Resident Evil: Village I Just Bought Resident Evil 8 Village And This Is My Take On It Thus Far

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Murderer Enshrined

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2021
It steals a lot from other Resident Evil game, and from survival horror games in general. I really don't have a problem with that. Because that's kind of the nature of creativity. It's okay to be original, but that's often kind of hard, so it's okay to take something old and put a new spin on it. Movie makers and songwriters tend to do that all the time. Without divulging script and creating spoilers, because the game is still pretty new, I will keep this short. I'm enjoying it. But it's not Resident Evil. If you took the RE name away from it, you would never know it's Resident Evil - just like Resident Evil 7. It's a whole new game.
It steals a lot from other Resident Evil game, and from survival horror games in general. I really don't have a problem with that. Because that's kind of the nature of creativity. It's I'm enjoying it. But it's not Resident Evil. If you took the RE name away from it, you would never know it's Resident Evil - just like Resident Evil 7. It's a whole new game.

The same logic can be applied starting from RE4 onwards, "It's not Resident Evil, but I'm sinking plenty of time into it". Capcom has a habit of reinventing the series, but saving face by at least making great gameplay and interesting design choices and characters, they are oh so crafty in that regard.

I didn't spend nearly as much time on 'Village' as I did '4' though, not sure if it's because of my age or because 'RE4' was simply a more addictive game than 'Village'.

Ah well, there's a growing number of mods out there now both make fixes to the original formula (from roughly 1996-2002), like removing the "door" segments and improving graphics and also ones that are new games from scratch, but use the classic formula, some of them are quite good!

So as gamers and fans of the series, I guess the best bet is to try out Capcom's new offerings casually and dig through the bowels of the internet to find some cool mods and improvements for the classics.
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I'm going to say this, because it's very true: Resident Evil is very esoteric, as is survival horror, in general. This is the bottom line: THE UNDEAD

Bring them or don't bring them. If you don't, you're not indulging yourself in survival horror.

So, are both RE7 and RE8 survival horror? Yes. Without a doubt. And I enjoyed RE7 and I'm enjoying RE8, so I have no real complaints.
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I really, really enjoyed Village. However, I keep finding myself going back to RE7. It feels a tad more harrowing than Village does, to me. Village is easier than RE7 at its max difficulty, mostly because of upgradable weapons and carrying equipment over to other saves, unlike RE7, which had minimal rewards.

I'd like to point out that neither game has an infinite RPG, which hurts me inside, haha. Also, the Rocket Pistol doesn't count.
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I finished Village today. Granted, I was playing it on Casual. I wasn't sure if it would have any replay value. But I managed to amass some points and bought the infinite shotgun with them. I also bought Chris' sub machine gun. Fifty thousand more challenge points and I can make that gun infinite as well. I just have to find a way of farming a lot of challenge points. Sometimes that sort of thing can give a game a lot of replay value, at least it can for me. I love earning infinite weapons. Then I can go ahead and play it on Standard and then Hardcore.
I would read up on how to prep for the hardest difficulty in Village. Even with the best fully upgraded infinite ammo weapons, all of the recipes unlocked, and knowledge of the game (I played it 6 times through back to back), it is VERY hard. I used the infinite STAKE magnum and I had to literally prep every reload for every upcoming room because if I fail to plan it out, I lose precious healing items or just straight up die in 2-3 hits. A lot of people are better than me at the game, but facing Heisenberg is a problem for EVERYONE.

I like the use of the gothic fixtures in the game and the themes of classic horror novel characters/classic horror movie characters. And the game is SUPER fun. It is my game of the year, but I think people have real criticisms that are fair.
Heisenberg on VoS just requires you to be smart about how and when you fire your weapons at him, as well as when to block. If you memorize his animations for each of his actions, you'll he able to predict his next move. The most difficult part of VoS for me was Chris Redfield's section of the game, because there's no infinite S.T.A.K.E. available on that part. Even with Chris' weapons at infinite, that section of the game is a real chore to get through.
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In beating VoS, you'd be doing yourself a massive favor by watching one of the optimized New Game VoS speedruns. There are some tactics in there that would've made my VoS run a lot easier had I just watched the speedrun first lol. Notably the Sturm fight, Heisenberg and the Chris section.
In beating VoS, you'd be doing yourself a massive favor by watching one of the optimized New Game VoS speedruns. There are some tactics in there that would've made my VoS run a lot easier had I just watched the speedrun first lol. Notably the Sturm fight, Heisenberg and the Chris section.

Yeah, lots of despawning tricks and shortcuts. Those speedrunners are on another level, haha.
No joke. I watch Bawkbasoup, Distortion2 and Orchelon pretty regularly and Distortion especially ground the hell out of New Game VoS.

I watched CarcinogenSDA play through a New Game VoS No Damage run and his remarks about VoS were:

"So, Village of Shadows is a bull**** meme difficulty and I hate it. It's the equivalent of American Mario Maker players who think that a hard difficulty entails putting Bowser everywhere."

