in RE: Remake. Barry and Wesker's Story Mode. You play as Chris or Jill, but what were Barry and Wesker doing during all that time? I wish CAPCOM make it in form of DLC. Even if it costs few dollars, it is worth it. If you guys like the idea, is there a way to tell CAPCOM?
  15. ArabianLuffy

    What are you Thinking? Resident Evil Edition!

    Today, I decided to watch on YouTube DMC2 All cutscenes in its finest quality. In one of the cutscenes, a helicopter carries Arius has a writing on it, UROBOROS. I was like "Hey! This. Wesker. RE5."