Fellow Christians.......

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Well I'm not ashamed to say that I believe in God. I can't explain the feeling I get when I do go to church. I always get it when we start singing.

So yes, I guess you can say that it gives me a feeling of empowerment.
Well I'm not ashamed to say that I believe in God. I can't explain the feeling I get when I do go to church. I always get it when we start singing.

So yes, I guess you can say that it gives me a feeling of empowerment.

Nice man. May god be with you.
I wasn't really a wild kid, but I got told I was going to hell alot for challenging the teachers on certain issues. On the upside I learned alot about Christianity and other religions though, enough to make me realize that organized religion is pfft. I blame that school for my 'social and religious deviance'. :p

For me it was the hypocrisy as well. I do like to give people some leeway for hypocrisy, mainly because I don't think it's possible to go through life without being hypocritical... but those people at that school had it in truckloads.
I agree. I used to go to church every week, and I read my Bible like a good girl. I quit because I figured that if there truly is a God, then he knows how I feel..so why go to church or read the Bible? Just my thoughts though...
I have to say though, the Bible says some pretty wild things. The Tower of Babel story still astounds me to this day, and not in a good way.
Been in the God Squad for 24 years now, have many reasons why it works for me but don't fancy the flame war that always erupts whenever I say anything remotely connected to my faith. I either upset people with religion (which, I'll admit, is a lot of fun) or people without (slightly less fun because they get REALLY nasty sometimes).

I'll just leave it with this: I can walk. Three years ago I could not. Join the dots and believe whatever you want from that :)

*bows out of thread before angry atheists come and kill me with their words*
the day i need a youtube video to inspire me about my creator, is the day i seek help.

Tremor, you be right, i believe that the word of god is his word, but man being man, it is hard to figure out which bits he's edited and which he's kept....when the race is run, i believe and feel, that he is interested in two things,
1, how you are ?
2, What lays in your heart
i don't belive him to be sitting there with a big feather pen scratching into his book daming you like,

'' never done this, nope never done that, can't believe you did this.o0o0o00oo you're going to hell for that ''
I simply refuse to believe god, would damn someone who commits suicide. I've seen and heard Christians blast people who have known someone who took their own lives, with fire in their eyes and venom spewing from the mouth, and i simply refuse to believe that the creator of this mighty awesome universe, would attack a young girl who in her darkest hours of her young life was alone,scared,in fear and desperate! i wouldn't expect the creator to come down in a bolt of lightning, but i would expect him to pick her up when she's made her choice and vanish all her troubles and put her by his side.
and i'd also like to think he'd have a stern stern word with those who preach hell, i'd expect him to ask them what it is, they know of this hell they preach, '' Good enough for the goose, good enough for the gander.''
Brimstone stone preachers are like those Uni students you get who say '' so what you're saying is *********** '' then they try and tell YOU what your Opinions are.....i trust that, not even god likes being spoken to like that.

interesting how you had a religious up bringing with a boarding school and rejected god, yet i had no such education, but only the Scottish Highlands, and i went freely to him.... i think this means god is more of an artist, than an administrator. Crossing the T's and dotting the I's is something he'll reserve for those who insist on using their free will for evil in the world, and i think this is his endeavour, to show mankind that in all their brilliance, they still need him, but you will have the opertunity to refuse his vision for you. man may be made in his image, but it's an image man can't live upto, and one glance at the world confirms that.

You don't wake up and walk into the highlands, and lay your eyes on all that resides in the heather filled highlands and fail to understand you are looking at the best portrait ever known to man, no 3-d glasses needed, or admission fee, you don't even need eyesight or your hearing, the very fact you are alive, will give you access to the second grandest exhibition of them all.... the 1st, being the one he will unvail when we've shot our ammo.

just my thoughts....

The book of revelations is probably the best climactic ending to a book i've ever read lol.
Good Lord you ain't lying...the whole book of Revelations scares the poopoo outta me!

I'm so glad it's not just me.

I used to go to sunday school when i was a kid, I'm also Christened Methodist but my faith is.... somewhat lacking. I'm scared I'll go to hell for shooting a bunny in Fable 2. But, i don't know if pixel animals count.
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I'm so glad it's not just me.

I used to go to sunday school when i was a kid, I'm also Christened Methodist but my faith is.... somewhat lacking. I'm scared I'll go to hell for shooting a bunny in Fable 2. But, i don't know if pixel animals count.
All I do is shoot those bunnies...I'll see you in hell, I guess...

