So, we're finally getting that long-awaited DLC for Resident Evil: Village. Surprisingly, we're actually going to play as Ethan's grown-up daughter Rose in the DLC which I honestly didn't expect. I have mixed feelings about this choice because it's a character we barely saw in the base game. Also, this DLC technically takes place in the year 2036 which just feels.... weird for a Resident Evil game.
As much as I dislike the supernatural aspects of this story, this is clearly what RE is about nowadays so I might just sit back and enjoy it for what it is. The story might be interesting in it's own way, and I'm pleasantly surprised that the DLC will be in third-person. It will definitely make it easier to connect to Rose as a character and what's happening around her.
However, with the announcement that the base game itself will get a third-person option, I can't help but question why they didn't give us this option earlier. I absolutely hate first-person in Resident Evil games, and if I had the option to play Village in third-person the first time around, I might've enjoyed it more. Now, Capcom is locking the third-person option behind a paywall.... sigh.