RESIDENT EVIL (My Screenplay)

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Dec 17, 2021
I want to adapt Resident Evil. I want to adapt it for live-action. More importantly, I want to adapt the first videogame. I tried multiple of times, but, failed hard since I was working on other things at those different times in the past.

Well, I started writing the current screenplay about a week and a half ago since the new movie is a flop I hear. Anyway, I started writing the screenplay, wanting to adapt the first Resident Evil videogame.

I started the plot with Jill Valentine in her apartment room. Then, she goes to The S.T.A.R.S. Office where we meet Albert Wesker, Joseph Frost, Brad Vickers, Chris Redfield, and Barry Burton.

They end up searching for their counterpart, The Bravo Team, out in the Arklay woods where they get ambushed by undead dogs.

They decide to run into a mansion that happens to be filled with the undead with undead creatures.

I added Ada Wong to the mix. We will meet her somewhat in the middle of the plot. She is looking for The T-Virus so she can expose the largest and biggest corporation in the world, Umbrella Inc., who is illegally experimenting with viral weaponry.

I will update this forum page of mine with the screenplay possibly soon.
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I feel it's cool that you're writing a screenplay. I feel it's cool that you love writing.

I remember going to the first and second releases of the RE movies in the theater. I hated both. I thought to myself, "These are not horror flicks. These are action movies. And bad ones, too. Motor cycles? Explosions? Okay, fine. But not in the way Hollywood did it. But I did like one part of the second movie, where there was this scene, where a teacher is in a school, at night (go figure), and the students, all, apparently, elementary school children, boys and girls, dressed in pleated skirts and/or pants, and they attack their teacher, because they're infected, and they kill and eat her. At least that's what I recall. It was a long time ago, so, I could be wrong. But, who knows? But there was this guy in the theater, who had brought his kids to see the movie, and him and his family were sitting in the row in front of me, off to the left of me, and, upon seeing that scene, his daughter started crying, so bad, that he had to take her out of the theater, and walk her up the isle and out of the theater. I was like, "What the hell is that guy thinking? That little girl is going to have nightmares now. She's completely traumatized by that scene now.". Oh, well. What are you going to do, right? Anyway, I hope you come up with something better than Hollywood did. I look forward to reading your screenplay.
I look forward to reading what you come up with! I write as well (not screenplays though) and as a side project to a novel in writing I'm doing a Resident Evil fanfic series around Chris Redfield and his perspective throughout the franchise (up through 6, anyway). My goal was actually to ground it more plausibly, tie up plot holes, and match it in tone to the recent remakes of 2 and 3. So while you're there crafting the perfect movie, I'm doing something similar but as a book

Hope your writing is going well!
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The biggest piece of advice I can give, as a screenwriter, is this:

  • Outline your work first. A script is different than a novel, and follows specific beats. If you are adapting the game to be a movie, then make it feel like a movie. Too many fan scripts end up feeling like a walkthrough of the video game, and scenes tend to fall flat.
  • Ratchet up the tension. If the characters are supposed to be nervous, scared, worried... then make us FEEL that. Don't just write "Jill is afraid".
  • Make the monsters count. Don't just write scenes where a monster jumps out, a character shoots it, and the monster dies. Again, ratchet up that tension. This means overall, you won't have as many monster encounters, because every time one appears, its a suspenseful scene.
  • A typical movie script is between 100 to 110 pages (which comes out to 100 to 110 minutes on average). The max a screenplay length is typically 120 pages (or, about 2 hours of screen time). Yes, Tarantino writes 150 page epics... that's because he is Tarantino. Yes, this is just a fan script... but try to approach it the way a hired writer would work on the adaptation. Most fan scripts I have read have 30-40 pages of material that could be cut from their work because it doesn't pertain to the story they are telling (instead, trying to set up RE2, RE3, or even later entries...)
Hopefully some of this helps.

About 5 years ago, I nailed my own adaptation of the game and wrote out the outline and characters, but with the current reboot, never wrote the script. With the newest film's performance, I may return to it and finally write it for future submission.

I wish you the best of luck, and hope to see what you have written.
Yes, Tarantino writes 150 page epics... that's because he is Tarantino.

Tarantino is such a has-been at this point really, the way he's been attacking Bruce Lee like a douche just demonstrates what money and fame can do to any human being, regardless of how talented they are.
Tarantino is such a has-been at this point really, the way he's been attacking Bruce Lee like a douche just demonstrates what money and fame can do to any human being, regardless of how talented they are.
And that has nothing to do with my statement. Personal feelings aside, it still stands that Tarantino can break screenwriting standards because of his success. Until a writer becomes successful, they must remain within the standards set by studios.
My only advice would be to not include Ada Wong. The plot of the original RE1 is not about exposing Umbrella but rather about discovering what Umbrella's been doing and getting out of the mansion alive. It's a sci-fi action thriller, and adding a secret agent like Ada to the mix would kind of spoil the surprise that an actual company is behind all of this. You have to think like you're writing this for someone who has NEVER heard of Resident Evil before, rather than trying to piece together plotlines from the whole RE universe to make it more "interesting" or "larger than life". That was the mistake the studio did.

The plot of RE1 is small and contained, and in order to adapt it successfully you have to stay close to that plot.