...where WE will be pixels and the bunnies will have the guns! OHS NOES!
I'll just leave it with this: I can walk. Three years ago I could not. Join the dots and believe whatever you want from that :)

That's just awesome :D I love it when I hear things like this. Some people would call it a miracle or whatever, but I believe otherwise.

Tremor, you be right, i believe that the word of god is his word, but man being man, it is hard to figure out which bits he's edited and which he's kept....when the race is run, i believe and feel, that he is interested in two things,
1, how you are ?
2, What lays in your heart
i don't belive him to be sitting there with a big feather pen scratching into his book daming you like,

'' never done this, nope never done that, can't believe you did this.o0o0o00oo you're going to hell for that ''
I simply refuse to believe god, would damn someone who commits suicide. I've seen and heard Christians blast people who have known someone who took their own lives, with fire in their eyes and venom spewing from the mouth, and i simply refuse to believe that the creator of this mighty awesome universe, would attack a young girl who in her darkest hours of her young life was alone,scared,in fear and desperate! i wouldn't expect the creator to come down in a bolt of lightning, but i would expect him to pick her up when she's made her choice and vanish all her troubles and put her by his side.
and i'd also like to think he'd have a stern stern word with those who preach hell, i'd expect him to ask them what it is, they know of this hell they preach, '' Good enough for the goose, good enough for the gander.''
Brimstone stone preachers are like those Uni students you get who say '' so what you're saying is *********** '' then they try and tell YOU what your Opinions are.....i trust that, not even god likes being spoken to like that.

i think this means god is more of an artist, than an administrator. Crossing the T's and dotting the I's is something he'll reserve for those who insist on using their free will for evil in the world, and i think this is his endeavour, to show mankind that in all their brilliance, they still need him, but you will have the opertunity to refuse his vision for you. man may be made in his image, but it's an image man can't live upto, and one glance at the world confirms that.

You don't wake up and walk into the highlands, and lay your eyes on all that resides in the heather filled highlands and fail to understand you are looking at the best portrait ever known to man, no 3-d glasses needed, or admission fee, you don't even need eyesight or your hearing, the very fact you are alive, will give you access to the second grandest exhibition of them all.... the 1st, being the one he will unvail when we've shot our ammo.

just my thoughts....

The book of revelations is probably the best climactic ending to a book i've ever read lol.

I couldn't have said it better myself mate.
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I'm a Christian at heart, but being a christian doesnt work for me. Not in this day and age, people are too bad, I've been in a few situation when people have been nasty about it, I dont need that sort of attention in my life, I'm not ashamed I never hide the facts I admit being religous. I just dont really think about it much... And quite frankly people who think it's right to scare the living sh!t out of kids with nasty storys about hell and demons and suffering... well those people make me sick and angry. I was forced to go to church, I never had my own choice, now I just live with it.

my christian primary school teachers... was horrible, I used to get bully'd by a fat ass black kid and no one ever helped me.... most times I've been bullied is from fellow "christians" so excuse me for not being a bible basher lol infact alot of religous people anoy me just because they think there so f-ing rightious and egotistical :P

On the other side, some of the best advice I've been givern is form Christians.
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most times I've been bullied is from fellow "christians" so excuse me for not being a bible basher lol infact alot of religous people anoy me just because they think there so f-ing rightious and egotistical :p

A lot of them annoy me too. Seriously, I don't think of people like that as Christians. I quit going to church because there was just as much drama going on there, as there was at school. Which is ridiculous. I don't wanna go to church to hear about how your boyfriend cheated on you, lol. I'm not there for drama.

And why should we fear him? I never understood that either lol.
I had a chat to someone on Omegle about religion, she was saying about hell and etternal suffereing is not fair, your sins you commit in a lifetime is finate, not infinate which means eternal suffereing isnt fair and God doesnt allow it.
I had a chat to someone on Omegle about religion, she was saying about hell and etternal suffereing is not fair, your sins you commit in a lifetime is finate, not infinate which means eternal suffereing isnt fair and God doesnt allow it.

I can't really agree with her. To me, it's just too obvious that He wouldn't allow evil. Who would allow something like that? Hell can't be unfair. To a point, a sin just can't be forgiven..it just depends on it's severity. Just my opinion though lol.