Honestly, yeah. Madhouse in RE7 was difficult because of how it was laid out, enemy speed, etc. The Lycans on VoS take multiple shotgun shells to the head, while even in Madhouse, a Molded will die from one shotgun blast to the head.
Honestly I didn't even fight many (if any) regular enemies is VoS, just bosses so I can't contribute much to that, but yea, VoS is like R3make Inferno difficulty. Just why?
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Honestly I didn't even fight many (if any) regular enemies is VoS, just bosses so I can't contribute much to that, but yea, VoS is like R3make Inferno difficulty. Just why?

Yeah, I pre-ordered the game, so I had VoS at launch, before all of these speedrunners and super gamers had learned the game and memorized it, so I did it the hard way, by killing almost every enemy. I died a lot, but I got through it. The Rocket Pistol was just such a crap reward, though. I wanted a rocket launcher, hahaha.
If I could give my two cents on the most difficult VoS parts of the game:

1. Mother Miranda is WAY harder on VoS. You have to memorize everything she does before she does it because she has a few instant kills/combos. I went in with the infinite STAKE and about 18 healing items and it still took me about 30 or so tries to defeat her.
2. Heisenberg - Even with memorizing his patterns, knowing when to block and when to shoot and having near perfect aim, there is a little bit of AI RNG about how quickly/often he attacks. Sometimes, he just wins the battle without giving you a chance.
3. The Lycan nest - You can choose to attack or run (which I did), but if you do not plan grenades and areas to flee to, you will die a bunch.
4. The FIRST Lycan ambush - This is just hard because you do not have all of your good items yet (at least I did not). I did a whole time wasting scenario where I climbed the ladder in that building on top of the hill like 50 times while attacking and fleeing when I literally HAD to.
5. Chris scenario. Planning out when to use the meds is actually a CHORE. But I made it through this section in like 3-4 tries. Not too bad.
If I could give my two cents on the most difficult VoS parts of the game:

1. Mother Miranda is WAY harder on VoS. You have to memorize everything she does before she does it because she has a few instant kills/combos. I went in with the infinite STAKE and about 18 healing items and it still took me about 30 or so tries to defeat her.
2. Heisenberg - Even with memorizing his patterns, knowing when to block and when to shoot and having near perfect aim, there is a little bit of AI RNG about how quickly/often he attacks. Sometimes, he just wins the battle without giving you a chance.
3. The Lycan nest - You can choose to attack or run (which I did), but if you do not plan grenades and areas to flee to, you will die a bunch.
4. The FIRST Lycan ambush - This is just hard because you do not have all of your good items yet (at least I did not). I did a whole time wasting scenario where I climbed the ladder in that building on top of the hill like 50 times while attacking and fleeing when I literally HAD to.
5. Chris scenario. Planning out when to use the meds is actually a CHORE. But I made it through this section in like 3-4 tries. Not too bad.
1) The Sniper Rifle is far more effective against Miranda than either magnum. Also, fun fact - flash grenades skip the pitch black phase of the fight.

2) Agreed

3) If you time it right you can easily run through this area with no damage taken. This is another good case for watching a speedrun prior to playing.

4) There is a cheese strategy whereby you can go through the first gate and effectively just push against it for a few minutes and skip the entire fight. No joke lol.

5) There is also a fairly consistent strategy whereby you use grenades only until you reach the point of using the target mechanic, and you can hide in one of the fenced yards to vastly minimize damage.

Watch the speedruns, friends. XD
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Okay, btw, I did manage to use that video to farm some challenge points and give myself the infinite assault rifle for the second go-around..... and I still have some challenge points left over to put towards the next purchase. All in all, pretty fun game, and amassing challenge points in an effort to gain infinite weapons does provide incentive to keep playing. So, essentially, as far as I'm concerned, not a bad buy.
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1) The Sniper Rifle is far more effective against Miranda than either magnum. Also, fun fact - flash grenades skip the pitch black phase of the fight.

2) Agreed

3) If you time it right you can easily run through this area with no damage taken. This is another good case for watching a speedrun prior to playing.

4) There is a cheese strategy whereby you can go through the first gate and effectively just push against it for a few minutes and skip the entire fight. No joke lol.

5) There is also a fairly consistent strategy whereby you use grenades only until you reach the point of using the target mechanic, and you can hide in one of the fenced yards to vastly minimize damage.

Watch the speedruns, friends. XD

You have all good points. But I want to make something very clear. Even if I watch the speedruns.... I WILL NEVER BE THAT GOOD. haha. I panic way too easily. Sometimes, it does help though. I used a lot of video walkthroughs to finish Hollow Knight.
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Okay, just real quick here, I've been playing the hell out of re8 and it's starting to feel like it's playing me.

Long story short, I'm playing it on hardcore now, but I got the infinite S.T.A.K.E., fully upgraded and customized.

I just wanted to say, I think they should change the name of hardcore difficulty to scream, yell and cuss at the T.V. screen 'til you almost want to make your T.V. screen eat the controller mode.

That will be all. Thank you and carry on.
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